No. 4 Rutgers Men’s Lacrosse Hosted Penn State in Regular Season Finale / Saturday 4pm

Princeton goes down to Harvard 16-19

There is NO way they get 5 into the tournament, and 4 is unlikely. And the committee would love to get them down to 2 if it gets Duke and UNC in.
Rutgers /Penn State tied end of first period.Rutgers then take a 4-3 lead in second period.
We look awful so far. Sorry. And why does it sound like they’re more Penn State fans in the stadium then Scarlet night fans?
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Really playing with fire letting these resume killing teams hang around psu 5-4.
We don’t look great thus far. Really need to turn this around. Way too many easy opportunities for them.
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OK that was a great way to get the lead back. Now let’s stay on top and build it.
OK I ripped the faceoff guy last game, this game Dugenio is absolutely crushing their guy.
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That defense was so lackadaisical on that goal. They all just looked at him as he scored. 7-7
Expecting that WTF loss against an unranked team … hope I’m wrong.
Wide open passes for shots missed, then PSU goes right down and scores in 10 secs. Maddening.
Again? Is anyone going to pick up the guy coming down with the ball. Our guys just kept retreating back giving him a point blank range shot right down the middle. That's twice now.
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Rutgers leads 9-8 on two fast break goals near end of first half.
PSU is fired up, we look like we’re thinking about the tournaments already. Big rivalry and huge game to seed you better in the torneys, WAKE UP!! End of the half was better. Need more energy
PSU goalie first start. Defense for us non-existent. No effort for ground balls. Pathetic
If RU loses today and in the B1G semis … they get left out of the tourney?
We’re losing this game 100%. Defense refuses to stop the ball today and no signs of any changing