Northern Colorado @ Florida Sat 7:30PM

How the f* has this game NOT been cancelled yet OR at least moved to Friday - MAYBE - the latest? It's a STATE OF EMERGENCY in Florida, and has been for over a day now, this shouldn't even be a question IMHO!

Yes, yes I know: it's all about $$$, I get it, I'm not stupid thanks LOL!

It was already moved to Saturday at noon

Want to take another crack at this?

That comment was about reasons they wouldn't have moved it. Context. Now, the fact that I missed the notice that was put out half an hour before my thread, my bad. I googled it and didn't see any update. Oh well.
The game is in Gainesville, which as of now is under no threat.

Well aware of that but it wasn't my point. The entire state is in a "state of emergency," so I would think that would have had some affect, and apparently it did, as they did the right thing and moved the game to noon. Well done IMHO. [thumb2]
Forecast as of 11 AM today (Wednesday) has the eye just getting to the southern most tip of Florida around 8 AM on Sunday. That's far enough away from Gainesville to not impact this game. It could impact attendance as many folks may have evacuated by then or packing up to leave. But the game should go on based on this forecast.
Forecast as of 11 AM today (Wednesday) has the eye just getting to the southern most tip of Florida around 8 AM on Sunday. That's far enough away from Gainesville to not impact this game. It could impact attendance as many folks may have evacuated by then or packing up to leave. But the game should go on based on this forecast.

Well as we now know the game has been moved to noon and, let's be real here, by the time this thing starts hitting Florida and that game is being played there could be damage to people's businesses, homes, and a lot of other things, so whether or not it "can" be played in Gainesville really shouldn't be top priority IMHO,
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Well as we now know the game has been moved to noon and, let's be real here, by the time this thing starts hitting Florida and that game is being played there could be damage to people's businesses, homes, and a lot of other things, so whether or not it "can" be played in Gainesville really shouldn't be top priority IMHO,

I don't understand this post. The game is Saturday. Florida feels no effects of Irma until Sunday noonish, and that's 300 miles away at the bottom of the peninsula.

Let's put it another way.

If we were scheduled to play Saturday at home and there was supposed to be a hurricane landing in, say, Virginia Beach on Sunday would you want our game to be cancelled?
I don't understand this post. The game is Saturday. Florida feels no effects of Irma until Sunday noonish, and that's 300 miles away at the bottom of the peninsula.

Let's put it another way.

If we were scheduled to play Saturday at home and there was supposed to be a hurricane landing in, say, Virginia Beach on Sunday would you want our game to be cancelled?

When I posted this thread I thought that they hadn't made any decision about what to do with this game as of yet and I was surprise. Apparently they're made a decision about half an hour earlier but when I googled it wasn't one of the top few items regarding this game at the time.

That being said I was (still) under the impression that this was hitting The Keys and/or Miami area on Saturday (not Sunday), as my good friend who moved out of his home on Key West yesterday, was expecting when we spoke last night, so my bad there.

If the governor declared a "state of emergenc for the entire state of New Jersey, and wanted to move our game up a day with the storm expected to hit the Virginia Beach area on game day, or that morning, I would be fine with that as I'm sure most would.

Hope that helps?
Just was an earthquake near Idaho/Utah/Wyoming border. Doesn't look like it touched CO, though.

There was indeed.

Ya have to wonder about the "why". Those mountain ranges are supposed to be done coming up and there's no part of the Yellowstone magma chamber down there.
There was indeed.

Ya have to wonder about the "why". Those mountain ranges are supposed to be done coming up and there's no part of the Yellowstone magma chamber down there.

God's way of making the country "fair" :eek:. With these big hurricanes, was just trying to think of a place in the country that has little to no worry of natural disaster. NJ was always a good choice, but Sandy threw a bit of a wrench in that (though still a safe bet overall). Mountain West also seemed like a good choice, but you do have earthquakes and that whole supervolcano thing hanging around. And wildfires.

Suppose it's more about odds than complete freedom.

I do not know the underlying geology like I'm sure you do, but a lot of faults in that region and Soda Springs wears its underlying geology in its name, so guess that made it less surprising to hear an event there. Utah also has that large fault running the entire base of the Wasatch, pretty much creating a border for its metro area pop center. Apparently that one's well due for a big event.
God's way of making the country "fair" :eek:. With these big hurricanes, was just trying to think of a place in the country that has little to no worry of natural disaster. NJ was always a good choice, but Sandy threw a bit of a wrench in that (though still a safe bet overall). Mountain West also seemed like a good choice, but you do have earthquakes and that whole supervolcano thing hanging around. And wildfires.

Suppose it's more about odds than complete freedom.

I do not know the underlying geology like I'm sure you do, but a lot of faults in that region and Soda Springs wears its underlying geology in its name, so guess that made it less surprising to hear an event there. Utah also has that large fault running the entire base of the Wasatch, pretty much creating a border for its metro area pop center. Apparently that one's well due for a big event.

Northern Arkansas. There's no extreme weather to speak of, it's nice hilly terrain that used to be active, but no longer is.

WRT faults, sometimes you have to remember that they're basically footprints. They exist in our compendium of knowledge because of what happened there previously. In real time, earthquakes generally happen "near" known faults as opposed to directly on them.

Personally, I'm waiting to see a new volcano pooch up in that region. This would not be unexpected. Just might be a thousand years or so.
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I don't understand this post. The game is Saturday. Florida feels no effects of Irma until Sunday noonish, and that's 300 miles away at the bottom of the peninsula.

Let's put it another way.

If we were scheduled to play Saturday at home and there was supposed to be a hurricane landing in, say, Virginia Beach on Sunday would you want our game to be cancelled?
Many of us spend days getting ready for such an event. There currently is no gas, no water, and lines in grocery/home improvement stores. If an early start time takes pressure off of fans, many of whom travel several hours, that's a good thing.
I wish I had taken a picture of my Publix at 7 this morning. You might be less dismissive of what is going on here.
Many of us spend days getting ready for such an event. There currently is no gas, no water, and lines in grocery/home improvement stores. If an early start time takes pressure off of fans, many of whom travel several hours, that's a good thing.
I wish I had taken a picture of my Publix at 7 this morning. You might be less dismissive of what is going on here.

I've been through it a number of times. My first hurricane, as a kid, was Camille.
I guess your memory faded

Yeah, that's it. Along with all of my ICS and NIMS certifications.

You erred in attempting to interpret a direct comment to another poster (who you don't know, but I do) without considering that there may have been some nuance that you're not privy to.
Yeah, that's it. Along with all of my ICS and NIMS certifications.

You erred in attempting to interpret a direct comment to another poster (who you don't know, but I do) without considering that there may have been some nuance that you're not privy to.
Congrats on your certifications. If you were responding to another poster and I misinterpreted, my error and I'm sorry.
I'm not interested in arguing with you. I have more important issues to worry about now.