OT: Thank you

You in NJ? NJ seems to have some complicated emancipation rules.

When my eldest graduated college, I emailed my ex that I was cutting my child support payments by a third, with which the ex had no problem.

Had the kid immediately gone to grad school, I couldn't have done that. Had she not gone to school, it would be 21 (I think) unless she joined the military at 18, in which case she'd be immediately emancipated.

Had we gone through the courts, I'm guessing the court would've asked for everybody's current financial info and recomputed everything for two kids.

I should've sold her to a Saudi prince when she was 13. Blonde, blue eyed and beautiful - would've fetched me an easy $5 million. That'd be a lot of hookers and blow, I'm just sayin'. My youngest (male) doesn't want me to get snipped - says I should have some more daughters and not make the same mistake as last time. Probably figures his cut of my estate will go up, the mercenary little brat. LOL
After reading this, I am starting to think you are not kidding about hookers and blow.
How do you tell your fiancée you want a prenup? lol

A better question is how do you not tell her?

A prenup protects the financial interests of each person in the relationship. Unless you want the chick to take half of everything you owned before you first met her, a prenup makes sense.

But prenups have been challenged and don’t always hold up for a variety of reasons. Make sure the prenup gets signed long before the wedding date or her lawyer will say that she was forced to sign under duress as the wedding day approached. That would invalidate the prenup agreement.
I talked to an attorney about a prenup prior to getting married. He said unless you have ridiculous money it’s a waste to have one in NJ

I think that's terrible advice, and I would challenge the attorney as to why they are a waste in NJ specifically. It makes no sense. If you jump through all the hoops, the agreements are absolutely enforceable here, so not sure why "in NJ" that enters the equation of whether or not you should have one.

Whether or not you need "ridiculous money" to warrant having one depends on the people. A prenup will cost you from $4k to maybe $10k typically. While they are an absolute necessity for people with serious dough, they can work very well for the moderately wealthy also, and for the price, are a good idea. The key, I think, is that you have to be coming into the marriage with something. If you are not coming into the marriage with assets, they are kind of silly. If you are coming in with assets, I frankly think everyone should have them because they set the baseline. Of course that doesn't happen due to the entire stigma around them, which is unfortunate. In no other circumstance do you enter into such a critical financial arrangement with nothing in writing.

What is often lost on people in the whole pre-nup conversation is that typically the poorer spouse is compensated for agreeing to enter into the deal. A lot of people just have this idea that the poorer spouse should sign something waiving their right to alimony or a split of what would otherwise be marital assets. That's not a fair ask, although sometimes people will agree based on their fundamental beliefs. In most pre-nups, the spouse negotiates things like life insurance and alimony payments to be made in the event of a split. That is the bargain.

If you don't want to negotiate a buyout in the event of a termination of the marriage there is nothing wrong with entering into a pre-nup that allows marital assets to be split by the divorce court, but memorializes each party's separate property and takes it off the table, and further lays the groundwork for what is marital and what is separate during the marriage.
Yeah. And I've had that damn song in my head all day.
Went to listen to the song and got the R-rated version. Broke... broke... WT_? I was offended by YouTube's censorship. So I didn't listen to it. I like that m___________g song too.