Lots of wise experts have said US already in a recession or has one looming (Dimon)
The usual two months of GDP decline (used as definition for recession) happened last summer.
Some prices came down, and a lot of that has been attributed to demand destruction and collapsing economies (China consuming less oil etc).
Inflation wasn't about 6.0 for 40 years, and now its still above 7.0
That's if the pre-election numbers can even be trusted
Its Christmas week when people are distracted, so Fed Bank of Philly clarified that 10k jobs added (March-June) were mistakenly reported as 1,100,000 added.
Oh what a surprise.
Meanwhile the US manufacturing PMI is lowering to below other major nations .
New orders hit a 14 yr low (2020 lockdowns aside).
Also "aside" are Saudi's making a deal with Xi, Iran and Russia working to undercut the dollar, Kissinger warning to end Ukraine escapade or risk WW3, Iran and Israel risking war, 550k a month ready to cross border with end of title 42 and domestic insults on US economy (like China owned HSBC saying it wont fund new oil fields, CA and NY looking to sue oil companies, crypto corruption in the billions, trillions that cant be accounted for in US ( Pentagon missing 4 trillion) and global derivatives.
Oh and Europe is de-industrializing.
Market stats aside, we are in a big house full of gas leaks and idiots at home and abroad are throwing matches around. Be careful of stats - lots of stuff under the table being ignored.
As Custer said "What Indians?"
(Bloomberg) -- There’s a hidden risk to the global financial system embedded in the $65 trillion of dollar debt being held by non-US institutions via currency derivatives, according to the Bank for International Settlements. Most Read from Bloomberg‘Huge, Missing and Growing:’ $65 Trillion in...