OT: Any word on that new microbeer bar in New Brunswick?


Mar 15, 2007
I know some folks on here mentioned a few months ago a new place was coming. I think it was possibly a new brewery.
I know some folks on here mentioned a few months ago a new place was coming. I think it was possibly a new brewery.
Don't know.. but I am curious as to what people would want from such a place.

What are your top 5 "wants" for such a place.. in order of importance
The World Of Beers owner didn't renew his contract with the chain so it was renamed. They have a decent selection but I'd like to see more seasonals
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This brewery was supposed to open around this time on Paterson St but now will be in a bigger space. I am hearing it is still in the works but probably Spring 2017 at the earliest. Perhaps somebody has further insight or know the guys wanting to open it.
Don't know.. but I am curious as to what people would want from such a place.

What are your top 5 "wants" for such a place.. in order of importance
Well I'll say the obvious, great new beers, rotating taps with constantly new beers/seasonals, a comfortable tasting room, tv's wouldn't hurt, and chicks, lotsa chicks
The World Of Beers owner didn't renew his contract with the chain so it was renamed. They have a decent selection but I'd like to see more seasonals

World of Beer turned into Hub City Brew House. It's still like WOB in spirit except for different food options. The beer selection is still huge!
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Well I'll say the obvious, great new beers, rotating taps with constantly new beers/seasonals, a comfortable tasting room, tv's wouldn't hurt, and chicks, lotsa chicks

Add: some decent bar food, a couple of hand pumps for cask ales, pint nights....oh, I've heard hookers and blow is kind of the in thing now so why not throw that in for good measure.
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If it's a brewery there is some law banning them from serving food so that's why I didn't mention food.