Preferably in Wayne or the surrounding areas. I've been putting off going, but it's becoming a quality of life issue now. Finger and shoulder issues, plus I may have torn my left bicep this weekend. Recommendations are really appreciated, as I put a lot of weight on people's experiences. Thanks.
Edit (01/08/2017): This was from almost 2 years ago folks. Funny thing is that my bicep issue cleared up after about 3 months. I was able to do more and more with it at the gym, until it was like it was never injured. The finger issue I had, my left ring finger crooking on its own, to the point where it was affecting my grasp, had been going on since Oct. 2014. Surprisingly that went away that summer when I started swimming. Go figure. Still have the shoulder issues, but they're less of an issue now.
Edit (01/08/2017): This was from almost 2 years ago folks. Funny thing is that my bicep issue cleared up after about 3 months. I was able to do more and more with it at the gym, until it was like it was never injured. The finger issue I had, my left ring finger crooking on its own, to the point where it was affecting my grasp, had been going on since Oct. 2014. Surprisingly that went away that summer when I started swimming. Go figure. Still have the shoulder issues, but they're less of an issue now.