OT: new horrible words or phrases that have entered our language

Poppin... And a huge one for me... On social media when someone says something funny and somebody responds by saying "I'm weak"

I don't even know wtf this means but ok twitter after the game Saturday some idiot that I know said Laviano "had him tight" and he "hope Laviano catch the fade in the locker room" what the hell does that even mean?
"I'm doing me"
"I could care less" -- Really? Then you're saying you do actually care a little. If not, then you should be saying, "I couldn't care less." Think about it.
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So many of the words and expressions being denigrated ITT are actually very good, creative adaptations of language and are well suited to their purposes. Language is fluid, and one of the sure ways to show your children that you're inflexible (i.e., old) is to insist that your own generation's usages are the best and that all other adaptations should cease. Deer Lowered, resist the urge to keep people off your lawn!
RaRa: I use many of these phrases all the time. But when I get to work, go to church, or am around my toddler, I can filter them out and replace them with more appropriate words for those settings. For some folks, there is no filter and that's all they know. Like it or not, they will be disadvantaged when competing for jobs with others who are more refined.
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Why do broadcasters have to say Burn a Timeout? Can't we just call a timeout or use a timeout?
This thread
You hit the nail right on the head. We went to Old Bay in New Brunswick not long ago and the waitress used the phrase "no problem" every time we said thank you... It was driving us nuts.

Agreed. Had a younger colleague who had spent one semester abroad in Australia and every time I thanked him, he responded "No worries". I felt like telling him that I wasn't in the slight bit worried, but, again, thank you.

On this board the use of the term "brain fart" applied to a coaching decision. It was common when we would lose a close game under GS. Classic Monday morning quarterbacking.
RaRa: I use many of these phrases all the time. But when I get to work, go to church, or am around my toddler, I can filter them out and replace them with more appropriate words for those settings. For some folks, there is no filter and that's all they know. Like it or not, they will be disadvantaged when competing for jobs with others who are more refined.
I understand the need-to-get-a-job aspect of proper english usage, but the point of the thread didn't seem to be language as an employment tool as much as words and expressions that grate on your nerves simply because they are personally annoying in any context. There is a creative aspect to each generation's linguistic adaptations and alterations that are fun to behold. The difference between the OED (more prescriptivist) and AED (more descriptivist) reflects one culture's ready acceptance of such changes and another's determination to remain the same. Depending on context I embrace arguments for inclusion or exclusion from a dictionary (see: googled), but by and large the creative element puts a smile on my face simply because it shows how the next generation is marking its territory.
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"No Problem".
I say to a waiter/waitress 'Thank You' for something and they reply 'No Problem'.
I sure hope doing your job is 'No Problem', but I may have a problem giving you a good tip.
The reply to a 'Thank You' should be 'You're Welcome'.

"No problem" as a response to "thank you" drives the Mrs. crazy. She's reported that Chik Fil a has trained their workers to respond, "My pleasure," when you say "Thank you." Not sure "my pleasure" is fitting, though. "You are welcome" still works best. Not sure why there's been a recent aversion to using that response. Curious times. . . .
rara: agree with much of your last post.

I think my own personal issues with today's colloquialisms tainted my original response to yours.
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When someone says " I need a Starbucks". No, you need. Cup of coffee from Starbucks , they also have juice, water and crappy pastries
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
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Growing up, a "ecosystem" was flora, fauna, the rain cycle and the food chain. Now it describe any interpersonal interactivity ("the eocosystem of Apple Iphone users").

Also not a fan of "Gnome Saying?" or that every piece of writing left behind by a mass shooter has to be called a "manifesto".

Recently seeing more use of "for sure" in recommendations, as in "Tastee Subs, for sure!"

Absolutely despise "delicious" and "two thousand and (any year after 2009)" Would you party like it's one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine?

The media overuses military jargon such as "boots on the ground", "force multiplier" and lately "battle space" ("Donald Trump controlled the battle space in the last debate")
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how bout "same ol' Rutgers!!" or

"the reporters at!!" aint no such thing anymore!!
"a whole nother"
"all of the sudden"
"I'm just gonna say it..." -- why do you need to say that you're going to say something?
"compete level" -- do you mean competitiveness? There's already a word for that.
"trickeration" -- do you mean trickery?
Okay, I'll give one that is an abomination: "coward," when used in reference to the 9/11 hijackers and other psychos. I get the sentiment about wanting to demean such people and their actions, but we really should use more appropriate descriptions than those that are manifestly false. Someone who believes in a cause to the extent that he gives his own life for it is not a coward, whether we like it or not--we wouldn't use the word "brave," either, since that carries a sense of nobility, so we are best staying away from either appellation. The Kamikaze pilots in WW2 weren't cowards, either. Just because we end up on the tragic side of others' actions doesn't automatically place them in the category of Coward, especially since so many more appropriate categories are available.
Okay, I'll give one that is an abomination: "coward," when used in reference to the 9/11 hijackers and other psychos. I get the sentiment about wanting to demean such people and their actions, but we really should use more appropriate descriptions than those that are manifestly false. Someone who believes in a cause to the extent that he gives his own life for it is not a coward, whether we like it or not--we wouldn't use the word "brave," either, since that carries a sense of nobility, so we are best staying away from either appellation. The Kamikaze pilots in WW2 weren't cowards, either. Just because we end up on the tragic side of others' actions doesn't automatically place them in the category of Coward, especially since so many more appropriate categories are available.
This always annoys me too. What is it that they were afraid of?
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Amazeballs has to be the worst word coined in this decade.

"The Michigans, The Ohio States, The Alabamas"

"At this hour..."

When someone pronounces " you're welcome" and "come" is the long syllable. Happens a lot in the restaurant and retail world.

Hate "CANdidit" instead of "candiDATE"

When retail establishments that are singular get the possessive treatment (Going to 'Best Buy's' instead of Best Buy).

When newcomers don't make a effort to master the local dialect. I know a lady who moved in from the West Coast who like to call Route 1 "The One". When In LA I say "The Five", not "Route Five". Gotta say that sports casters fail miserably when they try to pronounce "Looahvuhl", because when they use their news voice, it comes out like the Charlie Brown teacherish "Woowawul"

..and the worst thing of all,when some one writes "Rutger's" What's a Rutger? Rutger Hauer?
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