I had this done back all the way back in June 2001, somewhere in NYC, when I was 24.
Best decision I ever made. I was blind as a bat. Wore glasses since 3rd grade and contacts since about 6th grade. My prescription got worse and worse every year. I forget what it was by the time I got lasik, but it was horrible. I literally could not read a stop sign, for instance, if I was standing a couple feet away from it.
Well, I haven't had any issues since I had lasik. I drove to NYC the day after the procedure for a followup and was amazed at what I could see and how well.
And I admit, I was negligent, hadn't been to the eye doctor since. I finally went June 2014. Doctor said I was 20/20. And I just went back this past Monday for a checkup. Still good, no issues whatsoever. Doctor said in time I could possibly need reading glasses ever so slightly, but that is years away. Hopefully by that point, I'd just get some kind of followup procedure anyhow.
Bottom line, if you are thinking about it, I'd say go for it. 14 years of glasses/contacts-free life for me and I couldn't be more grateful.