OT: The Revenant - just go see it...


Gold Member
Jul 27, 2001
Metuchen, NJ
Quite possibly the best film I've seen in several years. Brutal, gut-wrenching "true" (how true any story can be from the 1820s is questionable, but it's based on a true story) story of the limits of what a human will go through. If DiCaprio doesn't win an Oscar, they should simply shut the awards down. Can only imagine what he went through in filming that. And he was able to convey more in his facial expressions, grunts and screams than most actors can convey with a script full of dialogue - there couldn't have been more than a few minutes of dialogue in the whole film, yet it wasn't missed, between the action, the struggles, and the incomparable scenery and cinematography. Not for the faint of heart, though, as much of the violence is brutal and often close-up, but it's also reflective of how difficult and violent life really was on the frontier back then.
Supposedly the Director opted to shoot almost entirely on-site with natural light, rather than in the comfort of a Hollywood studio set. In so doing, he made it 'less work' for the actors in that they didn't need to act the discomfort of shooting in the brutal environment.
Quality film. Not surprisingly took some liberties with the true story, but it was outstanding work. The director topped Birdman from last year, and Leo topped anything he'd done since Blood Diamond and the Departed back-to-back.
Supposedly the Director opted to shoot almost entirely on-site with natural light, rather than in the comfort of a Hollywood studio set. In so doing, he made it 'less work' for the actors in that they didn't need to act the discomfort of shooting in the brutal environment.
Yeah, read a fair amount about the making of the film and it was pretty amazing, shooting in rural Alberta in winter - the ice in DiCaprio's hair and beard is real and all the outside shots are real. Even the bison liver that vegetarian DiCaprio bites into is real.
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Thought the movie itself was just OK. Entertaining? Yes. As good as the hype it's getting? Don't see it. Getting way too much hype IMHO. That said, Leo was freakin' outstanding. Dude can act, no doubt, and it's clear he's not only versatile but really throws himself into the role. So I think the hype is justified "for his acting". Not seeing it for the movie itself. Not sure what else makes it really stand out besides Leo's acting.

Judging by the flavor of this thread I'm sure my opinion will get blasted. To each his own. :D
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Quite possibly the best film I've seen in several years. Brutal, gut-wrenching "true" (how true any story can be from the 1820s is questionable, but it's based on a true story) story of the limits of what a human will go through. If DiCaprio doesn't win an Oscar, they should simply shut the awards down. Can only imagine what he went through in filming that. And he was able to convey more in his facial expressions, grunts and screams than most actors can convey with a script full of dialogue - there couldn't have been more than a few minutes of dialogue in the whole film, yet it wasn't missed, between the action, the struggles, and the incomparable scenery and cinematography. Not for the faint of heart, though, as much of the violence is brutal and often close-up, but it's also reflective of how difficult and violent life really was on the frontier back then.
Okay movie, Star Wars was much better!
Quality film. Not surprisingly took some liberties with the true story, but it was outstanding work. The director topped Birdman from last year, and Leo topped anything he'd done since Blood Diamond and the Departed back-to-back.
Never liked Birdman. But you are definitely right on Blood Diamond and the Departed!
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If DiCaprio doesn't win an Oscar, they should simply shut the awards down. Can only imagine what he went through in filming that. And he was able to convey more in his facial expressions, grunts and screams than most actors can convey with a script full of dialogue ...

Great entertainment and cinematography. But fantastic in terms of his survivability, i.e. fantastic as in "fantasy." Casting aside the main character's battle exploits and "horse-over-the-cliff" landing and the bear mauling, what is most silly is that he is hypothermia-proof. Anyone who has ever dealt with winter wilderness and water submersion or any hypothermic situation will scoff at how this guy manages to survive. That and his ability to make fire in wet and wintery conditions. Got to laugh, out loud.
"overhyped" !!!! This is without one of the best movies ever made, the bear scene alone was worth the price admission. I never do this, but if you have not seen this movie, go see it NOW! Don't wait for the DVD, or Redbox, I don't care how big and bad you're TV is, it has to be seen in the Movies!
Now, I will admit it is not one of these complicated, thinkers movie, but it doesn't have to be. Just go see it!
Oh, and don't over think the movie like Pinehurst did, enjoy it!
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Eliminates your guilt to make your kids wait for the bus in the snowy a.m.
"overhyped" !!!! This is without one of the best movies ever made, the bear scene alone was worth the price admission. I never do this, but if you have not seen this movie, go see it NOW! Don't wait for the DVD, or Redbox, I don't care how big and bad you're TV is, it has to be seen in the Movies!
Now, I will admit it is not one of these complicated, thinkers movie, but it doesn't have to be. Just go see it!
Oh, and don't over think the movie like Pinehurst did, enjoy it!

Funny. It hardly took any "thought."
It was a good movie with great cinematography. The Indian raid at the beginning was intense. The one scene where I rolled my eyes and was like "Oh c'mon" was when he survives going off the cliff on his horse.
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Agreed, an interesting movie. I thought the cinematography was outstanding, sure Oscar winner. Scenery was beautiful. The bear attack scene set a new bar for special effects for me. The bear was real, Leo was real, but somehow the action was merged digitally. Leo was totally invested in his part physically and is an Oscar contender.

One negative for me was that the director thought he was Terrence Malick and wanted the movie to have an ethereal, dreamlike quality. What was up with all the burning trees? Also I made the mistake of reading about the true incident before watching. Thus I was aware that 90% of the movie was fabrication, added for dramatic element. That bothered me.

All in all a top film last year, but not a classic.
Great entertainment and cinematography. But fantastic in terms of his survivability, i.e. fantastic as in "fantasy." Casting aside the main character's battle exploits and "horse-over-the-cliff" landing and the bear mauling, what is most silly is that he is hypothermia-proof. Anyone who has ever dealt with winter wilderness and water submersion or any hypothermic situation will scoff at how this guy manages to survive. That and his ability to make fire in wet and wintery conditions. Got to laugh, out loud.

Well, the bear mauling is one of the few true parts of the story. I do agree that some elements were far-fetched, like the fact that he did not get hypothermia or frostbite. But, it was still a fantastic movie.
I thought he movie was slow and tedious. I really liked the bear scene and thought the setting was very well done. My biggest beef is that I felt like winter was the co-star of the movie and the bulk of the true story actually occurred in the some Hollywood liberties were taken.

A couple links to the back story...the real story (whatever it really was) was compelling enough that they didn't need to make stuff up.
The Revenant was interesting, great photography.. but is a bit overhyped I think.
Agree with this. Was very happy to see it in the theater, but overall the look of the film was much better than the actual story. Also thought Hardy gave a better performance than Leo. I'm a big Leo fan but he's had better performances in better movies where he should have won an Oscar. Kind of like Scorcese with, ironically, The Departed.
No. Star Wars was way better, and far more believable.
And I have $1.7 billion reasons to prove it's a better movie. And yes, movies are about entertainment, so box office matters.
Thought it was great. Very much in the tradition of the best Western films: the terrible beauty of the West; revenge theme; and a chase.
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Just to show you that everyone likes something different, I found the movie disappointing. It was beautifully shot, but it was plodding - too long and the characters were underdeveloped for my taste.
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Agree with this. Was very happy to see it in the theater, but overall the look of the film was much better than the actual story. Also thought Hardy gave a better performance than Leo. I'm a big Leo fan but he's had better performances in better movies where he should have won an Oscar. Kind of like Scorcese with, ironically, The Departed.

I'll go see the movie and I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but I have a feeling that the Alaska themed reality shows (there are so many now), especially those where they guy goes off the grid, are closer to reality.
Someone who knows me well just said: "too violent for you...skip it" :sunglasses: if you know of a funny or over stylized chick flick or all means, let me know...I get into those!
I read the book and am kind of surprised the movie even got made. The book was good, not great, and I kind of feel like the last two chapters of the book were deleted. It just kind of ended.

I have not seen the movie yet, and probably won't until its On Demand.
Agree with those who said the movie was great because of DiCaprio and the setting.

The horse over the cliff scene absolutely ruined it for me--Made my take of it being great movie be downgraded to a "ehh it is a pretty good movie". Also, found the movie to be too long at times with not much character depth and the emphasis on the visuals of the cold harsh winter.

The bear scene was cool, but not as cool as the Indian raid in my opinion, that was the best scene of the movie.

To each his own. This thread is why I NEVER trust movie reviews and will always see a movie I am interested in....opinions are like..well you know.
Interstellar (2014) which was also nominated for Best Picture was a better movie overall IMO. However, this one looks like it's going to sweep a lot of the awards.

Certainly in Cinematography its an amazing cinematic work... However, I thought the movie lacked emotion and any strong connection between characters but still a great movie. Btw Tom Hardy, as always, was terrific alongside Leo.
I agree with two previous posters that the movie was plodding and a bit tedious. The bear scene was very impressive. The movie could have been at least thirty minutes shorter.
Personally, when a movie is "inspired by a true story," like this one, I don't care much about them taking major liberties with the story, since the goal is a great film, not a faithful adaptation. I might get annoyed if a film were about a really well known historical event and it played fast and loose with the facts, but very few people "know" this story and details from back then are sketchy anyway.

With regard to SW7, that was a fun and entertaining, if derivative film, but it was totally different in style and intent, so I'm not even sure why people would compare them. How much money a film makes is certainly not the #1 criterion for judging a film's worth. If it were, SW7 would have been nominated for best picture.

At the end of the day, art is subjective, so people aren't going to convince each other of how great one film is vs. another. All I would reiterate is, IMO, The Revenant was an enthralling, gorgeously shot film, featuring a great story with some of the most visceral, emotive performances I've ever seen.
Personally, when a movie is "inspired by a true story," like this one, I don't care much about them taking major liberties with the story, since the goal is a great film, not a faithful adaptation. I might get annoyed if a film were about a really well known historical event and it played fast and loose with the facts, but very few people "know" this story and details from back then are sketchy anyway.

With regard to SW7, that was a fun and entertaining, if derivative film, but it was totally different in style and intent, so I'm not even sure why people would compare them. How much money a film makes is certainly not the #1 criterion for judging a film's worth. If it were, SW7 would have been nominated for best picture.

At the end of the day, art is subjective, so people aren't going to convince each other of how great one film is vs. another. All I would reiterate is, IMO, The Revenant was an enthralling, gorgeously shot film, featuring a great story with some of the most visceral, emotive performances I've ever seen.
SW7 made more money (and a crazy amount more) and was better reviewed by critics 92% to 82% fresh via Rotten Tomatoes (and it won if you only focus on top critics).

SW7 > Revenent

Simple stuff.
SW7 made more money (and a crazy amount more) and was better reviewed by critics 92% to 82% fresh via Rotten Tomatoes (and it won if you only focus on top critics).

SW7 > Revenent

Simple stuff.

The Revenant was nominated for Best Picture. SW7 was not.

The Revenant > SW7. Simple Stuff. Even for you.