Anyone with a suggestion who perhaps has dealt with this in the past on what the most efficient way to cancel
@RU_DIO Major League thanks for this response!Explore a YouTube TV free trial - YouTube TV Help
New subscribers are eligible to sign up to try YouTube TV. With a trial, you get access to over 100 channels offered in the Base Plan during your trial period. You can also sign up to try extra
Cancel or pause your YouTube TV membership - Android - YouTube TV Help
You can cancel or pause your YouTube TV membership at any time. When you cancel or pause your membership, you'll still have access to YouTube TV until the end of your payment period. Canceling
Your welcome.@RU_DIO Major League thanks for this response!
Anyone remember when Google's motto was "First, Do No Evil". Now its all money, money, money.none of them make it easy to find see or do.
Canceling is like trying to get somewhere in Bergen County no direct route to anywhere.