OT: HS wrestling rule on hair length

tico brown

Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 16, 2005
I have no clue on what the rules are for a wrestlers length of hair. Is long hair/dreadlocks illegal for a wrestler to have for HS matches?
This faux outrage is horsesh*t. Remember back in the 80's when kids were growing those little pigtails at the back of their head. Four of my teammates had to cut them off. There was no article, no outrage, just cut them off and wrestle. This will be blown out of proportion by the this liberal, PC world.
This faux outrage is horsesh*t. Remember back in the 80's when kids were growing those little pigtails at the back of their head. Four of my teammates had to cut them off. There was no article, no outrage, just cut them off and wrestle. This will be blown out of proportion by the this liberal, PC world.
What faux outrage? I just asked a freking question.
What faux outrage? I just asked a freking question.
Sorry, not directed at you. The media is now trying to tie this to a previous race altercation the ref had some years ago with another ref at a party.
Sorry, not directed at you. The media is now trying to tie this to a previous race altercation the ref had some years ago with another ref at a party.
FWIW, If this kid was allowed to wrestle with the proper head covering before this season, then why was this an issue yesterday?
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"Maloney, who is white, used the slur in an argument over homemade wine in a Jersey Shore condo after many of the officials gathered following a youth tournament in Wildwood. Another official, Preston Hamilton, who is black, then slammed Maloney to the ground over the remark."

Must have been a helluva party.
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Guy who says racist things tells black kid to cut his dreads (which no other official before this required) and the problem is the liberals?

That makes sense.
OMG he said the N word at a party once to someone he thought he was jesting with. Was it wrong yes, did he get slam to the ground for it yes. Did he apologize for the incident yes. But now he's targeting black people. Got it. Again it's being blown out of proportion by the liberal media and their PC agenda.
OMG he said the N word at a party once to someone he thought he was jesting with. Was it wrong yes, did he get slam to the ground for it yes. Did he apologize for the incident yes. But now he's targeting black people. Got it. Again it's being blown out of proportion by the liberal media and their PC agenda.
The outrage culture is ridiculous buy I honestly have no idea what the real and complete story is about this situation because everything and everyone racism right away. It could very well just be a racist ref but I'm sure there is more to the story.
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I do not care what he said at a party years ago. What is the rule. When I was in school coach told us all to get hair cuts. No one questioned it.
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I do not care what he said at a party years ago. What is the rule. When I was in school coach told us all to get hair cuts. No one questioned it.
You're allowed to have long hair, as long as you have it properly covered. In this case, it appears the wrestler was utilizing one that did not comply with the regulation.

Alleged racism notwithstanding, reading the NJ forum a bit and seems like this guy just has a reputation for being a d-bag.
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FWIW, If this kid was allowed to wrestle with the proper head covering before this season, then why was this an issue yesterday?
I have no idea. Apparently he didn't have the proper covering for this match. This should have all been picked up during weight in's as you have to weight in with it. It wasn't. Making him cut the hair is not a big deal, it happens all the time in the locker room. Like I've said previously I personally witnessed 4 kids have it done. If he didn't want to cut the hair, forfeit, it's that simple. There's a reason the rules are in place for wrestler safety.
This has now hit every major NY news outlet. My 4 friends didn't even get a blurb in the Courier News, I wonder why that is.

Edit: Well it's now National News.
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You're allowed to have long hair, as long as you have it properly covered. In this case, it appears the wrestler was utilizing one that did not comply with the regulation.

Alleged racism notwithstanding, reading the NJ forum a bit and seems like this guy just has a reputation for being a d-bag.

I was reading elsewhere this official is known from N NJ to S NJ as being a huge A hole. I also heard Pburg fans would wear T shirts with his face on it with a not so flattering phrase. Not sure is threatening to put the kid on an injury clock was the proper use of an injury clock, although he seems familiar w the rules.
He's suspended now, probably more for being a D bag than anything else, although the bad publicity last year w the 2 football officials getting national attention and then fired from the NJSIAA over African American players taking a knee has the NJSIAA guy shy about racsism.
IMHO, this could have been handled in a MUCH better, professional manner and not so publicly by cutting a kid’s entire head of hair in front of everyone at a live match. That’s ridiculous. If it’s a legit, well known rule, for safely or health reasons, it should have been handled PRIOR to the match in the locker room (i.e., during weigh-ins or introductions, whatever). It should be a clear and concise rule. If it’s subjective, then you have to give people a chance to rectify it privately. Ref acted like a jackass.

Go RU!

PS. The kid handled it like the adult, with dignity and class. But, he shouldn’t be subjected to that publicly. Privately, yes, if that’s the rule.
I have no idea. Apparently he didn't have the proper covering for this match. This should have all been picked up during weight in's as you have to weight in with it. It wasn't. Making him cut the hair is not a big deal, it happens all the time in the locker room. Like I've said previously I personally witnessed 4 kids have it done. If he didn't want to cut the hair, forfeit, it's that simple. There's a reason the rules are in place for wrestler safety.
This has now hit every major NY news outlet. My 4 friends didn't even get a blurb in the Courier News, I wonder why that is.

Edit: Well it's now National News.
The kid HAD the proper head covering but this ref didnt allow it.

Keep defending this asshat.
The kid HAD the proper head covering but this ref didnt allow it.

Keep defending this asshat.
"This is not about hair. This is about race. How many different ways will people try to exclude Black people from public life without having to declare their bigotry" Is this the answer you were looking for? Seems to be the only answer which will soothe the media and it seems you as well.
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"This is not about hair. This is about race. How many different ways will people try to exclude Black people from public life without having to declare their bigotry" Is this the answer you were looking for? Seems to be the only answer which will soothe the media and it seems you as well.

Kole, I hate disagreeing with you because we are almost always of like minds. But I'm a wrestling lifer too, and this pisses me off. I've seen all kinds of heads of hair covered up (or not) for matches. What's different about this situation, and why does Maloney have to be a dick about it? I wonder if there's some kind of history we don't know about.

By the way, Maloney once reffed one of my matches in MAWAs (at Washington Township) when I was in the geezer division. He was making fun of me the whole time, asking me if I needed a break, I guess because I had a beard and looked older than my opponent. I thought it was pretty funny. He has a reputation for playing to the crowd among some down here, but I actually have always thought he was a good ref.

I once discussed the party incident with the referee who slammed him (who is young enough to be Maloney's son). He's a great dude and agonized for a long time before making his formal complaint.

I wonder what Big Matt thinks. I will have to peruse the thread again, maybe I missed it.
IMHO, this could have been handled in a MUCH better, professional manner and not so publicly by cutting a kid’s entire head of hair in front of everyone at a live match. That’s ridiculous. If it’s a legit, well known rule, for safely or health reasons, it should have been handled PRIOR to the match in the locker room (i.e., during weigh-ins or introductions, whatever). It should be a clear and concise rule. If it’s subjective, then you have to give people a chance to rectify it privately. Ref acted like a jackass.

Go RU!

PS. The kid handled it like the adult, with dignity and class. But, he shouldn’t be subjected to that publicly. Privately, yes, if that’s the rule.

Yeah, in my lifetime of wrestling experience, this was always handled prior to the match (finger nails and hair checked, etc.). Maybe the procedure is different now (but I doubt it).
Kole, I hate disagreeing with you because we are almost always of like minds. But I'm a wrestling lifer too, and this pisses me off. I've seen all kinds of heads of hair covered up (or not) for matches. What's different about this situation, and why does Maloney have to be a dick about it? I wonder if there's some kind of history we don't know about.

By the way, Maloney once reffed one of my matches in MAWAs (at Washington Township) when I was in the geezer division. He was making fun of me the whole time, asking me if I needed a break, I guess because I had a beard and looked older than my opponent. I thought it was pretty funny. He has a reputation for playing to the crowd among some down here, but I actually have always thought he was a good ref.

I once discussed the party incident with the referee who slammed him (who is young enough to be Maloney's son). He's a great dude and agonized for a long time before making his formal complaint.

I wonder what Big Matt thinks. I will have to peruse the thread again, maybe I missed it.
It was a quote from the article he linked "Black New Jersey high school wrestler forced to cut dreadlocks by White Referee" not my quote. Tico came here under the guise of innocence but in reality he was looking for that exact answer, so I gave it to him.

I have no idea why Maloney was such a dick in this case but he was. However, it's not like others haven't had their hair cut and this is some isolated case. On the mat yea that's pretty strange as when I wrestled you got the hair and nail check in the locker room. If there was reported ring worm a skin check was preformed. So to go straight for the race card is a little uncalled for this early in the investigation. But that's exactly where the media and Tico want this story to lead without any facts.
I've been checking around. Apparently there's a newish rule that the cap must be attached to the headgear, and this kid's didn't. I still think that should have been resolved in the locker room, and I don't like the way it played out. But most wrestlers have seen teammates get unceremoniously sheared in order to be allowed to compete...
Show me where I mentioned race one time?

Im not the one defending the ref but im a prick for asking a question about the rules. OK, whatever.
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I've been checking around. Apparently there's a newish rule that the cap must be attached to the headgear, and this kid's didn't. I still think that should have been resolved in the locker room, and I don't like the way it played out. But most wrestlers have seen teammates get unceremoniously sheared in order to be allowed to compete...
It wasn't handled well it seems, but it's just so silly how the media latched on to this and turned it into a racial thing. Like it was some sort of attack on his 'blackness' from white America.
It was a quote from the article he linked "Black New Jersey high school wrestler forced to cut dreadlocks by White Referee" not my quote.
As one who has a couple of close friends as responsible, facts reporting journalists, is that sentence highlighted inaccurate? Is it also inaccurate that this ref HAS used racial slurs before? If so, then are you saying that the athlete and/or journalist is responsible for this controversy?
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Did he not use racial slurs in the past?
Maybe he's a big fat racist and wanted to embarrass a black kid.

Or maybe there is rules that needed to be followed and the wrestler and his ciaches didn't follow them.

It seems the media is only pushing one of these narratives.
Maybe he's a big fat racist and wanted to embarrass a black kid.

Or maybe there is rules that needed to be followed and the wrestler and his ciaches didn't follow them.

It seems the media is only pushing one of these narratives.
Would you consider Fox News to be one to push the latter "narrative" (whatever that means in this case)? If so, even Fox seems to be taking the former "narrative," referring to him often as having a "racial past."
As one who has a couple of close friends as responsible, facts reporting journalists, is that sentence highlighted inaccurate? Is it also inaccurate that this ref HAS used racial slurs before? If so, then are you saying that the athlete and/or journalist is responsible for this controversy?
You're just as bad as the headline, "ref HAS used racial slurs before?" Should read, ref used a racial slur at a party with a colleague who he thought he was joking with over homemade wine . When you omit fact's or extrapolate things out of context, it's pretty much the same as lying. When you pluralize facts to make them seem worse, that's also just as good as lying. I'm not defending Maloney's actions here as I believe everything should have been handled in the locker room. Just that everyone has jumped straight to the racism card. The headline did exactly that and so did your post.

Here's the facts, kid didn't have the proper cover which attaches to his head gear. It's a new rule but too many times these head covers come loose, so they changed the rule. Kid either forfeits or cuts hair. Learn the rules, buy the proper equipment and this doesn't happen. But you like everyone else wants to go straight to racism.
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You're just as bad as the headline, "ref HAS used racial slurs before?" Should read, ref used a racial slur at a party with a colleague who he thought he was joking with over homemade wine . When you omit fact's or extrapolate things out of context, it's pretty much the same as lying. When you pluralize facts to make them seem worse, that's also just as good as lying. I'm not defending Maloney's actions here as I believe everything should have been handled in the locker room. Just that everyone has jumped straight to the racism card. The headline did exactly that and so did your post.

Here's the facts, kid didn't have the proper cover which attaches to his head gear. It's a new rule but too many times these head covers come loose, so they changed the rule. Kid either forfeits or cuts hair. Learn the rules, buy the proper equipment and this doesn't happen. But you like everyone else wants to go straight to racism.
I actually didn't go to anything, and nor have I taken a position. It seems the only one doing that between us is you.

You're discounting what reporters are reporting and I'm trying to seek clarification, in that are the reporters' inaccurate in their writing, including the Fox News reporters? If so, what is inaccurate in these stories? Is it not true that the ref has said these things?
I actually didn't go to anything, and nor have I taken a position. It seems the only one doing that between us is you.

You're discounting what reporters are reporting and I'm trying to seek clarification, in that are the reporters' inaccurate in their writing, including the Fox News reporters? If so, what is inaccurate in these stories? Is it not true that the ref has said these things?
So you want my thoughts on the media? They profit off of creating fear. They sensationalize the negative to fit that agenda. In order to achieve that agenda they cherry pick facts, many times distorting them by extrapolating facts out of context. They make money by keeping the American public at odds. They aren't looking for solutions rather to perpetuate the discourse.

I'll ask you a question, knowing what the facts are now, is this really a White vs. Black issue or is that what sells? Sorry, but that's what I think of your friends, they profit off of others misery. I'm glad you don't share their profession because I think your a good guy in the limited time you've been here, @Ban Basketball .
The intent of the rule is pretty clear. The powers that be in wrestling want a clean cut look. It’s a relic from the 60s and 70s. You’re damn right this is about race.

We already know our society has different rules for blacks and whites. Drop the pretense. You think BHO wins a single white vote if he spoke like DJT?? Let’s stop pretending the liberal media is the issue and not straight up Racial bullshit.
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Stop the BS and looking for a black issue around every corner. It's in the media bc of the visual effect of the girl cutting his hair like a sheep. Should've been done in the locker room nobody would be talking abt it. Problem was that it was put on the clock so had to be done quick, but heard they were told he needed proper cover at weigh in and they didn't have one so ref gave them time to get cover, cut it or forfeit.
Stop the BS and looking for a black issue around every corner. It's in the media bc of the visual effect of the girl cutting his hair like a sheep. Should've been done in the locker room nobody would be talking abt it. Problem was that it was put on the clock so had to be done quick, but heard they were told he needed proper cover at weigh in and they didn't have one so ref gave them time to get cover, cut it or forfeit.

I’ll bet every dollar in my bank account he doesn’t require top and bottom mouth guards for everyone who has braces... per the rules.

It’s astounding how many of you will defend a rule that by its very nature is about controlling people’s looks and not at all about safety.
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The intent of the rule is pretty clear. The powers that be in wrestling want a clean cut look. It’s a relic from the 60s and 70s. You’re damn right this is about race.

We already know our society has different rules for blacks and whites. Drop the pretense. You think BHO wins a single white vote if he spoke like DJT?? Let’s stop pretending the liberal media is the issue and not straight up Racial bullshit.
See that's where you lose me and most moderates. There is no conspiracy to eliminate black people from wrestling. The left looks to see victimhood in everything.
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