The uniforms look incredible. The new knight's head secondary logo is fresh and stylish. The "chainmail" is so much better than the sword marks on the shoulders. Couldn't be happier with what Nike put together. Awesome!
And time for you to go on my ignore list.So religious oppression is ok?
These jersey commercials kinda suck time to check out and wait for the tweet.
Bland and boring is back!
The new white unis look SWEET! What an improvement. [thumb2][thumb2][thumb2]
They look a lot like the first uniforms we had when Schiano just took over, but the numbers and letters look sleek. They are simple but sleek. Red and White for football again. Contrast uniforms and pants as more red pajamas. I'm happy with the new uniforms, but the ones we just ditched had potential with a few fixes that were never made.
what was our secondary logo before?
I kinda miss "Rutgers" being on the front and think the numbers look a little too big and goofy. Other than that, not bad. Still don't love the all white.
The so one is soooooo much better...sleeker, more manacing and reflects our actual knight mascot more closely.
The so one is soooooo much better...sleeker, more manacing and reflects our actual knight mascot more closely.
Is RUTGERS going to stay on the back?