Not impressed at all


Oct 25, 2012
YES, just one game....but with the hype around this team tonight didn’t show much.

harper can not be THAT BAD at the line

Poor coaching

poor shooting

poor free throws

didn’t see any development out of Mathis or Harper
Don’t understand the hype - at all. And quite frankly didn’t buy into it.
On the bright side I don't think it's possible to be that bad from 3 again this year.
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Looked terrible but it’s the first game, we will figure it out.

With that said I’m concerned with defense, rebounding and free throw shooting big time after watching tonight.
Yes it was one game , but the issues were obvious from literally 3 min into the game.

lack of bigs are going to be a much bigger issue than I previously thought it’d be (even though it’s been much spoken of)

our guys just looked so uncomfortable on the offensive end. No creativity , stiff and god awful shooting from eveywhere (chippies, free throws, and especially 3s)
If we didnt shoot a horrific percentage from 3, and won the game by 15, would the coaching still be terrible?
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Wenzel made an astute point.

Pike is having them play at a much faster pace this season.
They have to make decisions much quicker.

It will take some time before they gel and play at their best

Great point. The first few games are to get the kinks out.
Defense was lacking and they put it on cruise control way too soon. No judgements until they settle into a rotation. Going to be a while until they get settled with new faces
I am not sure we looked to be in good enough shape to play fast. Will also be interested in seeing who played how many minutes. I think the rotation is something that will take a few games to settle into. No minutes for Kiss tonight and thinking a 9 person rotation is about the max most nights which initially does not bode well for Doucore. Its the allocation amongst the other nine that needs to get straightened out.
Hopefully we can be above 500 for the first time in a couple of decades. They looked like a sub 500 team today.
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If you are going to play small , you’ve gotta make some threes and we didn’t / can’t . Good thing is geo / Ron can’t play or shoot much worse . Need to get Caleb involved offensively .

I think the zone slowed us down and made us tentative . When shots don’t go in you play tighter on offense . Still don’t get why all these low major teams as play can hit a ton of threes we can’t ever make them consistently
Shaw carter and Duke. If Myles gets injured, we are doomed in conference play. Doomed.
I always thought this year is going to depend a lot on the Sophomores. They were all pretty bad today except Mathis who was just like he was last year.
Yeboah and Mulcahy looked pretty good. Don't know what McConnell did but he was in Pike's doghouse. Pike needs to shorten rotation. Guys like McConnell and Harper Jr need a lot of PT. Young needs to play less if he is that reckless
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Discombobulated, lackadaisical, and uninspiring. Team needs to find an identity, fast. Maybe dial back "speeding up" the game. We seemed to play into Bryant's hands and were lucky to win.
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Yes, it’s only one game but it’s really the same old RU.
YOU, are the same ol Rutgers! This team is different, they have 11 guys that can do similar things, some bigger, some smaller, but the same. Coach is still trying to see who plays better with who. Not as easy as it seems. The starting lineup was an attempt to match size and quickness to the opponent. Coach hasn't realized that you make the other team play to you, not the other way around. But, the pieces are there. I see a lack of toughness underneath with the Bigs. Too much in a rush, not relaxed. The first 5 minutes they ALL shot bricks, even on layups! So, relax it's a true process. Thank God it was Bryant...
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Yeboah and Mulcahy looked pretty good. Don't know what McConnell did but he was in Pike's doghouse. Pike needs to shorten rotation. Guys like McConnell and Harper Jr need a lot of PT. Young needs to play less if he is that reckless
Do you bench Geo too because he is also reckless?
YOU, are the same ol Rutgers! This team is different, they have 11 guys that can do similar things, some bigger, some smaller, but the same. Coach is still trying to see who plays better with who. Not as easy as it seems. The starting lineup was an attempt to match size and quickness to the opponent. Coach hasn't realized that you make the other team play to you, not the other way around. But, the pieces are there. I see a lack of toughness underneath with the Bigs. Too much in a rush, not relaxed. The first 5 minutes they ALL shot bricks, even on layups! So, relax it's a true process. Thank God it was Bryant...
It’s the same old Rutgers because they have trouble scoring and terrible FT shooting. Tell me I’m wrong.
Yeboah and Mulcahy looked pretty good. Don't know what McConnell did but he was in Pike's doghouse. Pike needs to shorten rotation. Guys like McConnell and Harper Jr need a lot of PT. Young needs to play less if he is that reckless

Harper needed less in last few minutes