OT: Tom Herman is so over rated


All Conference
Gold Member
Aug 29, 2014
Cherry Hill, NJ
He had 1 good year as a coach and everybody jumped on board. He should almost be fired for losing to Maryland.
Gotta give MD credit, they're good

The jury is out on that. They almost gave this game up after a comfortable lead. Herman takes over a team who was 5-7 last year and they get a #23 ranking? Shades of Notre Dame having losing records and always getting put in the top 10 to start every season. Maryland did shut them down after their two injuries and Texas closed within 3 points. So props to them for that and winning against a big name school on the road.
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Surprise Maryland won, I thought the heat would get them in fourth quarter.
One thing is for sure: until we prove otherwise we are securely at the bottom of the Big Ten east.
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The problem with the castrated bovines is not talent...they have has been coaching. The same problem A&M has...tons of talent, top notch facilities, awash is $$ but mediocre coaching and awful results! It is an unmitigated case of doing WAY less with LOTS!!
Like it or not Maryland is playing better and better. This win is going to earn them style points from the media. So Hermann is overrated after what he accomplished in Houston? Give him a couple of seasons and then judge his ability to coach.
So was Mack Brown! Remember the great Charlie Strong!!! That's sarcasm.
Considered richt was a HC for years at Georgia and was proven I'm confused
Yeah so far Herrman with a non power five team beat 2 top 5 teams and a top ten team in 2 years. Won a conference and finished top 10. He also was 6-0 against top 25 teams and 5-0 (until today)against power 5 teams Already better than anything schiano has done and 95 percent of college coaches have done. You're an asshat
Texas is loaded with 4-5* players.
And those 4 and 5 star players sucked last year. They went 5-7 beat only one team with a winning record 7-6 Baylor and lost to Kansas for the 1st time in 100 yrs. What in that resume screams Top 25. They suck this year as well, they got ranked off of a name, Texas and a coach who won somewhere else, Herman. Make no mistake they're still a bad football team. But Maryland is going to get credit for beating Texas a Top 25 team.
Like it or not Maryland is playing better and better. This win is going to earn them style points from the media. So Hermann is overrated after what he accomplished in Houston? Give him a couple of seasons and then judge his ability to coach.
This is Texas he doesn't have a couple years. Yes, style points from the media, in reality Texas is no where near the Top 25. This game is nothing like what we just went through.
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- Unranked
- 19 pt underdog
- On the road
- 6 injured starters
- Lost starting QB in the 4th
- Only up by 3 with 7+ minutes left
- True Freshman QB comes in
- Wins

I know my Aggies will stink up the join this year, but it is delightful to see this festering pile of decomposing pus lose!!

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This is Texas he doesn't have a couple years. Yes, style points from the media, in reality Texas is no where near the Top 25. This game is nothing like what we just went through. Texas sucked last year, they had a coach who specialized in defense and they sucked at that. Now this year they don't run the ball, just pass and suck on offense and suck even worse on defense.
K: I'm not disagreeing with you at all. However, I do believe that MD is a much improved team from last year and as terrible as we believe Texas is this year they are still loaded with 4* & 5* studs a team that will eventually turn it around. As for Hermann, he may be overpaid but not overrated. Do I think we could beat MD, absolutely, but it would help if we played in Piscataway.
It might take more than a year to turn Texas around even if they have highly ranked recruits. Maryland has a lot more 4 star recruits than us and most of their offensive line are 4 stars. I guess their coach isn't that bad.
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I want to know what some of you are watching with Texas. You keep talking about all this talent they have, but their defensive guys are not athletic. They might be alright on offense, but they do not have talent on the defensive side of the ball.
It's one game... Last year everyone was ready to hand them a playoff berth after beating Notre Dame last year.. how did that turn out?

Texas has San Jose St next.
Maryland's good. They're no Liberty, but they're good.
If the RU/Maryland game was next week I believe we would be a near double digit underdog.....partly because Maryland seems to be that, and partly because we gave away any home team advantage.
I LOVE when they have Mack Brown comment on Texas highlights after they lose.

You can almost hear him give them "the finger" in every word he says :)
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I wonder how focused Texas was this week in preparing for the game. How many players have been dealing with displaced families or relatives? How much did the weather in Austin disrupt game prep?
I wonder how focused Texas was this week in preparing for the game. How many players have been dealing with displaced families or relatives? How much did the weather in Austin disrupt game prep?

Those things could have been a factor but I'll throw another possibility out there:

Texas lost the game because they just flat out got beat at the line of scrimmage. Both sides of the ball.

Quite frankly, I think Texas underestimated UMD's athleticism/speed.
Don't know who passes out the stars, but the 4and 5 star guys that Texas has don't look and play like ones at Alabama and Clemson. Perhaps it's just the mediocre coaching over the past several years that hasn't been able to coach these kids properly.
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Don't know who passes out the stars, but the 4and 5 star guys that Texas has don't look and play like ones at Alabama and Clemson. Perhaps it's just the mediocre coaching over the past several years that hasn't been able to coach these kids properly.

I'm just throwing this out there, but perhaps Texas high school football has fallen off?

I'm not saying they don't have talented players, but it seems like the rest of the nation has caught up a bit
Texas is in a weird funk. It's not like Miami with golden where you could tell the talent was there, but coaching was not up to par. At Texas it seems like both the players underperform and the coaching was lackluster.

This is just another example of how silly preseason polls are. What the heck did Texas do to deserve a ranking?
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