Read in Catskills accent:
Waiter, taste the soup.
What'sa matter? It not hot enough?
Taste the soup.
Is it cold? I can have it heated up.
Taste the soup.
Too salty? I tell the cook about that sometimes.
Just taste the soup.
OK, where's your spoon?
I'd forgotten this was in this movie. I heard it originally years before -- might have been Buddy Hackett.
Sorry but I would not tell this to my 8 year old.What do you call a potato shaped like a penis?
Eliphino (Hell if I know)What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rinocerous?
So would an 8 year old.But a 14 year old would find it funny
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When it becomes apparent.When you can't tell "your momma" jokes anymore?
What’s the difference between a momma gorilla and the Prince of Wales?When you can't tell "your momma" jokes anymore?