Load Up On USC fellas...Rose Bowl SUSPENSIONS for PSU

Before the Big championship, Blacknall had 7 catches all season. Understand he was injured but I don't think he's much of a threat. Plus Wisconsin has the worst secondary I have watched all year (excluding RU)
Before the Big championship, Blacknall had 7 catches all season. Understand he was injured but I don't think he's much of a threat. Plus Wisconsin has the worst secondary I have watched all year (excluding RU)

Absurd comment: Wisconsin was 9th nationally in Pass Efficiency D so there's now way in hell that their secondary is comparable to ours. SMH
See! Flood knew what he was doing when he let SB go to PSU. Was not his type of player . . . . . Give the man credit for dodging that bullet and not tarnishing RU's reputation.
Yes he was smart to let lesser talented and stupid kids tarnish his awful reputation. Brilliant ;)
The Floodies are alive and welll... And clueless as always
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That's gotta suck for them missing out on the rose bowl. That's a sting that lasts a lifetime

I'm heartbroken for those two. LMAO!!!

PSU fans will likely claim that they missed a class, or missed curfew one night, i.e. something rather innocuous, and then claim that in the SEC a player needs to commit murder to be suspended one game. Funny that they seem to conveniently forget where PenisHead Franklin came from.
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I doubt that will ever come out. Violation of team rules.
Are you implying : Murder isn't a Violation of team rules and not subject to disciplinary action. :p

Personally I think the suspensions might not affect the game as much as we think.
The suspended LBer might be the bigger loss. I think he was a starter
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Are you implying : Murder isn't a Violation of team rules and not subject to disciplinary action. :p

Personally I think the suspensions might not affect the game as much as we think.
The suspended LBer might be the bigger loss. I think he was a starter

Both were starters. Blacknall is a legit deep ball threat. I agree with you that Bowen is probably the bigger loss.

My guess is that it was just short of murder. Probably something like asking a professor to change a grade, drugs or maybe even smacking a woman around.

Both were starters. Blacknall is a legit deep ball threat. I agree with you that Bowen is probably the bigger loss.

My guess is that it was just short of murder. Probably something like asking a professor to change a grade, drugs or maybe even smacking a woman around.

Don't think those three things are covered by Penn St.
Believe they are common everyday occurrences sanctioned by the Penn St administration.
But could have been academic related , like hitting the books to be ready for an Animal Science exam instead of reading the Rose Bowl game playbook.
Doesn't matter. USC is going to run them over like a reese's cup in the middle of the NJ turnpike.

Let us hope and pray that is correct.

One thing for sure, on January 2 we are all hardcore USC fans.
First semester grades start rolling in about now, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's related.

Could be true for Blacknall if he's taking a class in geography. . He didn't know what state "LSU" was located in when they were recruiting him per one of his classmates.
The comments attached to the article show the weakass "punishment" issued to Penn State for their 40 years of transgressions was not lost on the general public.
The comments attached to the article show the weakass "punishment" issued to Penn State for their 40 years of transgressions was not lost on the general public.
Ridiculous. the State Penns fans that can't stay away from our board tell us everyone has moved on except us jealous Rutgers and Pitt fans
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Pretty sure it isn't related to academics or Franklin would have simply said that.

Further, Blacknall and Bowen were both Academic All-Big Ten this fall. They obviously did something stupid, not related to class. Hopefully they learn from this because both have a chance to be major contributors in 2017.

I think the impact on this game might be being overstated just a tad. Blacknall has emerged as a big-play threat, no doubt, but he also ranked sixth on the team in receptions this season and has two young 4-star talents behind him in Irvin Charles and Juwan Johnson. Bowen could prove to be the bigger loss if Koa Farmer's warts show playing a full complement of snaps and/or a linebacker gets injured.

Regardless, this is a team that was without seven defensive starters and playing a walk-on from the wrestling team at one point, and one that is also down its top three offensive tackles; no one's going to start making excuses now.
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Further, Blacknall and Bowen were both Academic All-Big Ten this fall. They obviously did something stupid, not related to class. Hopefully they learn from this because both have a chance to be major contributors in 2017.

I think the impact on this game might be being overstated just a tad. Blacknall has emerged as a big-play threat, no doubt, but he also ranked sixth on the team in receptions this season and has two young 4-star talents behind him in Irvin Charles and Juwan Johnson. Bowen could prove to be the bigger loss if Koa Farmer's warts show playing a full complement of snaps and/or a linebacker gets injured.

Regardless, this is a team that was without seven defensive starters and playing a walk-on from the wrestling team at one point, and one that is also down its top three offensive tackles; no one's going to start making excuses now.

The WO from the wrestling team is nothing compared to starting a 6'3, 205 true FR at ILB IMO.
Both were starters. Blacknall is a legit deep ball threat. I agree with you that Bowen is probably the bigger loss.

My guess is that it was just short of murder. Probably something like asking a professor to change a grade, drugs or maybe even smacking a woman around.


Going to say something nice.

At least Franklin suspended players who contribute unlike the suspensions at Miami.