Official ' Wisconsin is going to win this one ' thread

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Well this just adds to the fact that the B1G screwed up the divisions. The East doesn't even send it's best team to the championship and yet still wins. The B1G Championship game is going to become so lopsided it's going to get to the point where the de facto championship game is going to be whoever wins the east.
PENN STATE BIG TEN CHAMPIONS!! JoePa is looking down from heaven.

Wisconsin is well known for having a great pass defense. But as I've said a dozen times on here PSU has the best receiving corps I've ever seen. They catch anything near them and even in a crowd.
Their defense deserved props as well. A bunch of undersized kids tackling and hitting like battering rams. I personally believe they are entitled to a playoff spot. Right now they are better than Mich, OSU and Washington is not in the conversation period!!
Their defense deserved props as well. A bunch of undersized kids tackling and hitting like battering rams. I personally believe they are entitled to a playoff spot. Right now they are better than Mich, OSU and Washington is not in the conversation period!!

I don't care about the CFP but the coaching job with our DL this year is nothing short of miraculous.
Their defense deserved props as well. A bunch of undersized kids tackling and hitting like battering rams. I personally believe they are entitled to a playoff spot. Right now they are better than Mich, OSU and Washington is not in the conversation period!!

Did you watch Washington last night?
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Well this just adds to the fact that the B1G screwed up the divisions. The East doesn't even send it's best team to the championship and yet still wins. The B1G Championship game is going to become so lopsided it's going to get to the point where the de facto championship game is going to be whoever wins the east.

This +10000%

Delaney is sitting home right now thinking... If somehow Meechigan was in the championship game (whether or not tOSU was), I'd be sending 2 teams to the CFP.......
PENN STATE BIG TEN CHAMPIONS!! JoePa is looking down from heaven.

If there is a god which i doubt (as no god would let a situation like what happened at Penn State transpire) he would have Joe Paterno roasting in hell forever. I can think of very few other crimes that are worse than allowing the systematic destruction of multiple children's lives over 20 years to happen and not do anything about it except for making a phone call.

Imagine arriving at he pearly gates with the lame excuse "but God i wish I had done more"
I'm laughing at you right now. Laughing out loud at you individually.
How can you call yourself a true fan when you are on an internet message board arguing with fans (Of a team not playing in the game) during one of the biggest games in school history, in the final minutes of a game up for grabs?????
Fair enough. He is one tough SOB and the leader of our entire team. I don't mind it unless he was doing it to show up the other team. He wasn't.
yeah not debating that..i just dont like showboating...but especially from the lead position. I dont know what it is these days ( and i'm only 32) but i recognized it when I played and to be honest i always felt the guys who didn't talk,showboat etc were the most dangerous.
Wisconsin was impressive on their opening drive. Sure, they ran it, almost exclusively, but their BACKUP quarterback looked good throwing it, too.

Half of PSU's starters are from the sanction classes. Many of their most talented kids are not on the field yet.
Just got back from a long, very enjoyable weekend in Indianapolis last night and have been catching-up on the opinions and view points of our conference brethren.

Just want to thank the regular posters here for providing the laughter and entertainment I just experienced by reading this thread. It was kind of like eating Thanksgiving dinner one day, having Christmas morning the next and News Years Eve the next.

Thanks again!
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Just got back from a long, very enjoyable weekend in Indianapolis last night and have been catching-up on the opinions and view points of our conference brethren.

Just want to thank the regular posters here for providing the laughter and entertainment I just experienced by reading this thread. It was kind of like eating Thanksgiving dinner one day, having Christmas morning the next and News Years Eve the next.

Thanks again!

Now, now OldTiredLion, there is no room for celebrating all those wonderful holidays in such succession. You must pace yourself for the many holidays to come. But I must say after reading this thread today, it is interesting how much a PSU failure would have been more important than any Rutgers success. But I must say...these salty tears are very tasty.
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