Nike vs Adidas

Am I the only one who thinks Greg should have zero say in this?

Basketball drives the bus now
Basketball has always and will continue to drive the bus when it comes to these contracts. The shoe companies involvement in the AAU programs and the money involved means they help steer kids to schools they have contracts with.
Pro Keds, and or Converse were the choice in elementary school. Once high school came along and I made varsity, I was treated to a blue suede sneaker with a white upside down swoosh....PUMA.
Pro Keds, and or Converse were the choice in elementary school. Once high school came along and I made varsity, I was treated to a blue suede sneaker with a white upside down swoosh....PUMA.
Elementary school? Pony or Zips. Pretty much every basketball shoe was all white with the only color being the logo.
My SR year, Air Jordans in all Black and Red came out and all hell broke loose.
I had a pair of Pony's I think with that black/red color scheme.
Elementary school? Pony or Zips. Pretty much every basketball shoe was all white with the only color being the logo.
My SR year, Air Jordans in all Black and Red came out and all hell broke loose.
I had a pair of Pony's I think with that black/red color scheme.
Never heard of Pony or Zips. You must have grown up in New Jersey. 😁
Anyone remember Zips back in the day?