OT: The Revenant - just go see it...

The Revenant was nominated for Best Picture. SW7 was not.

The Revenant > SW7. Simple Stuff. Even for you.
A bunch of old men that haven't worked in the industry for over 20 years and likely didn't watch either movie. Yeah, they know more than the movie professionals currently working.

You are hilarious sometimes!
A bunch of old men that haven't worked in the industry for over 20 years and likely didn't watch either movie. Yeah, they know more than the movie professionals currently working.

You are hilarious sometimes!

It's about artistry and $. Not driven by "old men" and women, by the way. Your youthful reaction betrays you.
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I have never seen anything on the big screen like the mauling by the big grizzly. It was spectacular and looked about as real as it could get. The Revenant is definitely not a flick to see on date night. I suggest you leave the rest of the family at home and see it alone. Leo was great even with only a few lines of dialogue through the entire film.
I try to see all the best picture nominated films before the academy awards...... This year I would vote for
Revenant and best actor for Leo...... And this was after watching Revenant on a small screen, then knowing that it would have been even better on the big screen.

I hope that " spotlight" is not the pick because while these investigative movies are interesting, they rarely stir much emotion or intense interest...... Good flick, not great.... Type of thing that you watch with interest but don't get involved.

As to "Star Wars", it has moved up to 11th place in all time viewership..... It will be interesting to see if it can catch and surpass movies that had a single run in the movie houses like "sound of music", "jaws" "Ten Commandments"

Still has a shot to do so with so much interest in the film
Quite possibly the best film I've seen in several years. Brutal, gut-wrenching "true" (how true any story can be from the 1820s is questionable, but it's based on a true story) story of the limits of what a human will go through. If DiCaprio doesn't win an Oscar, they should simply shut the awards down. Can only imagine what he went through in filming that. And he was able to convey more in his facial expressions, grunts and screams than most actors can convey with a script full of dialogue - there couldn't have been more than a few minutes of dialogue in the whole film, yet it wasn't missed, between the action, the struggles, and the incomparable scenery and cinematography. Not for the faint of heart, though, as much of the violence is brutal and often close-up, but it's also reflective of how difficult and violent life really was on the frontier back then.

Very happy to see DiCaprio win the Oscar for his astounding performance and for the film to win best Director for Alejandro González Iñárritu, as well as the cinematography Oscar. Was nearly certain Leo and the cinematography awards were locks - should've bet on it, lol. A little surprised it didn't win Best Picture, though, after winning Best Director.
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SW7 made more money (and a crazy amount more) and was better reviewed by critics 92% to 82% fresh via Rotten Tomatoes (and it won if you only focus on top critics).

SW7 > Revenent

Simple stuff.
2 words...Special effects....outside of that...childishly silly and cartoonish.
Interstellar (2014) which was also nominated for Best Picture was a better movie overall IMO. However, this one looks like it's going to sweep a lot of the awards.

Certainly in Cinematography its an amazing cinematic work... However, I thought the movie lacked emotion and any strong connection between characters but still a great movie. Btw Tom Hardy, as always, was terrific alongside Leo.

Interstellar was horrible. Walked out of the movie with 15 minutes left. Simply awful
DiCaprio's performance was amazing. Was a very good movie but at times didn't hold my interest. Great movies to me are one's that you don't want to end. With the Revenant, my mind kept wandering to the Burger we were going to have after the movie.
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