I had Hopkins giving 2.5. Thought I was gold when the line went to 4 pregame and Hop looked to be taking over up 4.FYI- This evening
Hopkins 11 - Towson 10
Yeah those reasons gave me pause but I liked the fact that the travel to Towson was in their backyard and I fully expected the offense to be way more tested and crisper than Towsend who was playing in their first game. Also, with all due respect to Towsend, I just did not think they would stay within 3 against one of the better Big Ten programs for all 4 quarters. Maryland screwed me too against Richmond when MD was absolutely suffocating Richmond then put their twos in and Richmond controlled the 4th quarter with a backdoor cover. I was one failed MD clear with 45 seconds left from covering then MD decided to let the only kid on Richmond to sniff the goal all day get his hat trick.I wouldn't bet favorites during midweek games. They can often be much closer than anticipated. To Hopkins specifically, they were coming off a road trip to Denver. Recovery day Sunday and a light practice Monday then the game. That's a tall order.
Good for them though, they to through it 2-0. No one likes rooting for Hopkins but the higher they are ranked when we play them the better.
Yeah I laid off both of those thankfully. Not sure why either cause I did like em. Have yet to look at lines today.Lehigh loses outright.
Syracuse fails to cover.