OT: Tom Herman is so over rated

Maryland took tbeir B1G opportunity and ran with it. Picked a coach who apparently has some stain. We are crawling with a coach who is still a work in progress.
Guys this is just one game for Hermann and Texas. They ran into a much improved MD team. By the way DJ DURKIN is a damn good head football coach and one heck of recruiter. Not sure why we need to denigrate their victory by dismissing Texas and Tom Hermann as overrated.
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Texas is in a weird funk. It's not like Miami with golden where you could tell the talent was there, but coaching was not up to par. At Texas it seems like both the players underperform and the coaching was lackluster.

This is just another example of how silly preseason polls are. What the heck did Texas do to deserve a ranking?
They hired Tom Herman.
Don't know who passes out the stars, but the 4and 5 star guys that Texas has don't look and play like ones at Alabama and Clemson. Perhaps it's just the mediocre coaching over the past several years that hasn't been able to coach these kids properly.
Stars mean nothing without coaching and player development. There's been a lot of mediocre coaching at Texas since they last won a National Championship. That's exactly why they've underachieved relative to the recruiting rankings.
Yeah so far Herrman with a non power five team beat 2 top 5 teams and a top ten team in 2 years. Won a conference and finished top 10. He also was 6-0 against top 25 teams and 5-0 (until today)against power 5 teams Already better than anything schiano has done and 95 percent of college coaches have done. You're an asshat

why did you have to bring Schiano into this thread? Nobody mentioned him and there was absolutely no reason to.

The people obsessed with blasting Schiano are far worse than those who appreciate what he did at RU. There's no reason to bring him into every conversation.
why did you have to bring Schiano into this thread? Nobody mentioned him and there was absolutely no reason to.

The people obsessed with blasting Schiano are far worse than those who appreciate what he did at RU. There's no reason to bring him into every conversation.
Personally I love schiano, but he's our greatest coach ever and Hermann dwarfed him in 2 years. Who pissed in your cornflakes ?
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Texas playing USC real tough, at USC!! 7-7

I'm going to refrain from insulting people who said the Herman was overrated. But I said it once and I'll say it again, TEXAS is loaded with 5* players!!! It's only a matter of time before they start winning high profile games. One more thing Herman is a dam good Head Coach.
Texas playing USC real tough, at USC!! 7-7

I'm going to refrain from insulting people who said the Herman was overrated. But I said it once and I'll say it again, TEXAS is loaded with 5* players!!! It's only a matter of time before they start winning high profile games. One more thing Herman is a dam good Head Coach.
lol @160louis
I've liked Herman before he blew up but I still refrain from saying how good or bad he is because it's still early in his tenure at Texas so who knows for sure. People jump on and off bandwagons so quickly without seeing consistency or a long enough track record.

One good game or bad game or even good year or bad year doesn't show enough to get a true feel. LSU just stunk it up against Miss. St but I still like Aranda. It's the body of work over time that matters.
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I've liked Herman before he blew up but I still refrain from saying how good or bad he is because it's still early in his tenure at Texas so who knows for sure. People jump on and off bandwagons so quickly without seeing consistency or a long enough track record.

One good game or bad game or even good year or bad year doesn't show enough to get a true feel. LSU just stunk it up against Miss. St but I still like Aranda. It's the body of work over time that matters.
Herman has won everywhere he's been. He just signed on to richest athletic department in the country. He is going to dominate. LSU hired a recruiter. Stupid for a school that recruits itself.
Herman has won everywhere he's been. He just signed on to richest athletic department in the country. He is going to dominate. LSU hired a recruiter. Stupid for a school that recruits itself.
It's not Orgeron I like, it's Aranda his DC. My point is that I don't judge off a singular game or year even. LSU was stupid no doubt, I've never liked Orgeron. He's heavily relying on his coordinators and I don't know how much of a good CEO type coach he is either. Judging by their boards it sounds like they're not too happy with a bunch of 3 stars he's getting. I don't know... don't follow recruiting.

I was reading their boards tonight and his buyouts are crazy. Like 12M after this year, 8M after next and then 6 while they're still paying Miles. Not to mention Orgeron makes 3.5M.... for what I don't know. This is what I mean that ADs frivolously use resources and pay money to coaches just because they can not because the coach is worth it. Who was knocking down Orgeron's door for them to dole out a contract like that.

As to Herman, I have liked him since before Houston and was hoping for him to come here when that whole USF/Flood thing was rumored. Could barely get a response on him, everyone was one Narduzzi at that time. I know he's got the Texas recruiting ground and resources and has a good track record to date but I still like to see consistency with each new stop. It doesn't always carry over from place to place or as you move up levels.
Nice drive by the freshman on the road and some tough 4th down conversions. Looked like a TD to me.
So who gets credit for the great passing game, by both the quarterback in the wide receivers, for Texas tonight?
Nice playcall on that 1st goal. Also good job answering all that momentum by USC with the late drive to tie and then a TD on the first play of OT. Thought it was bleak for the answer on the road and they've done it.
Well Tim Beck is the qb coach and OC so I'd say him and Herman.
Drew's important - when Herman needs a new stick of gum, Drew runs up to pass it over - hence passing coordinator.
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This game is unbelievable

Dang - knew it would be a good one but I fell asleep at the half. I was surprised the game was USC's first sellout since 2013 but I guess that's the price for having mediocre seasons in a 100k stadium
Both teams played great. USC squeaked by this one at home. In 2018 Tom Herman will field a dominant team.
While I did not say it.. I was also thinking that maybe Tom Herman's offense would not work at a higher level.. but Hermann went with the Frosh QB in game 2 and they won 56-0.. and we all saw game 3,, wow, what a game.

Looks like he found a QB that can make it work. As long as that QB stays healthy maybe Texas can make some noise. That Texas D looks like fun to play on.

AS for DM's value with Texas.. they threw over the top again and again.. 50/50 balls.. they stretched the field.. does that sound like what we saw with DM last year? I think not.
Next year they'll be the team to beat in the B12. Their defense is a step away from being truly elite. He's a couple years away from having a NC team. The premise that he's overrated is an outrageous comment. I don't look at a body of work, if he could come in a win 2 NC in the next eight years history will speak for itself.
Next year they'll be the team to beat in the B12. Their defense is a step away from being truly elite. He's a couple years away from having a NC team. The premise that he's overrated is an outrageous comment. I don't look at a body of work, if he could come in a win 2 NC in the next eight years history will speak for itself.

So both Texas AND the Pedophile Supporters will win the NC in a couple of years? I thought that only one could win now that we have the 4 team playoff?