OT: Game of Thrones is back tonight

Am I the only one becoming disappointed with the ridiculous amount of clothing Sansa wears?

She's put on weight. A considerable amount of it, actually. Not that she's "fat", but her body has definitely changed.
She's put on weight. A considerable amount of it, actually. Not that she's "fat", but her body has definitely changed.

That's what I thought, too, looks like there's a little double-chin action from the side and I was a bit surprised. She didn't get knocked-up or anything did she?
Snow is back, the Red Queen did something to him when she touched the body and her sceen of going to bed had to have some purpose of transfer her powers to him.

I've never read the books and I'm a latecomer to GOT, but that's what i thought until I started reading that Melisandre is actually old and her youth is part of her magic.

As for Jon Snow, he is either walking out of that room, carried out of that room or left to stiffen up in that room
That's what I thought, too, looks like there's a little double-chin action from the side and I was a bit surprised. She didn't get knocked-up or anything did she?

As far as I know, she is currently unimpregnated. Could be that, as she matures, her adult body type is different from what we might has expected. Hoped for. Something.
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My theory is that Snow never died. Note how when the wolf comes into the room he goes and sits by his side in a protecting mode. When Snows older brother died, his wolf went nuts howling.
My theory is that Snow never died. Note how when the wolf comes into the room he goes and sits by his side in a protecting mode. When Snows older brother died, his wolf went nuts howling.

Interesting point.
For @AreYouNUTS

The final scene was kinda strange/confusing as it implied Melisandre's necklace was magical and kept her looking youthful... but... in previous seasons, we have seen her naked/without the necklace:

I have a different interpretation. I don't think it's the necklace or even the potions as someone else mentioned. I think it's a matter of her losing her faith in her powers. She backed Stannis the mannis and we know how that worked out for her. Then she had that special attraction, for lack of better words, to Jon and a vision of something great within him. When she saw him dead, she didn't have that self assure confident air she always possesses, she looked demoralized and doubtful. So my guess is something will have to happen that will reignite her "fire" and she will bring Snow back to life.

Also, talking about a weight gain.... Ole kalesi's arms were looking pretty thick.
I thought this was a continuity error:

When Brianna saves Sansa/Theon from the soldiers, one of them were holding the dogs back from Sansa. From the books we know that these dogs were vicious and would rip her apart if given the chance. Then, all of the soldiers are killed, and there are no dogs! Where did they go? They wouldn't have run off, they would have attacked. Nobody was shown killing the dogs. What happened to them?
I thought this was a continuity error:

When Brianna saves Sansa/Theon from the soldiers, one of them were holding the dogs back from Sansa. From the books we know that these dogs were vicious and would rip her apart if given the chance. Then, all of the soldiers are killed, and there are no dogs! Where did they go? They wouldn't have run off, they would have attacked. Nobody was shown killing the dogs. What happened to them?
Good question. Your right and didn't Theon at the river even state that if the dogs catch them he's seen what they do to people(in reference to tearing them apart) and they needed to throw off their scent by crossing it.
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Weird how Podrick learned how to fight so well all of a sudden. He couldn't even ride a horse a few eps ago and it's not like any large amount of time took place in between.
Weird how Podrick learned how to fight so well all of a sudden. He couldn't even ride a horse a few eps ago and it's not like any large amount of time took place in between.

Actually, there is a fair amount of time that transpires between the time Brienne and Pod get to Winterfell and the sequence of events after the fall of Stannis. There are considerable differences in the details between the books and the series, but the one thing you might assume to be consistent is that Stannis is camped outside Winterfell for a good amount of time. The book gives you the impression that it could be a couple months.
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I thought this was a continuity error:

When Brianna saves Sansa/Theon from the soldiers, one of them were holding the dogs back from Sansa. From the books we know that these dogs were vicious and would rip her apart if given the chance. Then, all of the soldiers are killed, and there are no dogs! Where did they go? They wouldn't have run off, they would have attacked. Nobody was shown killing the dogs. What happened to them?

Here's another take on that...(not by me)

"I counted 6 Bolton men from the start(4 on horse, 2 on foot) but we only saw 5 get killed, so I think the reasonable answer is, one ran away immediately with the hounds and I am betting he shows up at Winterfell in the next episode."
Here's another take on that...(not by me)

"I counted 6 Bolton men from the start(4 on horse, 2 on foot) but we only saw 5 get killed, so I think the reasonable answer is, one ran away immediately with the hounds and I am betting he shows up at Winterfell in the next episode."
Good call, was curious and I actually watched it again last night and I think your right. The whole Melisandre thing I still can't figure out.
Here's another take on that...(not by me)

"I counted 6 Bolton men from the start(4 on horse, 2 on foot) but we only saw 5 get killed, so I think the reasonable answer is, one ran away immediately with the hounds and I am betting he shows up at Winterfell in the next episode."

That would make sense, but still a bad editing shot to not show the soldier running away with the dogs. And if the soldier DOESNT show up at Winterfell in the future, then it will look like even more of an editing mistake. Only time will tell!

Melisandre, put that damn necklace back on!!!
I thought this was a continuity error:

When Brianna saves Sansa/Theon from the soldiers, one of them were holding the dogs back from Sansa. From the books we know that these dogs were vicious and would rip her apart if given the chance. Then, all of the soldiers are killed, and there are no dogs! Where did they go? They wouldn't have run off, they would have attacked. Nobody was shown killing the dogs. What happened to them?
My observation is that those dogs were actually cute. Yeah...cute. You know the floppy, eared, blood hound with the good sniffer. Not the rip you apart and eat your nuts type dogs.
That's what I thought, too, looks like there's a little double-chin action from the side and I was a bit surprised. She didn't get knocked-up or anything did she?
Um, isn't she running around in the farking snow? I think there's a pretty good reason she's all layered up.
Um, isn't she running around in the farking snow? I think there's a pretty good reason she's all layered up.

lol yes, I know, and would hope that everyone realized the same when I posted that...we need more "Summer Is Here" and less "Winters is Coming" IMHO! Anyway she still looked heavier in the chin area, which is what initially caught my attention, and what I mentioned to Real earlier in the thread.
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