OT: Amazon Prime Day is a joke


Best Poster Ever!
Apr 23, 2005
Gibbstown, NJ
I haven't seen much at all worth even glancing at for more information. It seems like it's little more than an inventory clearance sale as opposed to a true "better than Black Friday"-ish sale from Amazon.
Shit you don't need or want, but you will impulse buy because it is a great deal?:


I don't know, that sounds exactly like Black Friday. A few deeply discounted feature-poor versions of popular items in very limited quantities, then a lot of impulse-buy crap.
Except I haven't seen many big ticket items at a discounted price yet, either.

The best deal today seems to be a $10 Amazon voucher for buying a three pack of $15 Amazon gift cards.
I am sure it got a lot of traffic to the site and incremental volume non sale-related because of that, which is probably their goal.
The 40inch HDTV for $115 will be posted sometime today but as you can guess if it last for more than 10 seconds I will be shocked.
Amazon had a nice selection of Breitling Watches at all price levels that disappeared almost right away, as some buyers saved a few thousand $$ on their purchase.

Not bad.
Can get the non 3D version from Costco for $880.

The Amazon Prime deal one was the HU8550 series (bundled with a 1TB Video Pack with 10 movies and 60 documentaries), which has a suggested retail of $3500 (+$400 for the video pack). The Costco one is the JU6500 series, which has suggested retail of $1350 (available at Costco for $880 and Amazon for $898).
While the 'Sale' was pretty lame the overall service is excellent. We got it 2 Christmas's ago when we needed late gifts and have used it consistently with no problems since then. Just read they are opening a new warehouse in N NJ Bergen or Hudson County) to service NNJ , NYC etc.
Oh, Prime is great. I'm not complaining against Prime itself, although I don't use the video service as much because I'm usually either on Roku or Netflix or OnDemand.

I'm sure there were a couple deals here and there that sold out in seconds, but not much in terms of "Geez, I really want to waste some money right now on some stuff I may or may not need." The only thing I ended up buying yesterday was some dishwasher tabs.
Prime itself is amazing, I use the video service on my PS4 and the music service on my smartphone.
Prime itself is amazing, I use the video service on my PS4 and the music service on my smartphone.

We bought an Amazon Echo. I was worried about it being cheesy and dumb, and it is a little bit that, but we are liking it. Had a party last weekend, and we were in the kitchen, and I asked Echo to play some music, and it was nice to not have to mess around with the stereo, MP3 player, etc,
I got $10 out of it, so I'm mostly happy about that, but I feel like I put too much time checking back for nothing.

They learned a ton from the experience while still expanding the number of Prime subscribers. Think of how successful they are, and how bad they are at impulse selling. Amazon still feels like a database with no front end.