OT: new horrible words or phrases that have entered our language

I've always respected my elders, and my respect for all of you has just gone up.
"What happened" is the worst.
When someone is not paying attention to you and they say quickly "what happened?"

Me at Wendy's drivethrough: "I'll take a double baconater please"

Girl: "What happened?"

Me: "I just ordered food"
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"I nearly threw up in my mouth."

I get it. You're disgusted. No need to hammer that home with that disgusting thought.
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In my opinion

Well of course it's your opinion. You're not stating a fact and you're the one speaking/typing!
I hate it when sports commentators (or anyone in general) are talking about a group of players, or people (let's say good quarterbacks), and they say, "The Tom Bradys, the Peyton Mannings, the Andrew Lucks, ..."

There is only ONE Tom Brady, ONE Peyton Manning, and even ONE Michael Vick in the league.

Why do they say that?
It drives me NUTS!!!
Awesome sauce
Amaze balls
"Just sayin" - this really bothers me. Own what you say. Take accountability for it or don't say it at all.

Any other lazy abbreviation or acronym.
When people order food and say " I'll do this or that.....I'll do the pork chops"...hate that.
Agree. You do girlfriends and wives. Not food.

Football commentators and the word "shy". "Just shy of the first down." Shy is never used in that context in any other sport, occupation or endeavor.

You don't hear Jim McKay say "Sven threw the discus just shy of the world record" during an Olympics broadcast. short, just missed, etc.

Or "Gee honey your just shy of ten inches." More like "Gee honey you have big/large/massive/almost ten inch biceps."
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As in: Who is Rutgers versing this weekend? Rutgers is versing Indiana.
I coached a lot of softball seasons. At some point, many of the girls started with this. "Hey coach, who are we versing today?" Typically, I responded by saying we are PLAYING (opponent). We aren't writing them poetry."

"I for one"
I, for one, am not going to sit here while you denigrate the United States of America!

The most often misused word (that's awkward grammatically) has to be "literally." People do not understand what this word means. There's a commercial on GSN claiming their new show is "literally out of this world."
This is one of my daughter's biggest pet peeves. It drives her crazy, figuratively. Not literally. She is still sane.
I find it offensive when people mispronounce "offensive lineman". AW-fensive, not uh-FENS-ive!
I also hate when people "fix" food. Was it broken? I cook or prepare food.
"No Problem".
I say to a waiter/waitress 'Thank You' for something and they reply 'No Problem'.
I sure hope doing your job is 'No Problem', but I may have a problem giving you a good tip.
The reply to a 'Thank You' should be 'You're Welcome'.

You hit the nail right on the head. We went to Old Bay in New Brunswick not long ago and the waitress used the phrase "no problem" every time we said thank you... It was driving us nuts.
Dynamic - most incorrectly, and overused, word in all of sports.

From social media: turnt, ratchet, basic, hype, fam, gives me life... the list goes on

As in (in a meeting) "BigblockR will be quarterbacking this from our end."

I'd be happy if my boss really wanted me to go outside and throw the ball around, but I have a feeling this means I'll be babysitting a bunch of overpaid professionals who can't be trusted to know how to do their own jobs or take the initiative to do so.