If they teach this as fact..agree. If they teach this as religious belief..then nothing wrong
Here is what we know they teach/require, as it is directly from the syllabus of their Elements of Earth Science class. (The highlighting is mine.)
Comparative Essay: The student will choose a historical geology topic from a list provided by the instructor and produce a comparative essay in which young-earth and old-earth implications are compared and contrasted. This paper must follow current APA formatting rules. The student is expected to adequately research the chosen topic and provide bibliographic reference to at least 4 scholarly sources (2 old-earth geology references and 2 youngearth geology references) in addition to the course textbook. The paper must be 1,000– 1,500 words.
So AT MINIMUM, the school defines this bogus "young-earth" theory as the scientific equivalent of the "old-earth" theory (which the rest of the developed world defines as long-established fact). I say "at minimum" because I strongly suspect that the student is guided toward the Biblically-correct answer, but I don't know that.
Again, this is a SCIENCE class.
No bueno.