OT: Just Found Out That McCormick Was President of University of Washington


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2011
Watching "One On One" with Steve Adubato now, and he has former RU President McCormick on now. I had no idea he was at Washington, the school whose neighbor we just beat. McCormick is representing RU so well right now, and Steve got his doctorate degree at RU and is a big fan. This is a great show. Talking about RU in the B1G, as well as research. I didn't know that Rutgers didn't become the state university of NJ until 1956, and McCormick and Adubato made the point that we're playing catch-up with other state universities, but that football helps close the gap.

This post was edited on 3/10 12:03 AM by RutgersRaRa
Originally posted by jay_hq:

former rutgers president richard mccormick was the president of washington university BEFORE coming to rutgers.
Yep. And thank God we beat Washington State, huh? :-)

This post was edited on 3/10 12:05 AM by RutgersRaRa
Re: OT: Just Found Out That McCormick Is President of University of Washington

It's time to goto bed OP :)
Re: OT: Just Found Out That McCormick Is President of University of Washington

Originally posted by rutgersal:
It's time to goto bed OP :)
Sometimes you are so right, Uncle Al.
If you didn't know McCormick's previous position was at the University of Wisconsin, did you know he was the son of revered Rutgers history professor, and Dean, Richard P. McCormick who passed away in 2006?
Originally posted by Source:
If you didn't know McCormick's previous position was at the University of Wisconsin, did you know he was the son of revered Rutgers history professor, and Dean, Richard P. McCormick who passed away in 2006?
Or that he was provost at UNC? Or that Pullman and Seattle can be described in many ways, but "neighbors" or "neighboring" are not examples of them?
Re: OT: Just Found Out That McCormick Is President of University of Washington

Originally posted by jay_hq:

former rutgers president richard mccormick was the president of washington university BEFORE coming to rutgers.

we also beat washington state, not washington.
... and also not "Washington University."
Re: OT: Just Found Out That McCormick Is President of University of Washington

McCormick actually turned down Rutgers offer and was going to remain at UW until he realized he was about to get fired there - he then came back to RU accepted the offer. Was a pretty interesting and unsavory saga actually.
McCormick was caught having an affair at U-dub and was also caught driving drunk on Route 18 in his first year at RU.

Wonderful representitive of a university.
Re: OT: Just Found Out That McCormick Is President of University of Washington

How can we forget McCormick, he was the one while interviewing with us
was cheating on his wife with his seretary.
Originally posted by mal359:
McCormick was caught having an affair at U-dub and was also caught driving drunk on Route 18 in his first year at RU.

Wonderful representitive of a university.
Don't forget the little dust up outside Peter's Liquors on Easton Ave while Dick was buying his jug wine for the evening.
Saying all that, his father was the best Professor, Dean, and representative this school ever had.
Originally posted by RC1978:
Saying all that, his father was the best Professor, Dean, and representative this school ever had.
This is very true. He made History 101 a fascinating learning experience and was an even finer gentleman than he was an educator. Little Dick is nothing like his Dad. Just proves that sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree.
Originally posted by Knightmoves:

Originally posted by RC1978:
Saying all that, his father was the best Professor, Dean, and representative this school ever had.
This is very true. He made History 101 a fascinating learning experience and was an even finer gentleman than he was an educator. Little Dick is nothing like his Dad. Just proves that sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree.
Wish I had taken that course. Met my future (and current) wife in 1987 and at the time her dad was still a prof in the Labor Relations dept. (retired around 1990) and was good friends and neighbors with the McCormick's in HP and his wife was good friends with the younger McCormick (the wife, who was his 3rd wife, lol, was much younger than my wife's dad and was a prof in library studies).

They and several other prof type couples had a regular "eating club," that would rotate amongst houses in the area and much drinking and egg-headed talk would ensue. I attended most of the editions at my then girlfriend's house, as I was not one to turn down free food and liquor and some interesting conversations. Got to know both McCormick's a bit and always liked the older one better; my wife actually babysat for the younger ones, before they left for UNC. No surprise they eventually got divorced, as the younger one was quite the flirt. The group kind of disbanded in the early 90s as several of them moved on.
I'm more stunned about the not knowing Rutgers was the state university -- in full, anyway -- until 1956. And as for Dick, yes, he was really bad in private life, but he did good things for Rutgers. One in particular that many people thought couldn't be pulled off because of politics. But the colleges that weren't really colleges since 1981 (they just weren't. they were residential units. It made no sense) are no more -- including Douglass -- and yet all of the programs Douglass had are now available to women all over the university.

You're a schmuck, Dick. But thanks.

It's kind of like what a former colleague of mine said about Gov. McGreevey. Yeah, it was plenty embarrassing to have Golan Cipel in a bathrobe at Drumthwacket in the middle of the night, but dammit he fixed the DMV. Well worth it.
Originally posted by RC1978:
Saying all that, his father was the best Professor, Dean, and representative this school ever had.
And saying all that, I'd take him in a heartbeat over "Throw 'Em Under The Bus" Barchi.
"Saying all that, his father was the best Professor, Dean, and representative this school ever had. "

And the senior McCormick wrote the history of the University for publication during our Bicentennial year in 1966. I bought it when I entered RU that fall and still have it on my shelf (and yes, I DID read it, LOL).
Trivia question time:

In 2006, it was announced that Richard McCormick would became the first Rutgers president in history to do this at Kirkpatrick Chapel.......?
Originally posted by Source:
Trivia question time:

In 2006, it was announced that Richard McCormick would became the first Rutgers president in history to do this at Kirkpatrick Chapel.......?
Get married?
Originally posted by Source:
Trivia question time:

In 2006, it was announced that Richard McCormick would became the first Rutgers president in history to do this at Kirkpatrick Chapel.......?
Update his MySpace profile?
J.L. Gotrocks: "Get married?"

Kirkpatrick Chapel opened in 1873 and served as both library and site of the students' daily worship services. Today it hosts an average of 400 events a year including baptisms, funerals, concerts, art performances and weddings including the first Rutgers president to get married there - Richard L. McCormick.
Originally posted by Source:
J.L. Gotrocks: "Get married?"

Kirkpatrick Chapel opened in 1873 and served as both library and site of the students' daily worship services. Today it hosts an average of 400 events a year including baptisms, funerals, concerts, art performances and weddings including the first Rutgers president to get married there - Richard L. McCormick.
Was he sober for the ceremony?
Is this thread serious and the OP is that naive or uninformed? And to clarify one thing.. I don't believe McCormick Sr taught/lectured History 101 which was Western Civilization. His main course was onr I and many other took and had the pleasure to rnoy, History 201 American/US History. No question he was one of the best at Rutgers both in the classroom and as an administrator. He was a Rutgers Class of 1938 and was a regular fixture at Alumni Weekends.

Will someone please purchase RutgersRah s nook on Rutgers history and one on Rutgers football history do he can read up on things.
Originally posted by RC1978:
Saying all that, his father was the best Professor, Dean, and representative this school ever had.
I never took a course with Prof. McCormick the elder and it is one of the few regrets I have for my time at Rutgers. During my senior year when I was working as an usher at the RAC I got into a discussion with him over a campus issue that we disagreed on until he convinced me to change my position. he was truly interested in what the students had to say.

He was also the graduation speaker at he 1981 Rutgers College graduation. Though many were disappointed we did not get a "name" speaker he did a great job.
Originally posted by Local Shill:
Shocked that a prolific poster here didn't know that.
Shill, sometimes I shock myself with my lapses, and Al hit the nail on the head about late-night posting. I think the problem is that I keep cramming more info--some useless, some not--into my brain that other, slightly more relevant things get squeezed out, whatever they may be. And once Barchi took over I had hope for things in athletics to turn around because of his leadership, not in spite of it.

But it was a good interview with Adubato. I think it first aired about six months ago, so you can catch it on a re-run or by googling "One-On-One With Steve Adubato."
RU62, Apologies, sir. On further review, that course was 201, not 101. I remember how he would personalize his lecturing, and recall his reflecting on how, as a child machine operator, he would throw a handful of dirt into the machine he was working in order to temporarily disable it. Seems that was the only way he could get a workbreak.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by RutgersRaRa:

Originally posted by Local Shill:
Shocked that a prolific poster here didn't know that.
Shill, sometimes I shock myself with my lapses, and Al hit the nail on the head about late-night posting. I think the problem is that I keep cramming more info--some useless, some not--into my brain that other, slightly more relevant things get squeezed out, whatever they may be. And once Barchi took over I had hope for things in athletics to turn around because of his leadership, not in spite of it.

But it was a good interview with Adubato. I think it first aired about six months ago, so you can catch it on a re-run or by googling "One-On-One With Steve Adubato."
I will give you a pass because you are a good guy but you should listen to al next time. LOL

And I think I saw it the same day you did. Only caught the last part but you're right it was a good interview. And IMO it showed McCormick in a good light. He did well.
Originally posted by e5fdny:
Originally posted by RutgersRaRa:

Originally posted by Local Shill:
Shocked that a prolific poster here didn't know that.
Shill, sometimes I shock myself with my lapses, and Al hit the nail on the head about late-night posting. I think the problem is that I keep cramming more info--some useless, some not--into my brain that other, slightly more relevant things get squeezed out, whatever they may be. And once Barchi took over I had hope for things in athletics to turn around because of his leadership, not in spite of it.

But it was a good interview with Adubato. I think it first aired about six months ago, so you can catch it on a re-run or by googling "One-On-One With Steve Adubato."
I will give you a pass because you are a good guy but you should listen to al next time. LOL

And I think I saw it the same day you did. Only caught the last part but you're right it was a good interview. And IMO it showed McCormick in a good light. He did well.
Thanks, bruthaman! It's fair to say that I'm not always firing on all wheels. ;-)

As for Adubato, he is RU-friendly so it's pretty cool that he got McCormick on there, who is a big fan of RU himself--I always worry that a former employee will turn sour, but not so in this case.
McCormick, Jr. recently wrote a book, Raised at Rutgers. Gives an accounting of growing up there when his father was a professor up through his presidency. He does fess up to his affair at U. of W. and, in fact, acknowledges interviewing when he was about to be canned there. He turned down RU once, did not admit his status there, yet was hired here.

On the other hand, his support for athletics is clear. And he pretty much skewers the state for its lack of support of RU on a number of issues.

I think that those who are close to RU will find a number of his recollections to be pretty interesting.
Mac Senior also taught New Jersey History ( 400 level course). I took it in 1978 and the only mandatory book was his, which he autographed for me at the end of the course. Great class and class guy!
Originally posted by RutgersRaRa:
Watching "One On One" with Steve Adubato now
Adubato was seating in my row for our last Bowl game in Yankee Stadium.
Originally posted by srru86:

Originally posted by RutgersRaRa:
Watching "One On One" with Steve Adubato now
Adubato was seating in my row for our last Bowl game in Yankee Stadium.
He's a nice guy. I ran into him in Starbucks in Montclair (the one on S. Park), and of course I was wearing Rutgers stuff. He was on the phone, and he sees me walk in and notices my Rutgers affinity, and he sticks out his hand to shake mine as I walk by. He never broke from his phone call, but that one interaction told me he is a fan of RU and RU athletics.
Originally posted by Knightmoves:

Originally posted by RC1978:
Saying all that, his father was the best Professor, Dean, and representative this school ever had.
This is very true. He made History 101 a fascinating learning experience and was an even finer gentleman than he was an educator.
As a Math major, I never took any history courses but, in my freshman year, Dean McCormick gave an informal history lesson on Rutgers in the basement lounge of Demarest Hall. I recall being very impressed by him, and that impression never changed over the years. They just don't make them like that any more.