OFFICIAL RU vs. Wazzu Haiku Thread

Scarlet Knights will win
Against team from Washington
I suck at Haiku
Send 'em back to Wash.
With their gimmicky offense.
But their logo's cool.
Wazzu short for Wash (St) U
Pedd State a.k.a. Wash You
Two haikus in one

(Sorry, I know its a little distasteful, but couldn't resist the play on words)
They lost their QB
But, with two, which one will play?
Laviano or ..

.. Goddammit Laviano, your name has to many syllables!
Leach Air Raid visits
Rain or no rain it's shot down
Excuses prevail.
Alums Keith Jackson
And Drew Bledsoe not enough
To prevent a loss

Oh, and by the way,
Edward Murrow's an alum
Still won't help the Cougs
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Coach likes to play Pirate
Team plays like they are Lost Boys
Knights give them the hook
Wazzu talkin' 'bout
Willis never ran 4 3
Thunder and Lightning
Look-a-like threads rock!
Haters gonna hate, screw them!
Just rock on Knight Shift!
Wash ball, third and eight
Yet students chant, F Penn State
I don't care, just win
Cougar is apt name
for team that plays football like
really hot grandmas