my osu buddy thinks they are bringing 10-15k

Not really.

It is not an assumption that visitors get 3000 allotment. It is not an assumption that after season ticket sales that Rutgers only had about 6000 single game tickets available, and that season ticket holders purchase about 3000 of the OSU single game tickets during the pre-sale week; that was all reported by Rutgers. Rutgers also reported that about 31,000 season tickets were sold (the remaining tickets are student allotment and tickets retained for official use).

So it is simple math to recognize that the tickets available for OSU fans are the 3000 visitor allotment, up to 3000 single game tickets available through single game sales, and whatever they can get from season ticket holders through the secondary market. And it is simple math to calculate that if OSU fans take the 3000 visitor allotment and 100% of the 3000 single game tickets available, then they would need a minimum of 4K to 9K tickets through the secondary market in order to bring 10K to 15K fans to the game. And it is simple math to calculate that 4K to 9K secondary market tickets represents more than 10% to 25% of tickets held by season ticket holders.

So the only assumption is whether you think that season ticket holders will sell more than 10% to 25% of their tickets to OSU fans?

I get it. I was messin' with you.
Actually, Columbus is nicer than any of our large cities in NJ. Also,don't confuse it with small towns like State College or Ann Arbor. It has a population of almost 900,000 and a big commercial area.

Additionally, the OSU fans last year treated us very well and were really nice people.

my section (108) is only about 50% RU tix holders, so I can forsee 10K.

Very confused by this. How would you know this? I am exactly even with you on the other side of the stadium and only see RU fans in our section.
Actually, Columbus is nicer than any of our large cities in NJ. Also,don't confuse it with small towns like State College or Ann Arbor. It has a population of almost 900,000 and a big commercial area.

New Jersey has large cities? NJ only has 4 cities (Newark, Jersey City, Elizabeth, Paterson) with more than 100K people, and the largest of them, Newark, is about 1/4 the size of Columbus. You can't very well call Ann Arbor a small town, and call similarly sized cities in NJ Large Cities.

New Jersey's large cities are New York and Philadelphia.
Very confused by this. How would you know this? I am exactly even with you on the other side of the stadium and only see RU fans in our section.
b/c at every game vs a Big 10 team the last two years I have different people sitting around me wearing away team clothing. Plus, there are actually season ticket holders in my section who have showed up at every game this year wearing OSU stuff. They bought RU season tixs to be assured they got tix to one game!!! guess they figured that if they were going to pay top dollar for one game, why not get a couple other games for almost the same price!
I hope they put up those large Hi Def TV screens in the Scarlet Walk area like they did for the Penn St game last year. They showed Pre game and Big10 games on it all day long. Added to the excitement, plus fans without tickets watched the RU v Penn St game on these.
Unlike last year, with PSU and Michigan, I think there are a lot more season ticket holders hawking their extras, or even their seats, for this one, for a few reasons. Sucks, but, it seems to be the feeling I'm getting off the boards.

I get the same feeling. Which is why even though they didn't sell out their allotment, I think the number of OSU fans ends up being higher than what PSU brought. I don't see 15k but 10k wouldn't shock me. Of course with everyone wearing red I'm sure we'll all be arguing for weeks over how many OSU fans were actually there.
I can easily see 10K. There will be more OSU fans than Penn State.

15K isn't possible unless RU season ticket holders really sold out.
I bought extra too. All ru. Well a couple nitters but they really don't like osu for some reason so ru for a day.
Penn State was saying they would take over our stadium last year and they got maybe 6,000 in the stadium. Anything over 8,000 should not be possible for any visiting team.

Every year we get the "dont be surprised when _______ takes over your stadium" and it NEVER happens. Obviously there will be thousands of fans there to support their team. But It won't be enough to make everything weird or to make us look dumb. I grow weary of all these pregame "scary stories" every time a marquee opponent comes to town. Yeah, expect visitors, we get it.

Yes but OSU is a different animal. They WILL take over your stadium.
TTFP fans claimed the 250 buses were coming from Hoboken which made it even more LOL worthy. One of the best parts about prices going up in Hoboken/JC is that the Pennsyltucky contingent is being priced out.

tOSU may bring more...unlike TTFP they have something to cheer on
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yeah--everything is bigger, and better than NJ and the stadium will be overtaken by their fans--can we stop the self hating for a day --e

What does this even mean? Who is "self hating" let alone doing as much in this thread? What is "bigger and better"? Odd comments lol...
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I have seats in 207 and 206
Many seats in the upper half of these sections are bought as season tickets by scalpers
who sell the premium games and eat the garbage. There were many more Michigan State fans this year
than Penn State fans last year in those seats. the reason = the PSU game was attractive to casual Rutgers fans
who bought many of those secondary market tickets. The scalpers/secondary market was dominated by MSU fans.
I expect the OSU game to be similar to MSU.
I have seats in 207 and 206
Many seats in the upper half of these sections are bought as season tickets by scalpers
who sell the premium games and eat the garbage. There were many more Michigan State fans this year
than Penn State fans last year in those seats. the reason = the PSU game was attractive to casual Rutgers fans
who bought many of those secondary market tickets. The scalpers/secondary market was dominated by MSU fans.
I expect the OSU game to be similar to MSU.

RU has estimated about 2,000 seats belong to scalping agencies, IIRC, so Upstream can add that to his equation. [thumb2][thumb2]
New Jersey has large cities? NJ only has 4 cities (Newark, Jersey City, Elizabeth, Paterson) with more than 100K people, and the largest of them, Newark, is about 1/4 the size of Columbus. You can't very well call Ann Arbor a small town, and call similarly sized cities in NJ Large Cities.

New Jersey's large cities are New York and Philadelphia.

Yeah, cuz new York and Philadelphia are in NJ.
Doesn't mean much, to be honest, so did MSU and they showed up in very nice #'s 2 weeks ago. BTW I heard they sent back "dozens."
Doesn't mean much?!?? Nonsense. Of course it does. I mean sure they will still show up with 5000. But they aren't showing up with 15000 if they didn't sell out their 3000 allotment!
Doesn't mean much?!?? Nonsense. Of course it does. I mean sure they will still show up with 5000. But they aren't showing up with 15000 if they didn't sell out their 3000 allotment!

Schools don't sell out their bowl allotment yet show up with 40,000 fans at games. Again, in the grand scheme of things, sending a few dozen tickets back from your allotment, even a couple hundred, doesn't mean much.
Schools don't sell out their bowl allotment yet show up with 40,000 fans at games. Again, in the grand scheme of things, sending a few dozen tickets back from your allotment, even a couple hundred, doesn't mean much.

I'm pretty sure you understand they don't sell out their bowl allotment bc the tix are far cheaper on the secondary market. And I'm pretty sure you understand that's not the case with this game.
I sit in a section of RU season ticket holders right behind the RU bench. Unfortunately, to the left of me most of the season ticket holders either don't show up or sell their tickets on the secondary market. Last year, I was stuck sitting next to many pedophile supporters and Wolverine fans for two or our games (I'll let you guess which ones, lol), and have the uneasy feeling that there will be a lot of Buckeye fans in the section tonight.
Most people seem to have friends/business associates from tOSU or Ohio. Unlike Michigan or PSU, the friends/associates from tOSU are BEING invited in large #'s by Rutgers season ticket holders. My boss has invited 27 tOSU alums or fans that are either investors, employees, or friends.

We told the tailgate company to prepare for 50 people. Waiting on a married couple from CT who are staying at my house tonight to arrive at 10:30, and they would not being making the trip except for tOSU. I expect more tOSU fans/visiting team fans tonight than ever before in my 5 years of going to games.

Let's be friendly and classy!
I'm pretty sure you understand they don't sell out their bowl allotment bc the tix are far cheaper on the secondary market. And I'm pretty sure you understand that's not the case with this game.

Of course I understand all of that and OSU will have well over 5,000 fans there today my friend. Like I said, I know a group of 40, now a group of 60, and growing. They've gotten their tix through the allotment, through StubHub, through single-game purchase, and through friends who are RU season ticket holders (and I just got a text to see if I had any extras....).