Looking Back at the Flood Era...Different Perspective

We all know what the deal is....time to appreciate we had some good wins and some fun in coach Flood four years, but he isn't here anymore because he didn't get it done all the way and there were issues

Time to understand the past and get behind 100% the current to keep what was good going and fix in a big way what wasn't so the program can take the next st
We all know what the deal is....time to appreciate we had some good wins and some fun in coach Flood four years, but he isn't here anymore because he didn't get it done all the way and there were issues

Time to understand the past and get behind 100% the current to keep what was good going and fix in a big way what wasn't so the program can take the next st

everybody is behind the current coach, but it isn't a sin, to give Flood his due. Yes, he was imperfect, and had his faults, but ultimately, I think he did his best, and he wasn't the devil, as some would have you believe. Everything he did was with good intentions, though things didn't turn out as we'd hope. For a bargain basement hire, he actually did alright. When he was hired, i wasn't expecting him to last beyond a couple of years anyways, and he actually exceeded my expectations.
Player retention. That is the one area he really failed at. Sometimes that is not all the coaches fault but when you are the HC your neck is on the line for the actions of your team. Guys quitting, failing and getting arrested led to his demise.

Agree with the OP that things were not as bad as many make them out to be for the last 4 years but we needed to make a change. No question.

I will say after the NC blowout I thought we were possibly moving in the right direction but the BS of last year knocked us down a peg. We return a lot of trench players and some playmakers as well. I see a step back up as almost a lock this season. Then again, I'm an optimist.
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Flood's time here for me was like the movie "The Sixth Sense" with Bruce Willis. When they did those flashbacks at the end that showed everything you needed to figure out the movie was there all along. Since Ash's hiring, I have a totally different view of Flood.
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Player retention. That is the one area he really failed at. Sometimes that is not all the coaches fault but when you are the HC your neck is on the line for the actions of your team. Guys quitting, failing and getting arrested led to his demise.

Agree with the OP that things were not as bad as many make them out to be for the last 4 years but we needed to make a change. No question.

I will say after the NC blowout I thought we were possibly moving in the right direction but the BS of last year knocked us down a peg. We return a lot of trench players and some playmakers as well. I see a step back up as almost a lock this season. Then again, I'm an optimist.

Attrition is part of college football, and ours really wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things. the big issue was the arrests and going under cover, and that really hurt our retention.

another thing which really hurt Flood was making the cheapskate typical Rutgers BS hire of McDaniels as OC. I just don't know why we have to be the training center for new coaches. You have Charlie Weiss, sitting there, unemployed, but instead, we went the cheapskate route, and it showed. Thanks to Fridge, we beat WSU, Md, and Michigan in '14. Those games became losses in '15, and coaching was part of the reason.
I was okay with Flood getting the job at the time, with the thinking he would have a short leash. The fact he lasted 4 years and got an extension and raise is the true disgrace. I wanted him gone in 2013 when we lost to a UConn team that only won one conference game. I wanted him fired in 2014 when we were down 25 to Maryland and I wanted him fired last year numerous times. The fact we aren't in worse shape now is a complete miracle.

I will give him credit for doing a good job of red shirting players, but I'm not sure what else he did well.
The bloom went off the rose with Kent State, Pitt and the bleeping excuse for a bowl game in Orlando in 2012. The recruits de-committing, revolving door of coordinators and questionable choices were the final nail. He had to go.
What's the point of saying, oh there were some good moments. So what. Time to look forward. #Ashera
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Player retention. That is the one area he really failed at. Sometimes that is not all the coaches fault but when you are the HC your neck is on the line for the actions of your team. Guys quitting, failing and getting arrested led to his demise.

Agree with the OP that things were not as bad as many make them out to be for the last 4 years but we needed to make a change. No question.

I will say after the NC blowout I thought we were possibly moving in the right direction but the BS of last year knocked us down a peg. We return a lot of trench players and some playmakers as well. I see a step back up as almost a lock this season. Then again, I'm an optimist.

Good point on player retention. I know all programs have players leave/ transfer out but we seemed to have a higher number of people leave much faster, with most (if not all) moving down a notch or so and still struggling to make an impact. IMO that went back to Flood's recruiting woes and inability to close on the more solid prospects.

Joe P.
Attrition is part of college football, and ours really wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things. the big issue was the arrests and going under cover, and that really hurt our retention.

another thing which really hurt Flood was making the cheapskate typical Rutgers BS hire of McDaniels as OC. I just don't know why we have to be the training center for new coaches. You have Charlie Weiss, sitting there, unemployed, but instead, we went the cheapskate route, and it showed. Thanks to Fridge, we beat WSU, Md, and Michigan in '14. Those games became losses in '15, and coaching was part of the reason.
Al, by numbers our retention may not be so bad but you cannot compare us to teams who are recruiting better than us year in and year out. More importantly was our depth at D Back two of the last 3 years. We had to throw a bunch of true freshmen into the fire which was fine when you lose 3 guys to the draft in 2013 but to have the same thing happen 2 years later really hurt our development as a program. We could not play the aggressive D that we all love to see because of these issues.

I am hoping we return enough experience and depth to play aggressive D on 2016. LB is a position of inexperience but we can mask that with a strong push up front and aggressive bump and run coverages.
My memories of Flood will be 2-fold:

1) as co-OC the on-field results made me think him incompetent
2) as head coach he seemed like an actor playing the role of head coach.. again, not fit to actually do the job required.

The players seemed to love him, but they could not love the results. And I don't see how QBs not named Nova or WRs or TEs could love him.
One big difference that stands out is With KF we were getting a Hofstra, Delaware, Columbia perspective (Assistant coaches included) Now we are getting a OSU, Wisconsin, Iowa, perspective and they are worlds apart.
It amazes me that people think a coach who got suspended was "a good guy". They would be shark bait at any used car parking lot. Most likely voting for Trump too.
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There were some good things that occurred in the Flood era, but for me, his total ignorance of and arrogance with the importance of performing well and to the letter his off-gridiron coaching duties made him a terrible coach. He only has himself to blame if he is on the sandwich making side of the Subway counter now.
I was okay with Flood getting the job at the time, with the thinking he would have a short leash. The fact he lasted 4 years and got an extension and raise is the true disgrace.

I'm with you. Hiring a guy with NO head coaching experience should have had him on an extremely short leash. Unfortunately, RU got fooled with him not totally screwing up the season by one of our best teams in recent memory. Instead of thinking we should have done better (just remember how the last 4-5 games of that season went), they bought into the "championship" that we shared with half of the conference.

He should never have been extended. It's not like the extension wounding up helping recruiting... Flood simply couldn't recruit.
Flood was/is a bargain basement bum.

The off the field stuff and the deteriorating recruiting success doomed Kyle Flood. And I do like the direction we're headed in. That being said, Flood had the best winning percentage of ANY head football coach at Rutgers since we dumped Frank Burns in 1983 and "went Big Time". Better than Graber, better than Anderson, better than Shea, and yes...better than Schiano. Since 1984, Rutgers has had a winning percentage of about 43%. Kyle Flood had a 53% winning percentage. I'm glad he's been replaced, but let's not put him in the same category with the disasters that were Littlepage, Shea, and Jordan. And let's see the new guy's recruiting before we conclude that it was the salesman not the product being sold that was the problem with keeping NJ kids home.
Kbee, using winning percentage for Flood vs. Burns/Schiano is a huge misnomer, especially when you consider what Schiano inherited and that Burns may have arguably had a bigger jump in competition with less resources over the course of his career...put it this way- put Flood in when Burns or Schiano started at Rutgers; what's the outcome?

Joe P.
I liked Flood, met him at some charity events, he was a good guy, but agree, was in over his head. Sorry he got caught up in the academic stuff, but did it to himself.

After the first game against Tulane I knew we would never be aggressive offensively, and after Kent state, I knew he was done. There are no circumstances we should have lost that game. 6 ints should have never happened.