OT-Chris Ash Press Coverage

This is an actual football post. Why put OT in the title?
that sucks....... how are we going to give up 9-18 yards a play on a WR screen if we play press?
My guess is, and it is a guess, for the last few years RU played off coverage almost exclusively for one of two possible reasons: 1, the defensive philosophy was bend don't break and we all know that moving off the stated original philosophy was not a strong point in the Flood game plan so regardless of whether it worked or not it was not going to change or 2, the staff felt that the DB's either lacked the skill and/or the experience to play press coverage. Hopefully it was reason number one. We will not know if there is enough talent to play press coverage until they try it. I would like to believe that this staff can get these players to play press coverage well. Especially if the D-Line can get pressure. Forcing the QB to get rid of the ball in a hurry plays right into press coverage. We shall see.
I expect to see more press and one on one coverages. More pressure by the linebackers and corners. I expect to see a more aggressive defense. We gave up to many yards last year. Our secondary been through the fire the last couple of years so they should play better this year.

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