Please show me where I say the much smaller % of drugs NOT brought in by American citizens shouldn't be dealt with.
About those so-called "open borders":
1) Please explain to me why, when the GOP controlled both chambers and the oval office 2017-18, nothing was changed with what have been easily-passed permanent legislation about immigration policies that go back to the 1990s?
2) Please also explain to me when a bipartisan bill, crafted this year primarily by GOP members to change border policies in the specific, significant ways demanded for years by border states, was torpedoed by the GOP with a word to kill it from Trump?
Answer to both: The anger, hate and fear-based approach of today's MAGA GOP requires "open borders!" to be available as a campaigning tool permanently. Their biggest donors that call the shots on actual policy need undocumented workers in their fields, factories, kitchens, etc. indefinitely and they don't want their supply to stop, ever.