OT: UNC Releases "New" NOA


All American
Aug 27, 2011
Raleigh's N&O reports UNC released its second "ANOA" earlier today. A PDF of that doc is available via UNC at:

Per Dan Kane, "The new notice includes an unethical conduct and extra-benefit violation against the two architects of the bogus class scandal – Deborah Crowder and Julius Nyang’oro. It says UNC and its athletics department “leveraged the relationship with Crowder and Nyang’oro to obtain special arrangements for student-athletes in violation of extra-benefit legislation.”

Kane's article:

Will be interesting to see if Crowder and Julius N take the fall for the initiative. I suspect they will stay $ilent.
All of the football and men's basketball players that took those fake classes were all just a coincidence. Nothing to see here. :joy:
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Th only teams that were really cheating according to UNC were all of the untelevised sports.
Yeah, but they all graduated, right?

C's means degrees!

Also just think of all of the high paying jobs a general studies degree will bring you.
Dan Kane just posted a more in-depth article:

Kane's lead: "A new list of NCAA allegations against UNC-Chapel Hill brings men's basketball and football back into the picture, expands the time frame of violations and deepens the potential penalties for a scheme of bogus classes that benefited athletes."
Another N&O writer chimes in:

UNC seems to have been successful, in any case, of protecting Dean Smith. The NCAA apparently overlooked the fact that these sham classes began under Smith, with the first 23 of 25 enrollees having been Smith's BB players. This goes back to 1989, per UNC's own documented admission to its accreditation agency, SACS.

OK. St. Dean is off limits. But let's get Swoffy. And Baddour.
Of course, the lead sports item on Triangle news/sports this evening is Duke's Grayson Allen leg trip.

That's rich. Go Heels!!!