OT: R.I.P. John Lewis

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A giant in the civil rights movement. And an American hero.
Impossible shoes to fill.
Well said, a true American Hero. Nice article in the Times...

I also really enjoyed the short segment he did on Letterman's "new" interview show. Letterman had President Obama on for a wide ranging interview and partway through Dave showed a clip of Mr. Lewis walking and talking with Dave on the Edmund Pettus Bridge into Selma. Was very poignant, as it connected the importance of those marches to the immediate goals of basic civil rights and ultimately to paving the way for the possibility of a Barack Obama as President.

Those guys took the worst that real racists could give out and never fought back. They stuck to their belief in non-violence. In the end they were the winners.
A lesson for some of the radicals of today.
John Lewis said last year that our country was going the wrong way on race. Weird that now he isn't believable all the sudden.
Interesting choice of words. It’s almost as if you’re suggesting there are no longer “real racists?

Of course there are. But there are also manufactured ones. See people like Drew Brees, Jussie Smollet, the NASCAR noose or the ropes hanging from trees in an Oakland park which turned out were put up by African-American residents for exercise.
It's not like back then when you walked down a street in Selma or Montgomery or Little Rock where you knew the majority of the people HATED you.
There's a long way to go but race relations have come a long way since John Lewis, James Meredith and MLK. That's undeniable.
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John Lewis said last year that our country was going the wrong way on race. Weird that now he isn't believable all the sudden.

I didn't hear that but I would think that he might have meant things had improved since the 60's but the last 10 years or so things have taken a down ward turn. I would agree with that.
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I didn't hear that but I would think that he might have meant things had improved since the 60's but the last 10 years or so things have taken a down ward turn. I would agree with that.
Yes, that is what he meant, but he still thinks race relations is a big problem. one of his last public acts was visiting BLM plaza in Washington D.C. and saying how moved he was.
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I guess this was fake as well?

Pay attention. The question was asked if I thought there were still real racists. What was the first thing I said? Of course there are. What these people did was reprehensible.

But things don't have to be manufactured. Is Drew Brees a racist because he says that he would never kneel during the National Anthem because of the sacrifice of his grandfather during WW II? Of course not but you would have thought that he was a combination of Robert Byrd, George Wallace, Orvil Fabus and William Fulbright all rolled into one by reactions.
Look at the reaction to this thread. I'm the OP! I'm the guy that started this tribute to John Lewis!!! But since I don't believe 100% of all these accusations there's something wrong with me and imply that I support real racist actions.

You really want to quote Shaun King? Isn't this the guy that said all imagery of Christ and other Christian figures need to be removed because they are depicted as white?
Rest in Power Mr. John Lewis. Job well done. Thank you for your sacrifice, bravery, and perseverance during the Civil Rights Movement and beyond. The true embodiment of a legend. We have lost a National treasure.
Tico was baiting , surprised his post is still standing
His ignorance of what is and isn't protected free speech should stand.. as long as he knows a thing or two about football and roots for Rutgers. You know what.. I think I'll remove my reply to him... this thread is about a great man who died after all.
Those guys took the worst that real racists could give out and never fought back. They stuck to their belief in non-violence. In the end they were the winners.
A lesson for some of the radicals of today.
It’s a bygone era.
Mr. Lewis was a part of American history that brought about change and his life should be an example to all when fighting for what you believe is raised.
Rest in Peace John Lewis ,you were part of an era that fought for their rights so future generations shouldn't have to fight for theirs
Since he is now in the ground and Obama "went there".. I will say John Lewis was a great man who eventually got used by his "colleagues" in the increasingly radical black caucus. Obama shamed him by being so political during his eulogy.
I didn't hear that but I would think that he might have meant things had improved since the 60's but the last 10 years or so things have taken a down ward turn. I would agree with that.
When you have people like Obama stoking the flames it’s to be expected. Sad that he turned his funeral into a political speech
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