OT: Hedonism

Based on the people I saw, cheap plastic furniture and what I saw people doing, I don't need to see anymore to know that place sucks. And you know it too, it just took you longer to figure it out.

Do tell. What did you see those people doing ?
And it didn't take me longer to figure it out. THE PLACE CHANGED.
Where it once was a mixed crowd both in terms of race and age IN THE NINETIES (when you had your walk), it had steadily gotten to be older...very much older and almost exclusively white. Perhaps you couldn't tell that from your walk on the beach.
Back in the day, there were people at the resort that made things like the wet Tee shirt contest and toga night fun. When it got to be just some really old people with loads of wrinkles and folds, you just wanted to tell them to put some clothes on. And find another place to party. But again, you couldn't see that from your walk on the beach.
Do tell. What did you see those people doing ?
And it didn't take me longer to figure it out. THE PLACE CHANGED.
Where it once was a mixed crowd both in terms of race and age IN THE NINETIES (when you had your walk), it had steadily gotten to be older...very much older and almost exclusively white. Perhaps you couldn't tell that from your walk on the beach.
Back in the day, there were people at the resort that made things like the wet Tee shirt contest and toga night fun. When it got to be just some really old people with loads of wrinkles and folds, you just wanted to tell them to put some clothes on. And find another place to party. But again, you couldn't see that from your walk on the beach.

Get a room, you two (and I don't mean at Hedonism).
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Jeez- started as a fun thread

Seriously. You basically agree with someone and two seconds later their panties are in a wad.

I always chalk it up to political beliefs. Some people don't have the wherewithal to separate that from anything else.
I started this thread as a spoof on all the OTs asking for travel advice... Sorry not every one has the budget to stay at the four seasons in Nevis or sandy lane Barbados... Fortunately I have.

Geez man lighten up.
Spoof on OT threads? Wow.

And who said anything about Sandy Lane or FS? Maybe you need to lighten up. And get better at spoofing.
You straight types and your interesting resort/vacation proclivities! Kills me every time!! :sunglasses:
Sounds like a real trek for something that goes on at a certain hotel in Middlesex County every other
Sounds like a real trek for something that goes on at a certain hotel in Middlesex County every other

I grew up in Middlesex County. Middlesex County is nothing like Negril, Jamaica.
I grew up in Middlesex County. Middlesex County is nothing like Negril, Jamaica.

Without a doubt.

I'd imagine that nearly everyone on this thread went for more than some "erotic experiments." Sure, it's fun, but I'd imagine that Negril, Jamaica has more to offer than Middlesex County in the tourism department.

As for people who make sex the cornerstones of their travels; well, I don't judge, but I don't get it
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red sail- it's funny, the last time I tried to spoof OT threads, it was my 10k post and I think it would be funny to use it to ask John O how I could contact him.
John missed the joke, deleted my 10k thread...

Not everyone gets the joke.

The funny thing is that I actually had a funny experience at Hedonism and couldn't help to share it and laugh at myself. So, I thought your OT was great.
Without a doubt.

I'd imagine that nearly everyone on this thread went for more than some "erotic experiments." Sure, it's fun, but I'd imagine that Negril, Jamaica has more to offer than Middlesex County in the tourism department.

As for people who make sex the cornerstones of their travels; well, I don't judge, but I don't get it

Well, I've read enough of your posts here to know that you don't get it.
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Red Sail- honest story here...2 years ago, my brother in-law died in Jamaica. Had to make last minute arrangements to stay in runaway bay. The only rooms available were at Hedonism. Far from being prudes, we booked a room there...
Let's just say, it's not like any advertisement you have ever seen. Old, hairy and drooping. And that's the women.
Kinda like going to the nude beach at Sandy Hook!
Red Sail- honest story here...2 years ago, my brother in-law died in Jamaica. Had to make last minute arrangements to stay in runaway bay. The only rooms available were at Hedonism. Far from being prudes, we booked a room there...
Let's just say, it's not like any advertisement you have ever seen. Old, hairy and drooping. And that's the women.

By any chance, was your brother-in-law a noted diabetes specialist (M.D.) with the initials PS? I had a classmate in high school who I just re-initated contact with late 2013 to discuss a medical issue I had, and six months later we lost him, when he was at a medical conference on one of the islands.
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You straight types and your interesting resort/vacation proclivities! Kills me every time!! :sunglasses:
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By any chance, was your brother-in-law a noted diabetes specialist (M.D.) with the initials PS? I had a classmate in high school who I just re-initated contact with late 2013 to discuss a medical issue I had, and six months later we lost him, when he was at a medical conference on one of the islands.

No- my brother in law was 100% Jamaican(well, as much as any Jamaican can be) never off the island. Died from crappy hospital care...
No- my brother in law was 100% Jamaican(well, as much as any Jamaican can be) never off the island. Died from crappy hospital care...

At least he didn't die at Hedonsim ... that would be a tough one to explain to the family. I kid I kid ...:scream:
At least he didn't die at Hedonsim ... that would be a tough one to explain to the family. I kid I kid ...:scream:

That would depend on what you died from, no ?
Hint: stay away from the mushroom tea....and go easy on Aunt Jennie's brownies.
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That would depend on what you died from, no ?
Hint: stay away from the mushroom tea....and go easy on Aunt Jennie's brownie's.

I've been to Negril 7 times, and Jennies brownies are obviously still popular lol..
Negril is fine but I'm not sure why you would ever go there 7 times. Have you also visited other locations on the island?
Negril is fine but I'm not sure why you would ever go there 7 times. Have you also visited other locations on the island?

I've been to Negril at least 20 the place.
I've also been to Ocho Rios, Runaway Bay, and Montego Bay and none of them can compare to Negril.
I think it depends on what one is looking for.
I've been to Negril at least 20 the place.
I've also been to Ocho Rios, Runaway Bay, and Montego Bay and none of them can compare to Negril.
I think it depends on what one is looking for.
I guess that answered the

My better half us Jamiacan and she hasn't been back even close to that many times. Do you mind if I ask what your driving force is...
I've been to Negril at least 20 the place.
I've also been to Ocho Rios, Runaway Bay, and Montego Bay and none of them can compare to Negril.
I think it depends on what one is looking for.

Have you been to YS Falls, just past Lucy ? I'm sure you have. One of the most stunning series of waterfalls I've ever been to, great for swimming too. Not far from Peter Tosh's road side Grave Site. "Legalize It ' !
As to the other poster asking why go 7 times, I have been to Ocho Rios, and Mo Bay etc, but they IMO do not compare. Negril sits on the Western Point of Jamaica, resulting in stunning sunsets, there are 7 miles of beautiful beachs and then a few miles of low elevation cliffs, with hotels , restaurants and bars built into them, many are stunning. Negril is very liberal in regards to not bothering the many European and American tourists from smoking herb and sun bathing nude (not me ! lol). The Reggae Music scene is tremendous as well . Have seen Ziggy Marley play in small venues adjacent to bars right on the water several times. Yellow Man as well. The Vibe in Negril is very different from anywhere else I've ever been. I hope it never changes. Hey, I also caught the first weekend of the NCAA tourny at a cool bar there, and ran into a buddy I hadn't seen in 10 years, lol

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Have you been to YS Falls, just past Lucy ? I'm sure you have. One of the most stunning series of waterfalls I've ever been to, great for swimming too. Not far from Peter Tosh's road side Grave Site. "Legalize It ' !
As to the other poster asking why go 7 times, I have been to Ocho Rios, and Mo Bay etc, but they IMO do not compare. Negril sits on the Western Point of Jamaica, resulting in stunning sunsets, there are 7 miles of beautiful beachs and then a few miles of low elevation cliffs, with hotels , restaurants and bars built into them, many are stunning. Negril is very liberal in regards to not bothering the many European and American tourists from smoking herb and sun bathing nude (not me ! lol). The Reggae Music scene is tremendous as well . Have seen Ziggy Marley play in small venues adjacent to bars right on the water several times. Yellow Man as well. The Vibe in Negril is very different from anywhere else I've ever been. I hope it never changes. Hey, I also caught the first weekend of the NCAA tourny at a cool bar there, and ran into a buddy I hadn't seen in 10 years, lol


Great job at attempting to explain the attraction of Negril. I'm not sure I could do as well. No, I've never been to YS Falls. I only know Lucea as that town we pass through just before we get to Negril. The one with the really big clock. The new giant RIU resort is near there, no ? Every time we go back there's another new resort. It's actually a little depressing.
As I said, I've been going to Negril since I think the mid Eighties. The first time was with my first wife...and we were hooked from the start. We had a room at a place called the Charela Inn, with a balcony that faced right out to the beach. A perfect view. I rolled one and we smoked a bit. My wife had all of these plans for stuff we were gonna do that night....until she got high and said she was too wrecked to go out anywhere. So we stayed in our bed, put on some tunes, opened the curtains and watched the sun set. It was the best sunset I've ever seen. The clouds were just right. It was awesome. We took loads of pictures, but my ex got them in the divorce.....just kidding...we weren't actually married. I've seen any number of great sunsets since that day, but that first one was by far the best. Before that day I would have bet good money that a sunset would never impress this Jersey guy....but it was spectacular.
The next morning as we walked the beach....the friggin 7-mile beautiful beach...there's a lady sitting at a table with a big pot. She says to me "Mushroom tea today, darling ?" How could I not fall in love with the place ?
You said it right when you said "The vibe in Negril is very different from anywhere else I've ever been." We once took a couple with us and on that long ride from Montego Bay the guy kept asking why we were going all the way out to Negril when there were some perfectly good places in Montego Bay. After a couple of days there he told me that he now understood. They've been back more than a few times.
And you were right to worry about things changing there. It's changed for the worse in the time I've been going. I think it all started when they re-did the road, which used to be a trip all by itself. I once owned a Tee shirt that said "I survived the road to Negril." was THAT bad. Especially at night.
But it's still my home-away-from-home. We go to other places when my wife gives me the old "Let's try someplace different" stuff. But she always ends up saying that she wants to go back to Negril for the next vacation. We've always had a great time there. you've got me thinking about my next trip to Negril. I think we're going in November.
I gotta remember to check out that waterfalls place.
And Rick's Café is underwhelming.....although like Dunn's River Falls you might have to see it ONCE.
You don't have to go to Jamaica to get your freak on. Stay home. The freak is cheaper and you know where its been.
dunn's river falls is awesome. you must see it at least once.

As I said earlier, Dunn's River Falls is a must see. But I wouldn't spend much time in Ocho Rios.
Not a big fan of any place where the cruise ships stop...and they stop at Ocho Rios.
And Rick's Café is underwhelming.....although like Dunn's River Falls you might have to see it ONCE.

We stayed at San Sara, cliffs of Negril , with a 2nd floor room overlooking the small concert area on the cliffs , Ziggy Marley started by playing one his better earlier albums, and then finished with almost the entire 'Legend ' Album by his dad, Bob (nobody compares to Bob! lol) Full moon, gorgeous night, my friends staying at Swept Away on the beach came over and we partied on our little deck balcony , about 100 feet from the stage. Then Ziggy starts yelling at us to come down and dance, lol. So we did. More ganja being passed around openly then I ever saw in my life before and since , Had beers afterward with YellowMan at the bar. What a trip that dude is .

I haven't been back in about 15 years, hope it's still close to the same. In the 70s Negril was just starting as a 'hippie/rasta/reggae/ euro chick ' haven. 80s and 90s were nuts as well, but started getting more touristy w Americans.

I'm hoping to get back next winter and see how it's changed.
We stayed at San Sara, cliffs of Negril , with a 2nd floor room overlooking the small concert area on the cliffs , Ziggy Marley started by playing one his better earlier albums, and then finished with almost the entire 'Legend ' Album by his dad, Bob (nobody compares to Bob! lol) Full moon, gorgeous night, my friends staying at Swept Away on the beach came over and we partied on our little deck balcony , about 100 feet from the stage. Then Ziggy starts yelling at us to come down and dance, lol. So we did. More ganja being passed around openly then I ever saw in my life before and since , Had beers afterward with YellowMan at the bar. What a trip that dude is .

I haven't been back in about 15 years, hope it's still close to the same. In the 70s Negril was just starting as a 'hippie/rasta/reggae/ euro chick ' haven. 80s and 90s were nuts as well, but started getting more touristy w Americans.

I'm hoping to get back next winter and see how it's changed.

We usually go in November. The weather is usually better then.
But be's way more touristy than it was back in the 20th century...... ever since they shortened the road to Negril.
But the vibe is still different than anywhere else I've ever been.
Hedonism? I like it as much as I like sadism and masochism.Ruematism too.

I think you're misunderstanding what the word means.
Those three other isms you mentioned...two of which I'm pretty sure you spelled incorrectly....are not things that I can ever recall people speaking fondly of. Hedonism on the other hand has much to offer...depending on one's point of view of course.
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