OT: UNC Scandal... Boxill Resigns & Wants Retirement $


All American
Aug 27, 2011
Just reported by the Raleigh N&O, "Jan Boxill, the former UNC-Chapel Hill faculty leader who reportedly
knew about fake classes at the university and steered athletes to them, has resigned."

They warned her. Rather than wait to be fired, she, with this act. now wants to receive FULL retirement benefits. That, my friends, is called "The Carolina Way." And she led the CENTER FOR ETHICS.

FYI, Dick Baddour, the AD at UNC during the peak scandal years, receives an annual pension of $281,000 for his years of service. No kidding. As an NC taxpayer, this all astounds me.

See below or online at:

Jan Boxill resigns from UNC

By Jane Stancill
03/05/2015 12:37 PM

Read more here: Hill--Jan Boxill, the former UNC-Chapel Hill faculty leader who reportedly knew about fake classes at the university and steered athletes to them, has resigned.

The resignation was effective Feb. 28, according to a statement released Thursday by Rick White, associate vice chancellor
for communications and public affairs.

According to the statement, UNC gave Boxill notice on Oct. 22 of its intent to fire her. That was the day the Wainstein Report about the athletic scandal was released.

"Until her resignation, Dr. Boxill was in the process of appealing the University's decision," the UNC release said. "Dr. Boxill has indicated her intent to seek retirement benefits based on her years of service as provided to state employees under North Carolina law."

Boxill, former director of the Parr Center for Ethics at UNC, was one of four university employees that Chancellor Carol Folt sought to fire after the Wainstein Report.

Read more here:

Read more here: HILL

Jan Boxill, the former UNC-Chapel Hill faculty leader who reportedly
knew about fake classes at the university and steered athletes to them,
has resigned.
The resignation was effective Feb. 28, according to
a statement released Thursday by Rick White, associate vice chancellor
for communications and public affairs.
According to the statement,
UNC gave Boxill notice on Oct. 22 of its intent to fire her. That was
the day the Wainstein Report about the athletic scandal was released.
her resignation, Dr. Boxill was in the process of appealing the
University's decision," the UNC release said. "Dr. Boxill has indicated
her intent to seek retirement benefits based on her years of service as
provided to state employees under North Carolina law."
former director of the Parr Center for Ethics at UNC, was one of four
university employees that Chancellor Carol Folt sought to fire after the
Wainstein Report.

Read more here:

This post was edited on 3/5 1:03 PM by RUinPinehurst
Local ABC-TV affiliate (WTVD) had contacted Boxill earlier today for comment. She said "the school's announcement of her intention to resign came as a surprise."

Said Boxill, in a statement: "Since
the Wainstein report, this has left my life in turmoil. I've given 30
years of honor and commitment. This has affected me and my family
emotionally and financially. This has turned my world upside down."
UNC's very own "The Daily Tar Heel" today chimes in with an article that adds:

"An investigation
by The Daily Tar Heel revealed that Boxill also offered an irregular
amount of independent studies herself while teaching in the philosophy
department. She offered 160 independent studies
between 2004 and 2014, and supplementary emails of the Wainstein report
show players were encouraged by Boxill to take her classes."

As an aside, today's tidbit, again, highlights how the scandal reached beyond the "isolated" Afro and African American Studies department.

DTH article at:
Where is ACC Commish Swofford's comment? He was involved with that scandal for decades. How is he escaping scrutiny? If I'm the other ACC schools I'd demand not only his resignation, but that the new Commissioner put Conference sanctions on UNC (like no bowl or bb tourny berths) and the symbolic stripping UNC of all ACC titles going back to the first year the phony classes/Grad school crap, and other transgressions began.

At this point the NCAA is completely powerless to do anything to a P5 school . The message is to other member schools.." do anything you want , you won't be touched by us'. Only the Conferences can regulate themselves w strong member schools and a strong Commissioner. The ACC w UNC & FSU appear NOT to be willing to regulate themselves.

I hope the NC media, as well as the National media do a better job exposing Swofford for the Fraud that he is.
Nothing to see here. . . . move along.
