OT: The Worst Movie Ever

Agree with a lot of these but I thought Inception was a pretty good movie.
Don't get me wrong it is great movie, great acting, script, effects, etc but it doesn't stop me from putting it on my worst list, the same way Memento, I couldn't think of it when I posted, is a great movie but on my worst list because of the way it was told. It can be a great movie but MY worst list. Christopher Nolan is one of the best at it ever but Inception and Memento bother me most, the most of the rest are all thumbs up, minor complaints.
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If we're going with bad John Wayne movies, I have to go with him playing Ghengis Khan.

Hey.. they made that movie amid fallout from nuclear bomb tests
You must have smoking some blunts. Otherwise no.
Hunter S Thompson was a boy who knew how to party. He invented immoderate recreational drug use. He is the grandfather of the modern hookers and blow lifestyle.

As such, how could I not like a movie made from his book? 😀
This thing was not some DIY project put together by a bunch of misfits and hangers on like Plan 9.

It was an MGM studio production with recognizable stars and totally unwatchable.

I saw it in a drive-in along Route 36 on the Bayshore. I think the theater closed right after screening this dog.

Dirty Dancing. Only movie I wanted to walk out of but was on a first date.
I walked out on Sausage Party. Wanted to be edgy, but was unfunny and boring. I’m pretty sure that The English Patient was horrible but it so quickly put me into a movie-induced coma that I can’t remember a second of it.
General comment: I don't get the fascination with super-hero flicks. There must be other stories to tell.
The Big Bus circa 1977 and Message from Space 1979 were god awful trash. MFS was so bad it was comical with a Spanish Galleon sailing through space and people swimming amongst the stars.