OT: need a new job!

Southern Gentleman

All American
Aug 10, 2011
i recently signed up and paid my processing fee for the University of Northern New Jersey. After all these years I have a home away from home school. That I am so excited about! UNNJ is such a great school I cannot wait to root for the Fighting Marsupials!

I have ordered my sweatshirts and underwear. When does Rush start? My understanding is that our football team will be great again this year. Is that true? What about the rumors of an academic cheating scandal? Something about bogus classes? Ala North Carolina. What about paying some QB to come play here? $180,000 seems like a great amount of money, but I don't know. What conference are we in?

It doesn't matter! I Just want a national championship team and damn the consequences! God I hope we have a decent coach and a QB who doesn't actually suck this year!
Fighting marsupials? They're the Badgers you backwater slackjaw.

And it is pretty clever of the feds to take pictures of each student in a t-shirt in the UNNJ office. When the feds round up the students, I wonder if they say, "Badgers, we don't need no stinking badgers."
Fighting marsupials? They're the Badgers you backwater slackjaw.

And it is pretty clever of the feds to take pictures of each student in a t-shirt in the UNNJ office. When the feds round up the students, I wonder if they say, "Badgers, we don't need no stinking badgers."

LMAO. "Backwater slack jaw". Damn, I haven't been insulted that well in years!

I need a UNNJ T -shirt! XXL please!
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You can major in "Waist Management." Boom!
They only offer waste management as part of their no show job curriculum. I heard the actors for The Sopranos audited the class for their NJ emersive studies program.
Fighting marsupials? They're the Badgers you backwater slackjaw.

And it is pretty clever of the feds to take pictures of each student in a t-shirt in the UNNJ office. When the feds round up the students, I wonder if they say, "Badgers, we don't need no stinking badgers."

Oh Damn. You can't call him a backwater slackjaw! [roll]
Based on the lists of "students" I've seen you aren't getting in unless you are Asian. Always the same story.