NY Giants/Rutgers Visits

Of course every situation is different. That I why I said given all factors the same on two players with one position, psych and stats show folks go with past tendencies. Never said they are putting a red mark on Rutgers players, but when all else is equal and you have to make a choice you go to your comfort. That is what the scouts, coaches and GMs do. In the end it is a gut call when all else is the same and the gut goes with past experiences, which is a factor for their tendencies.
Ruscoe, you continue to make this point which I agree with. I think Purple and csphi are either not reading what you write or are having trouble understanding the point you are making.
Sorry to drag a little "psych 101" here but I'm reading a little "projection" here.
Value. The Giants thought Nassib was a better value pick than any 4th round OL.

Value would only apply if they did not have to trade up in the fourth, and you cannot say there was no one available that would not have started in the secondary or a LB by now.
Value would only apply if they did not have to trade up in the fourth, and you cannot say there was no one available that would not have started in the secondary or a LB by now.
Dano, I'm sensing an agenda here. All gm's on all NFL teams have head scratching draft picks.
Coughlin took digs at Rutgers when Greg Schiano and Kyle FLood was HC. I have friends that work for the Giants and they told me this personally. Now whether that factored into his decision-making on players and draft picks I don't know. Tom Coughlin was an a****** behind closed doors.
Coughlin took digs at Rutgers when Greg Schiano and Kyle FLood was HC. I have friends that work for the Giants and they told me this personally. Now whether that factored into his decision-making on players and draft picks I don't know. Tom Coughlin was an a****** behind closed doors.
An overwhelming majority of people would strongly disagree with you about Coughlin
Interesting. I heard from Quasimodo's chiropractors brother in law's neighbor that Tom Coughlin
was a great guy and loved Rutgers players. :)
An overwhelming majority of people would strongly disagree with you about Coughlin
You think I care about that? We don't share the same source. My sources heard it straight from his mouth. You can see his real character by the way he treated the giant owners at the press conference when he stepped down as coach. He's not all class.
You think I care about that? We don't share the same source. My sources heard it straight from his mouth. You can see his real character by the way he treated the giant owners at the press conference when he stepped down as coach. He's not all class.
Oh please
I don't think it's a stretch to say you are dillusional
You think I care about that? We don't share the same source. My sources heard it straight from his mouth. You can see his real character by the way he treated the giant owners at the press conference when he stepped down as coach. He's not all class.
Now you're cherry picking. I watched the whole news conference several times and read all the press releases about it. When Coughlin left the podium he brushed right past John Mara. That is a fact. Coughlin said he didn't realize Mara was right there.
Probably not true. I think Coughlin was still feeling stung from being canned. Now here is where you are being disingenuous.
You forgot to mention that Mr and Mrs Coughlin shook hands and embraced Mr and Mrs John Mara before and after the news conference. "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story".
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