Reading this thread makes me think that the nail-biting I am reading here is going to get worse, the more they win.. the longer the streak gets. As it is.. during this streak.. the standard is PERFECTION.. to keep the streak going. Lack of perfection is seen as a threat to end the streak.Tried once again. I get to the archive but don't know how to find the game. On Banks, let me state up front that I agree that she played very well vs Princeton & that her play this year has been an improvement over last years & that I have posted just that with some detail.
Let me also agree that she still makes more mistakes & has more flubs, including the ones pointed to by myself & others during yesterdays game, than all the other defenders. That is & has been my point. All the analytics, deflections & false parallels just can't obscure the facts.
I have also posted that I am rooting for her & that I hope she corrects her weaknesses & has a very good season. I will continue to post on what I see.
I wonder if the women are feeling a little of that also. I hope not.. they have to play loose... not tight.