My new Eugene theory

It’s not the fact that he’s transferring that bothers me. He may have thought things out and felt that for personal reasons this is the best thing to do. What bothers me is the way that he did it. It shows a true lack of character. A real man of character would have called his coach had a heart to heart talk, explained what he was doing and then made an announcement in an appropriate way at an appropriate time.
It just shows a lack of respect for the Rutgers community that supported him so much over the past three years. To make an announcement over social media in the middle of the night that surely would have such far-reaching impact on so many people who followed him and cared about him reveals a tremendous defect in his character.
As a division head with responsibility for hiring people, if I heard this story about someone I would tell him he’s not the type of person I want working for me.
Yup, it was a gutless, scumbag move. Low life typa shit
Yup, it was a gutless, scumbag move. Low life typa shit

I dunno about the uproar over the 12 midnight post, or the misspelling of Pike's name either. Those things are the tail wagging the dog. He told Pike about his decision earlier in the day/evening, so the fact that he announced it on IG at 12 midnight is "meh" to me.

The real issue is him not announcing his departure until May 28, which is way too late for Pike to bring in a replacement who can help this year. The fact that he informed Pike literally HOURS after Rutgers announced the game in Toronto -- a game we scheduled specifically for Eugene -- adds insult to injury.
Said in another thread. If Eugene left because he didn't want to compete for minutes, he made the right move. This isn't the place for him.

Based on what we have seen on the court from Eugene, I highly doubt he is afraid of competition.
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Based on what we have seen on the court from Eugene, I highly doubt he is afraid of competition.
Based on what we saw off and on the court from Eugene, he was the last guy we’d expect to transfer. So all conventional wisdom is out the window, and the competition factor is plausible.
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Based on what we have seen on the court from Eugene, I highly doubt he is afraid of competition.
Competing against an opponent in a real game and competing for minutes and your role on the team are two different types of competition. He never backed down in a real game and played fearlessly. When he saw his minutes and role threatened he cowered and ran.

People need to stop referring to this hypothetical healthy EO. That player would not exist next year regardless. An EO with knee issues was the version we would have gotten this year and that version was getting worked by Harper in the off season and likely thought with a grad senior stud like Yeboah also on the way that his role was in question and ran from the challenge
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I'd be very surprised if it was "I'm not good enough" instead of "I'm too good for Rutgers." All these guys have egos and who knows who's in their ear.

A player could believe both of these thoughts about himself at the same time. I imagine that it would be very difficult for EO to accept a reduced position on the team due to Yeboah's arrival, but still think he was entitled to the same minutes as this past season.
I have no issue with EO wanting to transfer for his reasons (i.e. pissed someone recruited at his position, wanting to play with his boy, not given option to redshirt, etc) but the way he did it was simply classless. Didn’t tell Pike or teammates, did it through social media and waited until after Canada game was confirmed when the coach was trying to do him a solid by having a game up there shows his lack of character.

Loved his old school game on the floor but he has been recruited over.

Bottom line is Eugene took the last three years and flushed them down the toilet. The guy was universally respected by the Rutgers faithful for his heart, determination, and work ethic as he improved dramatically every year. How many of us would’ve identified him as our favorite player? A rare four year guy like him would’ve had a special place at Rutgers for the rest of his life. Now, he’ll be just another guy. Sad.
I would certainly tell EO to his face that tough decisions in life need to be made and that there is a right way and a wrong way of going about things and this was most definitely the wrong way
If a walk-on, preferred or not, is being counted on to give any kind of meaningful minutes, something has probably gone wrong.

Possibly. Along those same lines, if a lightly recruited freshman with very few offers were counted on for meaningful minutes, that is very close to the same thing, isn't it? Ron Harper Jr. fits that bill and he is now a darling to many on this board.

Bottom line, there are very, very few plausible reasons for me to excuse Eugene for leaving. The way he did it was classless and disrespectful to Pike and his teammates. Good riddance to him. The team will be fine without him.
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Bottom line is Eugene took the last three years and flushed them down the toilet. The guy was universally respected by the Rutgers faithful for his heart, determination, and work ethic as he improved dramatically every year. How many of us would’ve identified him as our favorite player? A rare four year guy like him would’ve had a special place at Rutgers for the rest of his life. Now, he’ll be just another guy. Sad.
Not even just another guy. He ripped our hearts out.
Possibly. Along those same lines, if a lightly recruited freshman with very few offers were counted on for meaningful minutes, that is very close to the same thing, isn't it? Ron Harper Jr. fits that bill and he is now a darling to many on this board.

Bottom line, there are very, very few plausible reasons for me to excuse Eugene for leaving. The way he did it was classless and disrespectful to Pike and his teammates. Good riddance to him. The team will be fine without him.
So you're trying to compare a 4 star recruit to a walk on? There's an obvious difference there
So you're trying to compare a 4 star recruit to a walk on? There's an obvious difference there

No, I wasn't. The point was, players can be overlooked, just as Harper was. Harper was a 3* composite recruit who did not have a big offer list. Rutgers, Farleigh, Georgia State, Howard, Illinois-Chicago, Miami (OH), Nebraska, Radford. I'm not saying a walkon can easily shock the world, but if they were under recruited/didnt have good high school exposure/under developed, they could develop into good players...speaking of that, our dearly departed Eugene fit that bill.
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It’s not the fact that he’s transferring that bothers me. He may have thought things out and felt that for personal reasons this is the best thing to do. What bothers me is the way that he did it. It shows a true lack of character. A real man of character would have called his coach had a heart to heart talk, explained what he was doing and then made an announcement in an appropriate way at an appropriate time.
It just shows a lack of respect for the Rutgers community that supported him so much over the past three years. To make an announcement over social media in the middle of the night that surely would have such far-reaching impact on so many people who followed him and cared about him reveals a tremendous defect in his character.
As a division head with responsibility for hiring people, if I heard this story about someone I would tell him he’s not the type of person I want working for me.

One of the articles states he called Pike to to tell him, then posted.....
I know meant for kyk, but it's a bullshit comment. I can think a 6'7", jacked D-1 guy acted like a f'ing punk and it still might make sense to not say it to that guys face. I would, but I'm a jackass. Dismissal of criticism based on that standard is dumb.

It's the choice of words-----scumbag to me is reserved for people who lift ladies handbags or commit various criminal type offenses.

It's not for guys who transfer from my basketball team.
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well, i had time to absorb this latest ru bad karma occurrence.....i have come to the conclusion that E.O is a very sensitive, immature, selfish, ungrateful. i could go on, but i'll try to restrain myself.............pike bringing in the grad tran really
made ugene, now this is my take ,so don't jump all over me. jealous, unwanted, and pissed....i can understand this. i'm also a very sensitive person,with self esteem issues. i'm assuming he was out with his crew the night of the tweet, and vented all his frustration. his bad knees, and the disrespect he was receiving from coach P and the team in general....for a man who is going on his fourth year of college. this wasn't very well thought out.....lets see,....he being ugene can have his knee surgery. with ru picking up the tab. he has a whole year to rehab. free room, and board. food, ect, ect
he can catch up on his studies, and if all goes well with his rehab he can come back in a blaze of glory in 20-21...with a team full of vets hopefully a soph pt guard who is the toast of the big ten...grad transfer will be gone...the spotlight will be on a new, and hopefully healed E.O.....see what i mean, he didn't think this out rationally ...he reacted in anger....i'm quite sure this is what pike presented to gene when he flew to canada.......the truth is of course. as a fan i'm pissed off he did this, and as a flawed human being i do understand the reaction, and decision to bolt the program....will he have a change of heart? will be tough to come crawling back with your tail between your will take real courage to admit you were wrong, and humble yourself before your coaches, team mates, and us rabid baller posters....oh well, sadly i think this ship has sailed....ugene, thanks for the memories. good luck, and god bless
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It was my question all along-------if his knee is an issue spend your RS year here rehabbing and come back strong playing with a veteran team.

Possibility Coach P wasn't on board with that ?
someone mentioned he did tell Pikiell.

PLUS our president communicates via twitter
Regardless of whether you are on the left or right, i would not use the President as any type of standard bearer of anything involving positive aspects of human behavior.

Here, EO move was not classy given his role as a captain. However, sometime youth does not understand how to communicate. Pikiel handled this best he could afterword with a simple message. I don't know the conversation between him and EO. If I were asked how to mentor him I would be direct with EO and let him know he did not handle announcement of the intention to transfer well. Given his status as captain he should have let coaches know and the players know and then sent his announcement. Blindsiding, was not the way to go regardless of what he wrote/stated being positive to the university.
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No, I wasn't. The point was, players can be overlooked, just as Harper was. Harper was a 3* composite recruit who did not have a big offer list. Rutgers, Farleigh, Georgia State, Howard, Illinois-Chicago, Miami (OH), Nebraska, Radford. I'm not saying a walkon can easily shock the world, but if they were under recruited/didnt have good high school exposure/under developed, they could develop into good players...speaking of that, our dearly departed Eugene fit that bill.
EO would have been a much better comparison
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