OFFICIAL Maryland Haiku Thread

Ha ha ha ha ha
This is Flood's last football game
The Floodies are sad
Sad porn star fetish
Displaced from reality
Must lust after Flood.
Serving turtle soup
Our tailgate after the game
Knights victorious.
The school of turtle
The state of the crabcake fried
Maryland menu?
Beat the Terrapins!
Last home game for the seniors
Exit with a win.
Haters continue
Hijacking different threads
Spewing their vile rage.
Warning for players
Don't get fat on Turkey Day
Got a game to win!
Here's to the seniors!
Thank you, good luck and be well
Ignore grumpy fans
Let's kick some Terp Butt
Season ends on a high note
Seniors' last home win!
We are now favored
Let's live up to our billing
Beat Turtle Nation!
Two days to the game
So will Likely play or not?
And what's the weather?