The old usenet groups in 1995 arguing with the Penn State guys over Paterno RUTSing.
Joe Bonaker ( wrote:
: Michael Anthony Leonard wrote:
: > dude, I'm from your neck of the woods (aka, near state college), and I
: > gotta respond to this. The fact of the matter is, the score was 52-34
: > late in the fourth. I don't care who the QB don't throw passes
: > here.
: I'll defer to your coaching wisdom. He gave the kid one (count 'em, one)
: pass play. He failed to instruct this 2nd string QB to throw the ball
: into coverage to his #1 receiver, the 3rd string TE. He didn't explain
: that the youngster should ignore a wide-open #2 receiver, the 2nd string
: flanker, and succumb to the 8-man front. Clearly this is Paterno's
: watershed, a blunder of Hayes-esque proportions. Please submit your
: application forthwith....
Man, you PSU fans Paterno until death. About this whone RUTS thing, noone is
blaming the second stingers for making a heads up play. The problem is
with Paterno's play selection. One week before the game saint Paterno gives
sermon on the evils of RUTS. At the RU game with a minute and 24 seconds
in the game(three kneels on the ball would have ended the game with a victory)
, the RU coach conceding the game, he put 8 men on the line expecting the kneel, Saint Joe calls a pass. Let's give Joe the benefit of the doubt, and
say the play wasn't designed for a TD only a short gain When the RU coach
calls him on the TD, and I quote " I didn't think you'ld play it that way
coach" Saint Paterno forgeting he's on national television comes back with
the brilliant reponse, and I quote "That's bullshit". No gracious explanation
to a losing coach, not even a "Well I'm sorry you see it that way" but an
imediate use of profanity. Joe has lost it.
: Paterno was guilty of being sanctimonious regarding one of sport's -- and
: life's -- unwritten rules: bury your opponents when they are down. In a
: twist of fate (poetic justice?), an otherwise uneventful play blew up in
: his face. IMOBO (OB ... obviously biased), JoePa wasn't overtly trying to
: RUTS, nor was he exactly calling off his 2nd/3rd string dogs at garbage
: time. The kids broke off a big play, and he was left to deal with the
: criticism of the press. He really didn't expect the opposing coach to
: whine, and blew up at his insinuations. Embarrassing, regrettable?
: Absolutely. Proof to the world that Paterno lacks integrity, is a
: hypocrite? Hardly.
: > p.s.: paterno's not such a god as many of you have built him up to be.
: > I used to respect the man for coaching for the kids and being a
: > disciplinarian...until I saw (in recent years) how he has kept some
: > "problem students" on the team well after they screwed up. (Can you say
: > oj mcduffie, for starters?)
: >
: > anyway, don't challenge me to name more...'cuz i can do it.
: In pop psychology terms, consider yourself challenged. ;-)
: Out with it, man! Unburden your soul. Open our eyes to
: the tawdry world of stolen stereos, drunken brawls ("aggrevated
: assault" sounds so much dicier, no?), and other heinous crimes.
: No knowledgeable PSU fan believes Paterno and his program are
: immune to the problems encountered by some of its more adventurous
: young men. We do believe that they work extremely hard at screening
: recruits for the "right" kind of kid, an inexact science at best.
: Joe B.