OT: Favorite Movie Scenes


All American
Jun 7, 2001
In no particular order, here are a few:
Disciplinary Hearing in Scent of a Woman;
Baptismal Murders in Godfather;
Fredo and Michael Confrontation in Godfather Part 2;
Batts and Tommy Confrontation in Goodfellas;
Do I amuse you confrontation between Tommy and Henry in Goodfellas;
Final battle in Platoon;
Nicholson's You can't handle the truth in A Few Good Men;
Vincent Gambini's Cross-examinations in My Cousin Vinny;
Dropped cigarette in car in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles;
TurboLax spiked coffee / toilet in Dumb and Dumber;
Johnny Cash Prison concert in Walk the Line;
also in no particular order:

the pool party scene with the line "plastics" in The Graduate
running on the beach in "Chariots of Fire"
the march to sea to collect salt in Gandhi
the "Reeses Pieces" scene in E.T.
the final scene in Empire of the Sun when Christian Bale's completely changed young character emerges from the Japanese-run POW camp in China.That scene was remarkable as the culmination of Bale's masterful performance for which he didn't receive an Oscar nomination in one the greater travesties ever on the part of the Academy. Back then, children were apparently ineligible for such nominations.
1. The final scene of Field of Dreams
2. The opening scene of Star Wars when Vader walks in
3. Clerks-37!
4. Ferris Bueller convinces Cameron
5. The final scene of Usual Suspects
6. Rounders-Pay the man his money.
7. Shawshank-The warden figures it out.
8. Rain Man-Vegas
9. Office Space-Michael made a mistake.
10. A Few Good Men-You can't handle the truth.
In no particular order, here are a few:
Disciplinary Hearing in Scent of a Woman;

Do I amuse you confrontation between Tommy and Henry in Goodfellas;


Yes on those two

Beginning of Saving Private Ryan

Charge of the Rohirrim

Rodney Singing

Mad Max Fury Road Storm

This one, not one of the dumb parodies of this scene. One of the greatest acting performances of all time in my opinion:

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Ben Hur chariot race. Made in 1959, before computers and special effects wizardry, and 41 years before Gladiator.

"...the one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball... People will come Ray...."

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The Sicilian scene in True Romance (with Gandolfino in the background)
The confrontation scene with Russel Crowe and Juaquin Phoenix in The Gladiator
So many from The Great Escape.

My favorite is when James Garner asks Donald Pleasant what he is doing here. Pleasant gives a speech about going sightseeing etc. Garner says no, what do you do here. Pleasant replies, oh I’m the Forger.

Here’s another

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Final scene of the The Good The Bad and the Ugly game set match .Clint. Eli Wallach and Somerville High grad Lee Van Cleef . Go back and watch it and if you never have you will agree. As far as I am concerned it was the greatest spaghetti western and one of the greatest westerns of all time. And the music score especially in that final scene is genius.
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Guardians of the Galaxy:
@That’s the first thing you said that wasn’t bat sh-t crazy”
Space Balls diner scene with the food poisoning.
Stripes barracks scene with everyone introducing themselves to the group.
Vinnie's cross examination. "That explains the hostility"
Forbidden Planet Lab scene. " My Poor Krell"
Bridge over the River Kwai blown up.
Red Sea opening up in 10 Commandments (It is the season)
Opening the Ark in Raiders
Spaceship turning into vacuum cleaner in Spaceballs. " May the Schwartz be with you"
First appearance of Battle Cruiser in Star Wars chasing Leah.
Cantina scene in Star Wars
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"The Searchers."

Final scene, John Wayne turns away from door, walks (The Duke strut) away, door slams; fade to black.