How come you did not include Inspector Clusseau in this cluster F**k? are in a bar, accompanied by summa cum laude chess team members, and through the door another rocket scientist breathlessly shouts, "Your Mom and girlfriend and your other girlfriend are banging on each others' heads outside that door!" You're response is, 'Certainly someone with superior authority shall handle such an annoying situation. You're move, chap."What bothers me is that he was advised not to go out there and did.
Know his mother and girlfriend was involved and doubt many of us would take that advise.
But by going out there ( for the best reasons possible ) Carroo left himself open to being arrested and now must go through the legal system. So until what he didn't or did not do is proven in court, reinstatement should wait.
Might not be fair, but not many things in life are completely fair , including the legal system at times.