Landscaping centra NJ vs doing it yourself?

For me it's a very simple process.
Do I enjoy doing it?
Am I capable of doing it well?
Can I afford to pay someone?
Can I make more money doing something else during that time period?
Does it take away from valuable family time or events?
Okay, I will keep this short. Moving and spreading, do it yourself. Digging. Hire a crew.
PS if spreading rocks, did right with ano under base.
Thanks for the help guys.

My wife is great- she will probably end up doing more of the work than I.

As for work, we re-shingled the roof ourselves last year and saved about 8,000$. But I'd pay to have it done by someone else if I had to do it again, the work was hell. I guess I'll just have to call around locally and get an idea on prices.
Are you clowning us ? You seriously re-shingled your effing roof yourself and are debating with us whether to move mulch on your own.
The real issue is how much mulch and how far and difficult to move it to where it has to go. If less then 10 yds- then just do it yourself. Like I mentioned, I do over 40 yds each year. But I wouldn't recommend that to many.
Also for consideration, a pre emergent and a weed barrier. Also, if you hire someone to do it, it is usually labor cost = mulch cost. I have also always found they go way too thick. Not a bad idea your first year for a full 4 inches but it is overkill in later years.

One more thing...never, ever use red mulch unless you are a shopping plaza.
My wife and I did this ourselves last year with mulch that we bought in bags from Grow-rite in Lincoln Park. It was early in the spring and the mulch was from Canada and still frozen. My wife, who is freakishly strong for 125 lbs. broke up the mulch with her hands and ended up with carpal tunnel like symptoms for several months. She is a young 56 by the way, not an old 30.