Lot 8 Naming Options

Originally posted by TheRut14:
Originally posted by mentulbloc:

I like the concept of integrating a historical name into that relays how old the school really is:
Colonial Square
Revolution Plaza
Queens Square
1766 Charter Place
Colonel Court

Anyway, I don't really care what they call it. Union place still has a nice ring and does not seem confusing to me.
Revolution would be pretty cool
I would like something like Colonial or Revolution if it were a more Federal style building complex. That could be a good idea if anything is ever done elsewhere that might feel more fitting. This space is basically modern dorms and retail. They are quite large and will dominate the area...not particularly colonial or bring to mind anything historic

I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion or requests for ideas for the Honors College and SAS site on Holy Hill. Those are much more landmark projects that have the potential to be uniquely Rutgers. I had offered the idea of having a statue of Henry Rutgers on the site in another thread and still think it would be a great addition perhaps to the green space or the oval space that was in the renderings (again this is for the Holy Hill space not Lot 8). I even emailed the idea to the President's office but didn't receive a form letter response back.
I heard that a Cap & Skull fundraiser is underway for a knight on horseback statue that will be placed on one of the new College Ave projects.
Originally posted by Scarlet Pride:

Originally posted by TheRut14:

Originally posted by mentulbloc:

I like the concept of integrating a historical name into that relays how old the school really is:
Colonial Square
Revolution Plaza
Queens Square
1766 Charter Place
Colonel Court

Anyway, I don't really care what they call it. Union place still has a nice ring and does not seem confusing to me.
Revolution would be pretty cool
I would like something like Colonial or Revolution if it were a more Federal style building complex. That could be a good idea if anything is ever done elsewhere that might feel more fitting. This space is basically modern dorms and retail. They are quite large and will dominate the area...not particularly colonial or bring to mind anything historic

I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion or requests for ideas for the Honors College and SAS site on Holy Hill. Those are much more landmark projects that have the potential to be uniquely Rutgers. I had offered the idea of having a statue of Henry Rutgers on the site in another thread and still think it would be a great addition perhaps to the green space or the oval space that was in the renderings (again this is for the Holy Hill space not Lot 8). I even emailed the idea to the President's office but didn't receive a form letter response back.
4 for 4.
Buh - Scarlet Green. So tacky - but I guess that fits for a "green" who's main attraction is a tacky big screen TV and a Wawa.
Union _______ is incredibly generic, as is Hamilton _______. They sound like the name of any number of townhouse complexes and transit villages in north Jersey.

Go with something that represents or gives a nod to the school's history, its colonial founding, or just go with Gray Terrace as a nod to J&J and the impressive home that once stood on that land. My $0.02.

Its also a good point that Union St. won't even be visible from the lawn on the property. Rutgers has been driving the fraternities off for years now as well, so I doubt the administration would be thrilled with the new property referencing what was once frat row.
This post was edited on 6/24 10:52 AM by Ole Cabbagehead
Originally posted by derleider:
Buh - Scarlet Green. So tacky - but I guess that fits for a "green" who's main attraction is a tacky big screen TV and a Wawa.
+1,000. No offense to Cofifa, but I still cannot believe anyone at the administration thinks this project is a good idea. This is clearly the disaster of this round of buildings, and we are going to be stuck with it for a lonnnng time. The buildings are ugly, and the gigantic TV screen doesn't exactly do anything to mitigate that fact.

The "lawn" is going to be much smaller than it appears, and the central goal seems to be to create a space that will deliver effective advertising to any student who inadvertently looks up from their iPhone. We will have our own shitty times square right on campus when this gets finished. What an eyesore to anyone driving by. This notion that the TV is for "cultural content" is the biggest joke going. Its to show cultural content as much as the ribbon scoreboards at the football stadium are used to tell us when a flag is down on the play.
Rather than "Green" it could be a name using "Square" instead as someone mentioned before...

A couple suggestions

Leydt Square (named after Matthew Leydt the first graduate of Queen's College)

McCormick Square (after Richard P. McCormick - the father not the RU President)

DeWitt Square (after Simeon DeWitt - Geographer and Surveyor General of the Continental Army during the American Revolution - an aide to Washington. And the only graduate of the class of 1776)
Is there any tradition at any of our aspirational peers to name locations after historic grads? I dunno, to me it seems like these ideas would be commemorating people just for "showing up," they didn't give anything or do anything notable.
Originally posted by RUJohnny:
Is there any tradition at any of our aspirational peers to name locations after historic grads? I dunno, to me it seems like these ideas would be commemorating people just for "showing up," they didn't give anything or do anything notable.
Well, Johns Hopkins named the Keyser Quad after the guy who help the University secure the land on which that part of campus was built. So maybe we should call this Cofifa Square.
Originally posted by RUJohnny:
Is there any tradition at any of our aspirational peers to name locations after historic grads? I dunno, to me it seems like these ideas would be commemorating people just for "showing up," they didn't give anything or do anything notable.
I'm all for calling it "Insert Donor Name" Square if someone steps up with an eight figure gift for the project.

Otherwise I think some historic relation to Rutgers is a good area to focus. I think most people would say that the history of the school has great value in terms of building student/alumni pride and could be a great way to find a name. That may be naming it after graduates as I suggested in my last post or other historic significance such as the Union Place suggestion.

I guess you might say that Leydt "just showed up" but I do think as the first graduate of the school the historic significance alone is important.

And yes I guess DeWitt "just showed up" as well but did so as the only student during a time of turmoil in the country and certainly gave plenty and did plenty for the country. Since my last post, I found out that a building on campus is already named after DeWitt so I wouldn't use his name.

I'm assuming you're not talking about McCormick because if you are then perhaps you need to research a little about Richard P. McCormick and just how much he "gave" and "did" for Rutgers. I have not been able to find out if the McCormick halls on busch are named for him.

Unless someone gives major money (8 figures or more - Rutgers has in the past given away naming opportunities for too little) it should be linked to some historical context.
Originally posted by Scarlet Pride:

Originally posted by RUJohnny:
Is there any tradition at any of our aspirational peers to name locations after historic grads? I dunno, to me it seems like these ideas would be commemorating people just for "showing up," they didn't give anything or do anything notable.
I'm all for calling it "Insert Donor Name" Square if someone steps up with an eight figure gift for the project.

Otherwise I think some historic relation to Rutgers is a good area to focus. I think most people would say that the history of the school has great value in terms of building student/alumni pride and could be a great way to find a name. That may be naming it after graduates as I suggested in my last post or other historic significance such as the Union Place suggestion.

I guess you might say that Leydt "just showed up" but I do think as the first graduate of the school the historic significance alone is important.

And yes I guess DeWitt "just showed up" as well but did so as the only student during a time of turmoil in the country and certainly gave plenty and did plenty for the country. Since my last post, I found out that a building on campus is already named after DeWitt so I wouldn't use his name.

I'm assuming you're not talking about McCormick because if you are then perhaps you need to research a little about Richard P. McCormick and just how much he "gave" and "did" for Rutgers. I have not been able to find out if the McCormick halls on busch are named for him.

Unless someone gives major money (8 figures or more - Rutgers has in the past given away naming opportunities for too little) it should be linked to some historical context.
5 for 5.
The link above says that the residence hall on Busch campus is indeed named for Richard P. McCormick. Of course there is no bar against having multiple facilities named after one. There are three buildings on the Berkeley campus named for William Randolph Hearst, who gave the money to create all three. The big problem I see is making sure people understand that Richard P. McCormick and Richard L. McCormick are decidedly different individuals -- not that I think the latter was all that bad as president.

Richard P.McCormick & Busch campus
Square is good if we want to follow the Cambridge and Princeton models. We already have Kilmer Square. Robeson Square?
On 11/14 Cofifa posted (in the original thread):

"We will post modifications to lot 8
the way anyone have any ideas for a monicker for the area formerly know
as Lot8 or the grease truck lot"

Anyone know where the modifications can be found?

This post was edited on 7/2 7:37 PM by jdm1979
If this project is still on schedule to open in 2016,a name reflecting Rutger's 250th anniversary might be appropriate.

However none of the terms:

- Sestercentennial
- Semiquincentennial
- Bicenquinquagenary (Princeton actually used this one.)
- Quarter-millennial

exactly roll off of the tongue.

RU 250 Plaza?

Any suggestions?
Originally posted by scarlet night:
Colonial Square? Something referencing that we were founded in that era?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Someone suggested something like this earlier and it would be great IF it were a more traditional federal style set of buildings. This space is so modern in style and scale that "colonial" would seem an odd name for it. Just my opinion but I think the more ideas we keep throwing out there the closer we will get or we will realize that one of them is the right fit.
Originally posted by scarlet night:
Colonial Square? Something referencing that we were founded in that era?
Posted from Rivals Mobile

I'd go with the DeWitt Square option, then.

Colonial Square would be a weird name for a bunch of modern buildings. And without any historical significance to the site, something like Cannon Square or Liberty House Square just doesn't make sense.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like DeWitt Square.

If the lawn is to be used as a gathering place for students to watch events on a big screen, there will probably be some news coverage of some of the gatherings (for example, ESPN might show the students watching a bowl game). There is nothing interesting for the announcers to say about students gathering in Colonial Square or Union Place. But if they are gathering at DeWitt Square, they can announce that the square is named for the only member of the Class of 1776 (and possibly elaborate that after leaving New Brunswick, DeWitt joined the Continental Army as an aide to George Washington and Geographer and Surveyor General of the Army.)

This post was edited on 7/3 1:12 PM by Upstream
Originally posted by scarlet night:
Colonial Square? Something referencing that we were founded in that era?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Unfortunately, this sounds like a strip mall. In fact, I'd guess there are more than a few shopping centers with this exact name across the country.
Orlando, Florida, has the colonial plaza shopping mall, and Orlando wasn't even founded until the 19th century. I think DeWitt Square is too obscure and I doubt any broadcaster would mention its derivation. All in all, we're not proving our genius at advertising.
I don't know that any name would cause a broadcaster to talk about it but DeWitts story is interesting and if nothing else they might say he was the only member of his class in 1776. A historical plug. And if not at least it is a name with true meaning to Rutgers. A plaque could be included on the site so that visitors would understand the names significance and help strengthen the schools historic roots even in a modern setting.
In reality,everything posted here is a reach and probably to forced. IMO, there's nothing worse than a forced tradition. Paid say just out it out there, and let the students come up with a moniker for it and let it stick.
Will there be any sculpture or other work of art prominently positioned that will inspire students to give the complex a nickname?
(I'd hate for it to be known as 'Billboard Plaza')
Bob-loblaw -- we're talking about selecting an official name for the site. Of course it is forced. Official names rarely come about through grassroots genesis. Whether it is Times Square, Bryant Park, or Voorhees Mall, all the names were selected artificially.

(Ironically, to your comment, one of the criticisms of DeWitt as NY's Surveyor General is his selection of place names.)
Posted from Rivals Mobile