OT: The Ten Commandments

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Not really complaining, just find it comical that a handful of folks continue to argue in a thread that was originally intended to discuss an old movie. You can complain about a thread and read it at the same time too.
Agree. A forum is about exchanging opinions, among other things. And, IMO, it's as valid to comment about the thread itself, or the direction a thread is taking, as it is to comment on the intended subject of the thread.
Agree. A forum is about exchanging opinions, among other things. And, IMO, it's as valid to comment about the thread itself, or the direction a thread is taking, as it is to comment on the intended subject of the thread.
Thanks. And I was interested in reading the discussion for a while, but then it seemed to become a dog chasing its tail. My real intent was simply to compliment you on your post which speaks volumes of truth.
I thought Ye were going to Judge Not?

Why are you so bigoted and judgmental?

Also, I wonder why you care so much about what people think of you and of others. Almost like you wish to be justified in their eyes.

Maybe all of your hate is misdirected.

Perhaps you hate Christians and Christianity because God’s law is like a mirror that shows you and all of us our sinfulness and our need for a savior.

There is one way for you to find peace, real peace, peace with God.
Because for the same reason he states about many others on here .Sadly he views those who anger him/ her as bigots when he / she has no idea who they truly are. A smart educated person perhaps but he / she feels they / them are void of any guilt for dumb postings. There are reasons people question this sensitive subject on surgeries at a young age parental permission or not. Those in medical science can’t even agree amongst themselves as to what the way forward should be.
Twisted or not, what gives you the right to look down on others and punish them for their life choices? What in the world makes you think your sh*t doesn't stink?? And what makes you think your opinion matters in how others live their life? Mind your business. You're probably better than a Sominex pill at putting others to sleep. Tolerance is what keeps Muslims in the US and elsewhere from being outlawed or persecuted. Careful old man that YOU don't become the target of the kind of intolerance you give out.

What gives you the right to castigate what I think is right?
You make a monkey out of yourself with boomerang arguments
You preach tolerance while being intolerant.
You attack judgement while being judgemental.
Worse that that is equating judgement with discernment and seeking to disable it.
We cant discern murderers and molesters as evil - too judgemental?
People in denial of realities think like that - ego preservation

Cutting the muscles and skin off a girl to disfigure her (and wreck her organs) in order to sew a non-functional, clump of flesh on her to mimic a male organ is crazy and wicked - Nazi doctor stuff.

I have to assume my opinion matters when people people freak over stuff that's just common sense.
People that operate from their lower nature usually resent those seeking to rise above theirs.
Now I don't know you, but I do remember your "Fetish Phoenix" Instagram, workout pics that also showed your S&M dungeon.
Someone into that stuff is usually going to resent others who will be opposed to such debauchery
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What gives you the right to castigate what I think is right?
You make a monkey out of yourself with boomerang arguments
You preach tolerance while being intolerant.
You attack judgement while being judgemental.
Worse that that is equating judgement with discernment and seeking to disable it.
We cant discern murderers and molesters as evil - too judgemental?
People in denial of realities think like that - ego preservation

Cutting the muscles and skin off a girl to disfigure her (and wreck her organs) in order to sew a non-functional, clump of flesh on her to mimic a male organ is crazy and wicked - Nazi doctor stuff.

I have to assume my opinion matters when people people freak over stuff that's just common sense.
People that operate from their lower nature usually resent those seeking to rise above theirs.
Now I don't know you, but I do remember your "Fetish Phoenix" Instagram, workout pics that also showed your S&M dungeon.
Someone into that stuff is usually going to resent others who will be opposed to such debauchery
Nice deflection. When backed against the wall turn it back on the other person. Like all your right wing fellow travelers you can't refute arguments so you use other tactics.

Get this through your head: in a free society people are allowed to live their lives as they see fit. You are free to not like it but you are NOT free to punish them or discriminate against them--and thus take away their freedom. On a lower note, maybe for once in your life you might keep your dislike of others to yourself. We've heard it a million times. We get it. You hate non-conformists. That makes you garden variety.

Once again: what makes you think your sh*t doesn't stink? Or that you're so perfect that the way you live your life is above criticism? Just because you are more conventional you are not more correct or morally acceptable. Get that notion out of your head.

And tolerance is not extended to bigots who persecute others.
Nice deflection. When backed against the wall turn it back on the other person. Like all your right wing fellow travelers you can't refute arguments so you use other tactics.

Get this through your head: in a free society people are allowed to live their lives as they see fit. You are free to not like it but you are NOT free to punish them or discriminate against them--and thus take away their freedom. On a lower note, maybe for once in your life you might keep your dislike of others to yourself. We've heard it a million times. We get it. You hate non-conformists. That makes you garden variety.

Once again: what makes you think your sh*t doesn't stink? Or that you're so perfect that the way you live your life is above criticism? Just because you are more conventional you are not more correct or morally acceptable. Get that notion out of your head.

And tolerance is not extended to bigots who persecute others.
You saw a guy from the current Administration proudly present on TV today a 12 page document attempting to place the August 2022 ( in Afghan ) withdrawal debacle on the past guy . Another sad play at deflection as is the usual game plan. If people don’t see the reality it will forever show exactly the earmarks that Rome , Greece and several others have witnessed and given us fair warning. Educated people…that is a major misnomer .
  • Angry
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You saw a guy from the current Administration proudly present on TV today a 12 page document attempting to place the August 2022 ( in Afghan ) withdrawal debacle on the past guy . Another sad play at deflection as is the usual game plan. If people don’t see the reality it will forever show exactly the earmarks that Rome , Greece and several others have witnessed and given us fair warning. Educated people…that is a major misnomer .

I’m struggling to see the connection between that and ANYTHING in this thread.
Nice deflection. When backed against the wall turn it back on the other person. Like all your right wing fellow travelers you can't refute arguments so you use other tactics.

Get this through your head: in a free society people are allowed to live their lives as they see fit. You are free to not like it but you are NOT free to punish them or discriminate against them--and thus take away their freedom. On a lower note, maybe for once in your life you might keep your dislike of others to yourself. We've heard it a million times. We get it. You hate non-conformists. That makes you garden variety.

Once again: what makes you think your sh*t doesn't stink? Or that you're so perfect that the way you live your life is above criticism? Just because you are more conventional you are not more correct or morally acceptable. Get that notion out of your head.

And tolerance is not extended to bigots who persecute others.
Read what you said about allowing people to live their lives freely. That was a great piece of advice as long as the other side allows for free speaking as to why others question their thinking. Where are our resident Drs. Sheldon Coopers of the board. Those multi degreed folks who gleefully castrated posters for dissenting on the past election of 2016 or Covid 19 validity and safety. Eventually those who took a hard left may wish for something more sane.
Read what you said about allowing people to live their lives freely. That was a great piece of advice as long as the other side allows for free speaking as to why others question their thinking. Where are our resident Drs. Sheldon Coopers of the board. Those multi degreed folks who gleefully castrated posters for dissenting on the past election of 2016 or Covid 19 validity and safety. Eventually those who took a hard left may wish for something more sane.
You can't see the difference between a transgendered person, minding their own business, being tolerated and left alone and someone who inexplicably hates that person bad-mouthing them, inciting hatred, accusing them of preying on children being called out for it? You want to be able to persecute innocent people and get away with it in the name of tolerance.
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I’m struggling to see the connection between that and ANYTHING in this thread.
when the conversation has good points that go against the points you're trying to make, get everyone on a political issue that will misdirect the conversation
That's probably the connection.
As for all the talk about God and God doesn't exist
Stephen Hawking said he had a simple answer when asked whether he believed in god
I’m struggling to see the connection between that and ANYTHING in this thread.
These guys are partisans seething with rage who will defend anything on their side and attack anything on the other side, and make everything about partisan politics. There are people on the left like that, too. Opinionated loudmouths convinced they and their side are 100% correct all the time and anyone who disagrees can't possibly have a good reason for why they disagree. And they think we want to hear their whining about the other side a zillion times, like we don't already know. I love how conservatives at every possible opportunity have to tell everyone how much they hate gay and transgendered people, as if we haven't heard it for decades. Angry people.
You can't see the difference between a transgendered person, minding their own business, being tolerated and left alone and someone who inexplicably hates that person bad-mouthing them, inciting hatred, accusing them of preying on children being called out for it? You want to be able to persecute innocent people and get away with it in the name of tolerance.
Read what you originally said and what I replied. People can live their lives any way they want it has never been an issue for me and my entire family. On the other hand do you agree that this way should be for both sides? If you can’t see that reasoning then you are a troubled soul
. By the way they aren’t calling out children in 99% of the incidents in the news. People are calling out teachers, medical ( professionals) and those who are pushing for suggesting a child under 18 actually knows what they are doing. A better way would be to analyze home and outside emotional issues that bring those feelings of NOT being a boy or girl. The rush to gender reassignment surgery is a money maker… and a RX $$$$ maker. People who have no business in the child’s actual life ,which would include all of us , should as I precluded leave it up to parents.
What gives you the right to castigate what I think is right?
You make a monkey out of yourself with boomerang arguments
You preach tolerance while being intolerant.
You attack judgement while being judgemental.
Worse that that is equating judgement with discernment and seeking to disable it.
We cant discern murderers and molesters as evil - too judgemental?
People in denial of realities think like that - ego preservation

Cutting the muscles and skin off a girl to disfigure her (and wreck her organs) in order to sew a non-functional, clump of flesh on her to mimic a male organ is crazy and wicked - Nazi doctor stuff.

I have to assume my opinion matters when people people freak over stuff that's just common sense.
People that operate from their lower nature usually resent those seeking to rise above theirs.
Now I don't know you, but I do remember your "Fetish Phoenix" Instagram, workout pics that also showed your S&M dungeon.
Someone into that stuff is usually going to resent others who will be opposed to such debauchery

God Damn! This is some weirdo shit you are fixed on. Take a lap or 10. Seriously.
Read what you originally said and what I replied. People can live their lives any way they want it has never been an issue for me and my entire family. On the other hand do you agree that this way should be for both sides? If you can’t see that reasoning then you are a troubled soul
. By the way they aren’t calling out children in 99% of the incidents in the news. People are calling out teachers, medical ( professionals) and those who are pushing for suggesting a child under 18 actually knows what they are doing. A better way would be to analyze home and outside emotional issues that bring those feelings of NOT being a boy or girl. The rush to gender reassignment surgery is a money maker… and a RX $$$$ maker. People who have no business in the child’s actual life ,which would include all of us , should as I precluded leave it up to parents.
I'm curious as to how and when you became an expert on gender dysphoria and gender reassignment. You think the surgeries are just money makers? Have you talked to many transgendered people or people who treat them? What are you basing that on? Are you also concerned about other plastic surgeries that are money makers or just the one that reassign gender?

As for everyone living their life as they choose I'm all for it. However, if living your life as you wish includes making mine harder then I do not support that and I have every right to criticize and fight you.
I'm curious as to how and when you became an expert on gender dysphoria and gender reassignment. You think the surgeries are just money makers? Have you talked to many transgendered people or people who treat them? What are you basing that on? Are you also concerned about other plastic surgeries that are money makers or just the one that reassign gender?

As for everyone living their life as they choose I'm all for it. However, if living your life as you wish includes making mine harder then I do not support that and I have every right to criticize and fight you.
Here’s what I will let you know. There was a young boy who lived down the street from my family( Ed was his real name) His father asked all the boys ( we were ages 11-13 ) who lived on the street to help his son Ed get involved with sports rather than playing with dolls from sun up to bedtime. The mom thought it was cute and really nobody gave it a 2nd thought. But no matter how the kids tried young Ed still wanted only the dolls. His mom did not want him getting hurt In sports even though the father was a very good athlete during his high school days and gave him full consent.By the time young Ed was in high school he began making trips into NYC and spent much time learning about a new community. After school at age 19 he began fully dressing as a woman and within 2 years contracted AIDS and passed. It was in college where the subject was breached during several psych classes and though this surgery wasn’t a common thing it did make good conversation. Keep in mind trans surgery was being done back in the 1940’s . The techniques and numbers increased during the 70’s -80’s . If my friend Ed had not contracted AIDS I’m probably sure he would have tried this surgery. For you to think this has nothing to do with the Almighty $$$$ you need to dig somewhat deeper in those books . I will guide you back to your original posting of people need to allow others to live their lives as they wish. That is exactly my take. But realize I also spent time in the military working in hospitals , emergency care and talked to many doctors who had had experiences with men who thought they were women. So there are many people who are interested in the subject and actually read about it.
I'm curious as to how and when you became an expert on gender dysphoria and gender reassignment. You think the surgeries are just money makers? Have you talked to many transgendered people or people who treat them? What are you basing that on? Are you also concerned about other plastic surgeries that are money makers or just the one that reassign gender?

As for everyone living their life as they choose I'm all for it. However, if living your life as you wish includes making mine harder then I do not support that and I have every right to criticize and fight you.
I have two married children ages 47-50 both have had friends in school who were not straight but gay. They are still friends today. My 47 year DJ’d in NYC clubs for 4-5 years he met his now wife of 16 years during late 90’s . He to this day says they are nice people for the most part. Only sometimes they go over the top trying to convert you. Soooo… when we discuss things and we should be able to . It is sad “ EVERYONE “ thinks they have to be right.
It never fails when coming back to check it this board that every OT and even some Rutgers related ones devolve into the CE board crowd creating a cesspool of BS. You would all fit in well in places like TN and Idaho.
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Lol… looking at the protestors in Tennessee we won’t have to worry about a domestic increase in babies.
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It never fails when coming back to check it this board that every OT and even some Rutgers related ones devolve into the CE board crowd creating a cesspool of BS. You would all fit in well in places like TN and Idaho
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It never fails when coming back to check it this board that every OT and even some Rutgers related ones devolve into the CE board crowd creating a cesspool of BS. You would all fit in well in places like TN and Idaho
Thanks. And I was interested in reading the discussion for a while, but then it seemed to become a dog chasing its tail. My real intent was simply to compliment you on your post which speaks volumes of truth.
These guys are partisans seething with rage who will defend anything on their side and attack anything on the other side, and make everything about partisan politics. There are people on the left like that, too. Opinionated loudmouths convinced they and their side are 100% correct all the time and anyone who disagrees can't possibly have a good reason for why they disagree. And they think we want to hear their whining about the other side a zillion times, like we don't already know. I love how conservatives at every possible opportunity have to tell everyone how much they hate gay and transgendered people, as if we haven't heard it for decades. Angry people.
Here’s what I will let you know. There was a young boy who lived down the street from my family( Ed was his real name) His father asked all the boys ( we were ages 11-13 ) who lived on the street to help his son Ed get involved with sports rather than playing with dolls from sun up to bedtime. The mom thought it was cute and really nobody gave it a 2nd thought. But no matter how the kids tried young Ed still wanted only the dolls. His mom did not want him getting hurt In sports even though the father was a very good athlete during his high school days and gave him full consent.By the time young Ed was in high school he began making trips into NYC and spent much time learning about a new community. After school at age 19 he began fully dressing as a woman and within 2 years contracted AIDS and passed. It was in college where the subject was breached during several psych classes and though this surgery wasn’t a common thing it did make good conversation. Keep in mind trans surgery was being done back in the 1940’s . The techniques and numbers increased during the 70’s -80’s . If my friend Ed had not contracted AIDS I’m probably sure he would have tried this surgery. For you to think this has nothing to do with the Almighty $$$$ you need to dig somewhat deeper in those books . I will guide you back to your original posting of people need to allow others to live their lives as they wish. That is exactly my take. But realize I also spent time in the military working in hospitals , emergency care and talked to many doctors who had had experiences with men who thought they were women. So there are many people who are interested in the subject and actually read about it.
And I have a degree in psychology, have probably met far more transgendered people than you, and have a brother who hung out with and dated transgendered women for a number of years. And I don't profess to be an expert or make outlandish statements like the surgeries are all about money. Yes some people who say they are transgendered are actually schizophrenic--I was taught 50%--but the others are genuine. Children undergoing the process is an issue for them, their parents and doctors. If you can't force a kid to get vaccinated you can't interfere in their life in other ways. That's more hypocrisy coming from the right. I long for the days when the right was at least consistent instead of filled from top to bottom with double standards.
The only ones seething with rage are those who can’t let go of their hate for conservatives. Christian’s / Jesus and Fox News. The basic facts are you say leave them alone but then feel free to make accusations against anyone they don’t agree with and say they whine. Have you been this way since the 1980’s.
The only ones seething with rage are those who can’t let go of their hate for conservatives. Christian’s / Jesus and Fox News. The basic facts are you say leave them alone but then feel free to make accusations against anyone they don’t agree with and say they whine. Have you been this way since the 1980’s.
The only ones? The sure sign of a partisan hack is someone unwilling to admit bad things about their side. To deny the right has some angry people is laughable.
And I have a degree in psychology, have probably met far more transgendered people than you, and have a brother who hung out with and dated transgendered women for a number of years. And I don't profess to be an expert or make outlandish statements like the surgeries are all about money. Yes some people who say they are transgendered are actually schizophrenic--I was taught 50%--but the others are genuine. Children undergoing the process is an issue for them, their parents and doctors. If you can't force a kid to get vaccinated you can't interfere in their life in other ways. That's more hypocrisy coming from the right. I long for the days when the right was at least consistent instead of filled from top to bottom with double standards.
I maintain you allow ONLY the parents , the doctors and child if over the age of reasoning which for most men will never occur and for women the same around 17 Government has NO jurisdiction in this matter and especially the public . Most of those protesting for trans rights have no skin in the game. It makes them feel good that perhaps they are upholding an ideology only against the evil R party BTW: You aren’t the type of doctor that is a surgeon specializing in removal of breasts, vagina, penis etc. you are a psychologist if I ‘m understanding your background. Perhaps someday the issue and the personal hate and attacks will subside .
The only ones? The sure sign of a partisan hack is someone unwilling to admit bad things about their side. To deny the right has some angry people is laughable.
Who denied that the “ RIGHT “ did not have angry people? You for example have never said, “ I made a mistake or misspoke about a topic”’ . You’re just a perfect and kind person and we all see that. The only thing worse than a psychiatrist is a psychologist who evidently is in need of some LOVE.
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Who denied that the “ RIGHT “ did not have angry people? You for example have never said, “ I made a mistake or misspoke about a topic”’ . You’re just a perfect and kind person and we all see that. The only thing worse than a psychiatrist is a psychologist who evidently is in need of some LOVE.
Do you even read what you post? You said the only angry people are ones who criticize conservatives and Christians. You need to seriously find another hobby. The world really doesn't need a other old conservative screaming about how the world is going to hell. We have too many already amd they've always been a plague.
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when the conversation has good points that go against the points you're trying to make, get everyone on a political issue that will misdirect the conversation
That's probably the connection.
As for all the talk about God and God doesn't exist
Stephen Hawking said he had a simple answer when asked whether he believed in god
To conclude that Hawking was an atheist, as the linked article does, is a bit of an overstatement. I recall that he had stated he could not prove there was no God; therefore, he could not rule out the possibility that there was a God. However, his scientific conclusion was that the universe could have been created without the existence of a God.
no one more bigoted, more hateful, more jaded, and more hypocritical than the sprites on the left

looking at you mr leather fun guy;)
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For RUBob72
Grew up in the 40's & 50's myself. Would you please explain the notion of "still supporting the communist agenda".
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