Surprised RU#s isn't on it yet, but right now looking like perfect weather for Seattle on September 3rd. Partly cloudy and low 70s. Ideal football hope it comes to fruition.
I want TD's raining from the sky!
Surprised RU#s isn't on it yet, but right now looking like perfect weather for Seattle on September 3rd. Partly cloudy and low 70s. Ideal football hope it comes to fruition.
I've never posted a forecast more than 7 days in advance, because they're generally very inaccurate beyond that point. Seattle's forecast for 9/3 over the past several days has been all over the place, which is not surprising (and has a chance of showers in today's forecast for 9/3). I used to start weather threads 5 days out, but have moved to 7 days out mostly in the hopes of avoiding having a bunch of weather threads, which some find annoying during football season (I don't care, but some do).
This far out it's best to go with climatological averages: 9/3 averages 74/56F for a high and low and September is one of the driest months, normally, with only 1.3" of rain, so predicting mild and dry conditions is a decent bet. However the next 6-10 days do look to be wetter than normal, as per the CPC (see link) and the NWS forecast for the next 7 days indicates showers/rain are possible for days 4-7.
So far ok