Lowest Missed Tackle Rate Teams -Rutgers #1

I felt one of the few things ash coached adequately was tackling
Are you being sarcastic? For real - I don’t know how to pull up those stats but we were beyond awful at tackling and the problem was fixed instantly in 2020 when Greg returned. I don’t think it’s as much a credit to Greg as it was that the defense on those Ash teams were really bad.
Rugby tackling
Damn, beat me to it! Nice to see this stat and Rutgers leading the nation. Some of our teams in the past had to be among the worst. Credit a defensive minded coach/coaches who know the craft well.
Great stat to lead obviously. One thing Ive noticed is there is horrible tackling in college football now. Even the teams at the top aren't great. Solid job by the team.
it's clear out there. Just like the receivers actually diving for balls and making catches vs. drops. What a difference.
LSU/Ole Miss game was horrid tackling. They must not practice it much. It was really bad.
Unreal we're tied first for sacks allowed as well. We've only given up two so far. Major props to the coaches and players for turning this thing around.
Unreal we're tied first for sacks allowed as well. We've only given up two so far. Major props to the coaches and players for turning this thing around.
We are tied for third in the nation with only 3 turnovers lost.
Penn State #1 at 1, and we are tied with Maryland and Ohio State for 3 turnovers lost.

Next in B1G are Michigan and Indiana at 5 then Minnesota and Wisconsin with 6.

Another example of the B1G West sucking vs the B1G East.
Week 5 updated stop rates for defense.

RU is 11
Wisconsin 20
Iowa 26
MSU 59
IU 89
LSU 125

Except for Cioffi.
Regarding Cioffi- he never should have been playing as a 160lb True Freshman and that was when he got trucked. During his Jr/Sr seasons- he was rarely if ever trucked and a very solid tackler.
Juts another time that we like to remember a single incident and make it the truth forever
Schiano has always preached sound fundamental football and with an upgrade in player quality and coaching quality over the past few years, we're finally playing that kind of football on both sides of the ball. Few turnovers, few penalties, good tackling, not missing a lot of blocking assignments, mostly solid special teams, and good decision-making by our QB. That should be good enough for 6 wins with average talent and competitive losses against teams with top talent (and maybe an upset if we have a great day and a "better" team doesn't).
Schiano has always preached sound fundamental football and with an upgrade in player quality and coaching quality over the past few years, we're finally playing that kind of football on both sides of the ball. Few turnovers, few penalties, good tackling, not missing a lot of blocking assignments, mostly solid special teams, and good decision-making by our QB. That should be good enough for 6 wins with average talent and competitive losses against teams with top talent (and maybe an upset if we have a great day and a "better" team doesn't).
Agree- and with the new coaches he brought in to go along with a couple he brought in last year- this staff is as solid as they come. We still don't have the depth and talent of the top 4 teams in the B1G but we are playing in a way that it gives us a chance each game.
I have said it many times as I have heard it from NFL Coaches, players and GM's directly to me, Rutgers players come into the league knowing the fundamentals. Which sounds sort of stupid- of course they should know fundamentals by the time they get to the show. It is the furthest from the truth. First thing they tell most players that are not in a sill position- "FORGET everything you know" Our kids come in to a camp and coaches and vets had originally been surprised that this did not pertain to Rutgers players and all they have to do is get them stronger. And then it came to be expected.
Agree- and with the new coaches he brought in to go along with a couple he brought in last year- this staff is as solid as they come. We still don't have the depth and talent of the top 4 teams in the B1G but we are playing in a way that it gives us a chance each game.
I have said it many times as I have heard it from NFL Coaches, players and GM's directly to me, Rutgers players come into the league knowing the fundamentals. Which sounds sort of stupid- of course they should know fundamentals by the time they get to the show. It is the furthest from the truth. First thing they tell most players that are not in a sill position- "FORGET everything you know" Our kids come in to a camp and coaches and vets had originally been surprised that this did not pertain to Rutgers players and all they have to do is get them stronger. And then it came to be expected.
Agree, except for “top 4 teams”.
Who’s included? TOSU, Mich, PSU, plus whoever is playing Rutgers this week!