OT: Favorite Movie Scenes

Forgot, "I'm having what she's having", in When Harry Met Sally.
Goldfinger getting sucked out of the Airplane window.
Akira Kurosawa's famous katana draw down at the end of "Sanjuro". Inspired by American westerns. Perhaps you speak Japanese :Sly:; if not, the samurai on the right demands satisfaction for being humiliated, and the one on the left (Toshiro Mifune) tries to decline, to no avail.

The jet of blood was a special effects mistake, but Kurosawa liked it so it remained in the film. Kurosawa opened the way for Penn and Peckinpah to later spill oceans of blood in "Bonnie and Clyde" and "The Wild Bunch."

Vinnie's cross examination. "That explains the hostility"
Forbidden Planet Lab scene. " My Poor Krell"
Bridge over the River Kwai blown up.
Red Sea opening up in 10 Commandments (It is the season)
Opening the Ark in Raiders
Spaceship turning into vacuum cleaner in Spaceballs. " May the Schwartz be with you"
First appearance of Battle Cruiser in Star Wars chasing Leah.
Cantina scene in Star Wars

Still can see the graphics of the seemingly endless tunnel that goes to a bottomless pit … of the Krell!

"The Searchers."

Final scene, John Wayne turns away from door, walks (The Duke strut) away, door slams; fade to black.

here it is.. did you know that gesture was an omage to Harry Carey (one of the western stars from the silent era).. it was a habit of his, the arm clutch. friend of this whole john Ford/John Wayne crew.. and he had died recently.. his son is in the movie... the kid whose fiance was killed in the Indian raid. (no relation to the Cub's late announcer afaik)
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And the Phil Silvers crossing the stream in his car with the kid looking on.

loved Phil and spoke to him several times over the phone in the early 80's.

My favorite scene in that movie is when Johnathan Winters obliterates a desert gas station with Arnold Stang and forgot his name.


Also liked Jim Backus' scene … at the country club: seems like he always did Magoo for comedic performances (e.g. imo The Millionaire's voice was Magoo).

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hope this was sarcasm.. not a fan of titanic as a whole.. from tossing the necklace to locking steerage passengers below deck to this scene with whatshername, Rose, surprised that Jack has disappeared.. could have taken turns in the water.. could have found something else to cling to... hate that scene!
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I agree with many of the scenes mentioned but need to add a few. The Wizard of OZ, "I'm melting". Ghost Busters and Alien, too many to mention. The death of the alien at the end of The Thing.
In no particular order, here are a few:
Disciplinary Hearing in Scent of a Woman;
Baptismal Murders in Godfather;
Fredo and Michael Confrontation in Godfather Part 2;
Batts and Tommy Confrontation in Goodfellas;
Do I amuse you confrontation between Tommy and Henry in Goodfellas;
Final battle in Platoon;
Nicholson's You can't handle the truth in A Few Good Men;
Vincent Gambini's Cross-examinations in My Cousin Vinny;
Dropped cigarette in car in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles;
TurboLax spiked coffee / toilet in Dumb and Dumber;
Johnny Cash Prison concert in Walk the Line;

The Graduate (the entire Movie): but especially, the church scene when Ben calls out for Elaine, and she responds (actually shot in Pomona area: Bonita): literally sends chills up my spine.
Also the Graduate: when Mr. Robinson confronts Benjamin, and Ben tells him that he / his wife were only "shaking hands".
"That doesn't speak well of my wife ...and forgive me if I don't shake your hand".
Inherit the Wind: when Darrow is cross examining Brady on whether sponges think. " Do you think a sponge thinks? Do you think about the things you think about?"
Dr. Strangelove: When the German Nazi Scientist keeps having to restrain his arm from giving a Nazi salute...while he's talking about the Mine Shaft Gap!
National Lampoon's Animal House: The whole movie...but the scene where the Delta's land in a black bar, and their dates (one of whom was studying Anthropology) while the Jewish kid is drunk and imitating Otis ("he loves us")….who doesn't have a clue who the f this guy is.
Vacation: When Chevy and family are on the farm with his brother in law (Randy Quaid): "Real Catsup Earl"? "Nothing but the best for my brother in law".
Eraserhead : when Henry is invited over to his girlfriend's house for dinner, and her mother puts the moves on Henry. Also when her father is trying to carve the moving blood spurting chicken!

here it is.. did you know that gesture was an omage to Harry Carey (one of the western stars from the silent era).. it was a habit of his, the arm clutch. friend of this whole john Ford/John Wayne crew.. and he had died recently.. his son is in the movie... the kid whose fiance was killed in the Indian raid. (no relation to the Cub's late announcer afaik)
Slow motion Matthew McConaughey walking into the Emporium to Dylan's "The Hurricane" in Dazed in Confused.

Kurt Russell's Herb Brooks speech in Miracle.
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Brando & Steiger in car on the waterfront, Coulda been a contender.
Cagney going to the chair in angels with dirty faces.
Smokies shitting in the bushes in Friday.
Dinero shooting girl in parking lot when he can’t find his car in Jackie brown.
Shootout in Carlitos way, Cmon let’s go. No papi you stay here
Some tarantino scenes..

I like this one because it introduces the space that will be fought in a bit later.. and a fun song

the juxtaposition of terror and music

drug lord's wife commands you to dance and win

QT is pretty good at conveying a sense of place and time and mood
that is, he has gotten better at it.. I recall in pulp fiction having some time/era confusion

for gratuitous Jessica Alba
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